Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"God's" Agenda?

Just like 2 plus 2 is equal to 9, the things Rick Warren says and does add up to something. If fact, when you put things together, you come up with Rick asserting the notion that God has an "agenda"and that it is being accomplished through Rick and what is happening at Saddleback Church, and not just that, but if you are not a part of what he is doing, you are not on board with the agenda of God.  This is no minor problem; there is some bad spiritual math going on here, and it looks like deception.

At the 2012 Vision Night at Saddleback Church, (there were several "nights,") Rick talked openly about "God's Agenda," stressing the importance of what God is doing in the world though Saddleback Church and giving vision for where the church would be going in the days ahead, including two major 40 Day campaigns and the release, or rather re-release of the Purpose Driven Life book, now re titled, What On Earth Am I Here For?, a remodel of the church media equipment and other various endeavors.  The idea behind it all was that this was all "God's Agenda" and God was specifically using Saddleback Church to see it though. 

Rick started the evening on an emotional level, telling his audience how much he loved them and encouraging his membership to believe they were so much better than all the other Christians in the world because they believed God more than anyone else.  He said, "God has looked down and he found a group of individuals (Saddleback Church) that were willing to believe him for just a little bit more than other churches, maybe, are willing to believe Him." Then he added, as if to say, the other churches are simply making a choice not to believe God, "....that is our choice."

 *You can hear these words from Rick at inappropriately the 2:39 mark on the

He has just fed their ego, not their soul.

The implication is that they are choosing to listen to God and this is evidently through the one mouthpiece to whom God has given his special agenda, (Rick.) He has just told them that all other people... all other churches that are full of people, that is.... at least those that are not Purpose Driven and under the authority of himself, are not making the wise choice of believing God like the people at Saddleback are.  Not only has he told them that God has looked down from heaven and seen how the people at  Saddleback Church are better than everyone else, but he is blessing them with all Rick has to offer because of it.  This is not only bad theology, un-biblical to do this, but from a moral standpoint, to be so arrogant and puffed up with yourself is just plain WRONG. 

This kind of message is gross flattery and it's not only flattery; it's psychological manipulation and you can be assured that it is intentionally done.   But then again, Rick routinely drops tidbits of information to convince people that God has spoken directly to him and that whatever thing he is about doing is a movement of God.  Here are a few quotes:

"In the dusty, dimly lit basement of that university library,    I heard God speak to me: 'That's where I want you to plant a church!'  - Rick Warren
Christianity Today article, Aug. 10, 2012; Published excerpt from The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg, 
How Rick Warren Harnessed the Power of Social Habits by Charles Duhigg, 2012

Apparently, God spoke directly, audibly, to Rick 
("in the dusty, dimly lit basement.")
God, it seems, "told him" that He wanted
 him to plant a church and the church, is Saddleback...
and certainly by now, if you know anything
 about Saddleback church's history, 
you have to believe that it's an
 act of God that Saddleback exists.

 “The influence of the book keeps amazing me everyday as I get requests for autographed copies. In today's stack: I signed books for 1) All the Supreme Court Justices 2) One for Fidel Castro (!) 3) One for the President of Peru (these last 2 were Spanish editions), and I recently got a note saying that everyone on Air Force One was reading the book recently. But all this is not about us. God's intention is much bigger than the book.”
Peace Plan Letter;  Rick Warren. Nov. 2003 

God's "intention"?

His amazement is false humility.
Rick indulges in a bit of boasting here  
so that perhaps  you and I can now better see
and be impressed with such greatness because 
 the BOOK is being embraced by all the world.  
  He points out that everyone of 
any perceived importance is reading it!
(Are you impressed yet?)
But, "God's intention"says, Rick,
" is much bigger than the book!"
Oh yes, you see, he was introducing the P.E.A.C.E. Plan
(the one that he declares God is going to use to bring
something he calls, "revival"
to the world.)

“You may have already heard about the P.E.A.C.E. Plan we're developing...It is a local church-based paradigm for missions in the 21st century, and we believe God will use it to bring worldwide revival.”
The task before us is enormous, but God is equipping us by Rick Warren

 He believes that God will use this P.E.A.C.E. Plan,
 (that they are developing,)


"Revival of what?"
 (You just have to ask.) 
Certainly not the "revival" of the CHURCH... 
because the church is not DEAD
You see were were dead in our  trespasses and sin, 
and then we were "born again" into the family of God
 though the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ and
, if you know the story of Jesus you
 know that though he was
crucified under Pontius Pilot,
He died and was buried...
Jesus is not dead,
(God raised him on the
third day according to the scriptures.)
We are "made alive in Christ."
We are new creatures...
(2 Corinthians 5:17.)
We are not what needs to be "revived."

He might be reviving something... but what?

