Sunday, November 18, 2012

Fishing with Rick

Fish Think

"If you’re going 
to be good at fishing, 
you’ve got to learn 
to think like a fish"
-Rick Warren
To Catch Fish, Learn To think Like Them 
by Rick Warren,
Christian Post,

Here is the first two lines of Rick's article:

"If you’re going to be good at fishing, you’ve got to learn to think like a fish.  If you’re going to be an effective fisher of men, you’ve got to think like a lost person."

Really?   This is earthly thinking.

Now that you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you’ve got to learn to think like a lost person?  Did he really just teach that?

If you believe that line of malarkey for one minute, then the proverbial "wool" has just been pulled over your eyes!  This is hardly biblical advice.   In fact, young Timothy was encouraged to "preach the word," in season and out of season. (2 Timothy 4:2)    This would infer that so called,"unbelievers" were as fair game as anyone, anytime to hear God's Word preached to them.  Besides, is it really so very difficult to do?  Is it hard to be an unbeliever- you know, gratify self instead of  walk in the holy spirit, hate God's authority. and just plain think like " a lost person?" Christian, is thinking like an unbeliever, (whatever that means) s something that you must "learn" how to do? 

Rick suggests that it is hard and would even have you believe that Christians are pretty bad at doing this, but bad enough as it is to be a "Christian" who has no concept of what it is like to be a "lost person,"  look out, "pastors" are even worse, according to Rick.   Rick makes himself out to be even worse than most because he's a son-of- a-pastor!  (and you know how BAD they are! Rick here, will tell you:

"Here’s the problem. Unfortunately, the longer you are a Christian, the less you think like an unbeliever. I don’t think like a non-Christian; I think like a Christian. In fact, I think like a pastor. That’s even worse! It’s two generations removed from the people I want to reach." -Rick Warren
To Catch Fish, Learn To think Like Them by Rick Warren, 11/16/12 Christian Post,

"If you’re going to understand and reach non-Christians, you’ve got to begin with their mindset.  The Bible says in Luke 6, “Jesus knew what they were thinking” (GW). In fact, multiple times in Scripture we read that Jesus knew what the people whom he was ministering to were thinking. Jesus gives us a great example of someone thinking like a fish."-Rick Warren
To Catch Fish, Learn To think Like Them by Rick Warren, 11/16/12 Christian Post,

Jesus knew their thoughts because he is omniscient...
not because he has a grip on fish think.
This was not some technique he happened to have mastered
and it certainly was not instructed of the disciples, not something
they needed to do learn to do before they went out doing the "Great Comission,"
(making disciples of every nation.)   

Now that you see through wool dimly... Rick will enlighten you about how wrong the church is.... (well, all those many churches, but not those like his own:)

"Unfortunately, many churches don't take the time to understand the people they want to reach and they don't have a strategy. They want to win people to Christ as long as it can be done in a comfortable way."-Rick Warren

Rick Warren: Jesus gave five fishing guidelines for evangelism By Jon Walker, 

(Those not like his own.... those "small churches" are even labeled by Rick as "selfish."  

"To reach unbelievers you have to move outside your own comfort zone and do things that often feel awkward and uncomfortable to you. It takes unselfish people to grow a church. Lost people have a lot of problems and their lives are messy. Its not by accident that Jesus compared evangelism to fishing. Fishing is often messy and smelly. So many churches want the fish they catch to be prescaled, gutted, cleaned and cooked. That's why they never reach anyone." - Rick Warren

Becoming a Purpose Driven Church, Part One, (an interview with Jon Walker,) By Rick Warren,

 And here's another teaching about "fishing." In this one he teaches that your bills get paid if you focus on evangelism.  Heck, the  money just pours out from those fishes mouths!  (He uses Matthew 17:27 as an example!)  Apparently, Rick thinks that the purpose of evangelism is purely economical as he teaches us that the coin was in the fishes mouth... so "fishing" is practical, it pays your bills!

"Third, when you spend nickels and dimes on evangelism, you get nickel and dime results. Do you remember the story about the time Jesus told Peter to go find money in a fish’s mouth in order to pay the Roman taxes? In Matthew 17:27 (NIV) Jesus told Peter, "... go to the lake and throw out your line. Take the first fish you catch; open its mouth and you will find a four-drachma coin.” I believe there is an important lesson in that story: The coin was in the mouth of the fish! If you’ll focus on fishing (evangelism), God will pay your bills!"

How Much Does Evangelism Cost?  By Rick Warren

The problem, according to Rick, is being a believer.  His advice is that you really do not stop thinking like an unbeliever.  Some people, like Chris Roseborough in the link there, think that Rick is all wrong about fisher's of men using deception to catch even one fish.  He points out that real fishers of men, cast a net and catch all kinds of fish.  Instead of using God's program, his "net" working in our midst, us doing what God says and fishing where and how he tells us.... Rick is suggesting that you use your own fishing expertise to catch the kind of fish you are wanting to catch.  In order to do this, you evidently need some partiality for the particular kids of fish you aim to catch and then you put what they like to eat on your deadly little hook.

"We must learn to think like unbelievers in order to win them," appealed Warren. "The problem is the longer you are a believer, the less you think like an unbeliever. Your interests and values change. You must intentionally change mental gears when seeking to relate to non-Christians." Using church advertising as an example, Warren said most of it is written from a believer's viewpoint, not from the mind-set of the unchurched. He asked, "When you see a church ad that announces 'Preaching the inerrant Word of God,' who do you think that ad appeals to?"

Rick Warren: Jesus gave five fishing guidelines for evangelism By Jon Walker
If the ad is not appealing to unbelievers.... would a church that had a different advertisement but still  believed and taught the "inerrant Word of God" still appeal to an unbeliever and entice them to stay?

2 Corinthians 6 14-18
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: 
for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness?
 and what communion hath light with darkness? 
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? 
or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 

And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? 
for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, 
I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, 
and they shall be my people.  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, 
and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.  
 And will be a Father unto you, 
and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.

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