"We will be like a giant mushroom expanding and exploding around the world.  Whatever it takes, it will be a holy moment."- Rick Warren
"Purpose Pastor unveils global Peace Plan by Christina M. Testa, Christian Examiner

Holy Moment?

A giant mushroom?
An explosion?

His ideas are not very peaceable,

it even sounds dangerous..
No fruit of the Spirit here... just a fungi,
 a giant mushroom...expanding like yeast...
exploding like a nuclear mushroom cloud.

 And be sure,  Rick Warren wants to out-do
 everything and everyone.... even Martin Luther and the 
so-called "Reformation" that began when 
Luther "nailed his thesis to the door." 
 Rick Warren has put himself in charge of 
 what he calls, a "New" Reformation 
whereby creeds are out and deeds are in.
Your faith is not a matter of what you profess, and believe anymore.  
Now it is a matter of what you do.

"The first Reformation was about belief; this one's going to be about behavior.  The first one was about creeds;  this one's going to be about our deeds.   The first one divided the church; this time it will unify the church."-Rick Warren
"Second Reformation' Will Unify Church"Warren tTlls Dallas GDOP  By Ken Camp Ministry Toolbox  Issue #207 5-18-2005

Rick believes that his P.E.A.C.E plan
and his "campaigns" in the church is a move of God.  
(and he hope you believe that too.)
He plans to unite the entire church,
(or is it "people of faith?") 
under the banner of "purpose."
He also wants EVERY LIFE to be "Purpose Driven."

 "We want every life to be purpose driven." -Rick Warren
Purpose Driven Church Conference Draws Scores of Pastors by Mark Ellis, Christianity.com

"I believe that today we are making history. We're making history that's going to start a movement that will bring a new Reformation in the church of God and a new spiritual awakening in our world.   And, our world needs it.  And today, as you say 'whatever it takes,' you're saying publicly, "I'm in, God. I'm in......I'm in.' " -Rick Warren
 Rick Warren, 25th Anniversary of Saddleback Church, April 17,2005, Anaheim Stadium 

Evidently, when you say publicly 
with Rick Warren, that you will do "whatever it takes,"
then you are siding with God, you are  telling God
 that you are in on his plan and what he is doing in the world.

This is bad advice. It is unethical advice to simply "do whatever it takes."
(You see the end does not "justify" the means.  
One cannot simply do whatever they
 want or think necessary in order to
 achieve the desired results.) 

But if you agree...that you will do whatever it takes,
you are telling God that you are "IN" on His "new" program...
 be it the P.E.A.C.E. Plan, the New Reformation, 
and being Purpose Driven... or on the Daniel Plan with Pastor Rick 
who has gotten all of this, 
(since that day in the dusty dark library,)
 directly from God.


Rick Warren believes the inspiration for his books, their contents, and even his own success is directed, and purposed by God.   He believes God is behind it all in a positive way, and that being "purpose driven" is God's plan, not only for the church, but for the entire world, including you. 

 If you remember, it was not very long ago that CBN, Time Magazine, and other big-and-internationally-recognized-as-important sources informed us of Rick's plan to create "Purpose Driven" nations. The first was Rwanda, and then came Uganda.  Since then Rick and friends have been working all over the world promoting his books an materials and giving him great notoriety for his visionary "leadership" in every country of the world.  Now, with the 10th Anniversary Edition of his PDL book being re-released, complete with "two new chapters for a new generation," who we young and probably missed out at the last publication of his miraculous book, Rick wants more than ever for YOU to catch the vision he promotes.  He wants you to help spread his ideas to every corner of the world and pass on information about his favorite word, PURPOSE.

So... if your are a pastor of a church, if you are a church-going-Christian  or even if you are just a lost soul looking for the reason you are here on earth, you are his target audience.  He hopes that you will be so impressed with Rick that you will trust his expertise to teach you everything you need to know.  He hopes you will be so enamored with how great the things he has accomplished in the eyes of the world are, that consequently you will also believe that this whole thing he is doing in order to build the kingdom of God is from God... and biblical... and he likely has some verse, somewhere, in some bible, (he uses many... whichever happens to prove his particular point,) that will back him up.   But the "big" question is, "Is it from God?"  If it is.. or isn't, how would you even know?

Does the kingdom of God come via your observation?

Well, surprisingly, if you become captivated by Rick, involved in a Rick Warren-Purpose Driven-Saddleback Church-style, "campaign,"* (that is a campaign of purpose, community, peace, love an/or destiny, or transformation,) your suddenly better than everyone else and you, unlike then, are now reattaching the arms and legs on Jesus and actively building "God's Kingdom". Once this takes place, the next thing you know, you have a new role. Pastors are no longer pastors, but "leaders," and your church, with the proper model for doing church  is now deemed as "healthy," built on the sure foundation of..."purpose"

to see where he got the idea for his 40 day "campaigns."

In fact, everyone is a "leader," (or to make it more palatable, a "servant-leader"(in the new paradigm, to be a "follower" or "slave" is just too passe.') Rick will not only help you learn leadership skills through training, but help you discover your S.H.A.P.E.... find your mission and purpose, he will help you to discover the leader inside of you. Once you do, as a leader, you will have the duty of being the "vision-caster" for your small group or congregation.  

Being the leader, means that it is now your duty to get people within the congregation on board, help them to see the same vision of Purpose and P.E.A.C.E. that Rick has helped you see, and to propagate Rick's teachings, (which he has repeated dropped hints about, ...if not outright told us, he received from God.)  Leaders will happily lay aside Bible study and doctrine, (at Rick's directive,) to embrace those NEW and improved, God-inspired materials (DVDs, books, study guides, recovery programs, Sunday school lessons, bookmarks, workbooks, journals, and especially produced trademarked items,) from both Zondervan and Saddleback Rick in order "grow" and be successful in their own "ministry."

Rick himself will tell you that he is a master at "vision casting." He holds regular "Vision Nights" at Saddleback where he casts vision for his congregation, (ie.. he conversationally lays out an idea for his congregation to grasp, to align themselves with and organize around.) In fact, Rick knows so much about vision casting, that he has even written his own book on the subject.     It is called Vision Casting: The Road to Leadership.   His most recent "Vision Nights" as mentioned earlier, was held October 23rd- 29th, 2012, and the advertising read:

 "Vision nights this week!  Pastor Rick will share his vision of your future and the future of Saddleback Church.  He will talk about how to make your life count, leave a legacy and fulfill your calling.  Be a part of history in the making."

Anyone want to miss out on that?  Imagine, being a part of "history in the making!"  It sounds bigger than life itself.

At one evening of "vision" Rick began the evening by emotionally telling the gathered crowd, "I love you."  At one session, (there were several,) he said, 

"The reason I do "vision night".... is because I know who's gonna come.... the cream of the crop..... (This is flattery)  I really just hold these vision nights so I can tell you, "I love you." (This is (sentimental) flattery.)  

Rick also told the crowd that Saddleback church was the "first church in two thousand years of human history, to go to every nation in the world."

Saddleback Church outdoes everyone, 
they even, apparently, out-did the apostles!

The main topic was, "God's Vision for Your Life," and the evening included an introduction of staff in charge of media and comments from Rick about media changes and remodeling in the church that are expected.  As advertised, in one session, Rick gave information on, how not to waste your life...and told everyone there how they could do this by being a history maker with Saddleback Church, (because after all, Saddleback had made history in the past and was making history once more with the republication of his book, the Purpose Driven Life.)

He made it a point to say that Saddleback church was "the single most unselfish church on the planet." 

"Single"  The only one.... the "most unselfish" 
of all on churches on the entire planet....

But then he also encouraged them... saying...

"Does anybody have the right to hear the gospel twice when some people have not heard it once?"-Rick Warren

Is this generosity? 

He encouraged them to embrace their incredible greatness saying,  
"Great lives are built on great causes."-Rick Warren

and things like: 

"I'm gonna let you in on a little secret... I have been praying this prayer for you,(regarding Matthew 9:36-38) I have been asking for God to send you out.... that God would raise up workers, that God would raise up laborers, that God would raise up people who realize there is something more than comfort.... that... ("my") "your" life was meant for significance.... it comes from service. " -Rick Warren

And... then he reminded them of God's direct revelation to himself, (and Saddleback Church,) about "purpose."

"God has given our church a great message... What is that message?"
Yes, tell is what is the Great Commissional
 message of this church to the world?
"That you are not an accident, that there is a purpose for your life, that God has never made a person he does not love, that you were made to last forever... that Christ died for your sins so that your past can be forgiven, you can have a purpose for living and a home in heaven."
                                                                                                                                                                      "-Rick Warren

It almost sounds like their church's message
 is the gospel...but somehow,
 it just misses the mark.
 How does one be saved?

He told them in one of the Vision Week services, that they needed to be on God's Agenda if they want God's blessing.  He said,

"Whenever anybody makes God's agenda, their agenda, they get the blessing on that."- Rick Warren

But this idea of being on "God's Agenda" from Rick is nothing "new."  He wrote about it way back when, in the first edition of the Purpose Driven Life, pg. 186.  He just didn't let on that he had another agenda, one revealed to him by God, way back in that  "
dusty, dimly lit basement of that university library."  In the Purpose Driven Life, he wrote:

“To fulfill your mission will require that you abandon 
your agenda and accept God’s agenda for your life. "

So you want God's blessing, right?  To get God's blessing, Rick insists, you have to be aligned with Rick.  You have to be "healthy" and that means you have to be a church that is under his directive, using his model, taking cues from him....balancing the Five Purposes as outlined, discovering your shape for ministry... in other words...God is blessing "Purpose Driven." And to be on God's Agenda.... it requires that "you abandon your agenda.... (You must abandon something...whatever this means)  and accept God’s agenda (meaning all that comes with it...that "new reformation"...." purpose driven," P.E.A.C.E. plan for the world thing... that was first given by special revelation of God to Rick in the library way back when,) for your life. "

What is God's Agenda?  Really?  Does God have an agenda?
Is he just some glorious businessman in the sky 
who looks down and smiles on Saddleback Church 
because they are more obedient,
 more faithful to God than any other churches? 

 Funny, but it sure seems that, biblically speaking, 
God's "Agenda," if it can be called that, it all about Jesus
 and the preaching, teaching,
 understanding of His Word. 
 It seems to be about 
people being  saved from sin  and death
by faith in the one who came
 from  the God who loves them, 
not about them finding  their  long lost "purpose."
God's work being that of drawing us to faith
us turning from sin and believing on the One He sent...
 his one and only Son, Jesus Christ.
You might say that God has a plan and a purpose...
but Rick would have people believe that 
they need Rick's God-inspired book and
 purpose-driven church teachings,
not the Bible if they are to be in line with 
God's purpose and plan.

Rick also taught his listeners that three things need to happen in order to make "God's Agenda" happen:

1. Adopt God's agenda.
He said to them, as if he were them, "I must adopt God's agenda"    
This brainwashing! He means you must listen to him who has God's Agenda...and adopt that belief.  The idea being that you must listen to Rick if you want to listen to "God" and be a part of what God is doing and "blessing."

2. Abandon all distractions.
He said, "If I want God's blessing.... I must abandon all distractions."  
In other words... make this Purpose Driven campaigning, every event at church all important in your life.  Do not listen to friends and family...who warn you of Rick, ( if you want the blessing of God....) Do not think anything else is more beneficial than working on projects with Rick.. not  hobby, work, school, home-life, nothing is more important than this "agenda" that "God" has. (Of course this is ...if you want the blessing of God.) Abandon.... ALL distractions.  (Interesting how he likes the Message by Eugene Peterson, a major distraction to understanding what the scriptures really say.) "Abandon" everything that distracts you from his program, God's Agenda," so he can control you and your mind.  He wants you to think you need to listen to him, since he has this special "IN" with "God."  The truth of the matter is that God's blessings are all already ours in Christ when we belong to him... all of them.  His sheep hear His voice... 

Rick continued, "The secret of an effective life, really, is just one word, "focus."  I called it 'Purpose Driven.'  Ask yourself, "Am I gonna go with my plan or God's purpose?  What is keeping you from God's agenda?  Whatever it is , let it go."

This is more brainwashing! He is saying that your focus should be on being "purpose driven."  Meanwhile, back at bible ranch, we keep our eyes focused elsewhere.... (Hebrews 12:2) Every wonder why Rick didn't give this advice for where our focus is to be?

While Paul revealed mysteries of God in the Bible, Rick would have you believe you can only know the "secret" things of God by listening to him.  This is manipulative.  Rick wants your undivided and fully devoted attention.   He wants you to submit to him because he alone has the "agenda" of God you need... if you want to have "blessing."

and finally....he said we must:

3. Appropriate God's power. (Whatever does this mean?)  
What does Rick mean by "appropriate God's power?"  It could mean just about anything, and it probably means more than you think at first glance.  
He says,  "We are blessed to be a blessing... so the more we bless others, the more God blesses us and it becomes a beautiful, beautiful thing."

"God's Agenda "?

"Once we are his, God uses us to reach others for these five purposes.  He saves us and then sends us out. (... to then reach others with the five purposes?)  The Bible says, "We have been sent to speak for Christ"  We are the messengers of God's love and purposes (? Really?  God's love... and something else?) to the world."  
Evangelism- Made for a Mission by Rick Warren, CBN.com, 

Rick Warren would have you reach others 
with the generic quasi-gospel of 
"God's love" and 
the "five purposes."
This is way-different than 
calling it the "gospel of Jesus Christ."
 whereby, He, Jesus Christ of the seed of David, 
was actually raised from the dead!
Besides, that "five purposes" thing 
is very legalistic, 
(something that you have to 
balance properly (as Rick does) 
in order to be deemed "healthy." 
(Galatians, Chapter 3?)
This way.. of course...(Ricks way) 
he can assure that all those "others"
 you reach to tell about God's love, 
will be "purpose driven"
and focused on "purpose "
just like YOU!

(You might want to reread Matthew 23....)

God's Agenda? Its not a secret if he has one, 
it's a simple, one point "focus":


1 John 5: 11-12
"And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life, 
and this life is in his Son. He that hath the Son hath life; 
and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life."

"Once we are his, God uses us to reach others for these five purposes."
                                                                                                   -Rick Warren

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