Sunday, November 25, 2012

Put Another Nickel In... In the Nicol-odian..

....Music, Music, Music.... 
that is, 
Music.... according to Rick:

“A song can often touch people in ways a sermon can’t. Music can bypass intellectual barriers and take the message straight to the heart.  It’s a potent tool for evangelism. In Psalm 40:3 (NCV) David says, ‘He put a NEW song in my mouth ... Many people will see this and worship him. Then they will trust the Lord.’ Notice the clear connection between music and evangelism. ... Music is the primary communicator of values to the younger generation.  If we don't use contemporary music to spread godly values, Satan will have an unchallenged access to an entire generation. Music is a force that cannot be ignored.”  ~Rick Warren 
Some Rules for Selecting Music by Rick Warren Church Leaders Gazette, February 14, 2010

Notice the title of the article this quote came from.  
"Some Rules For Selecting Music."

Why is Rick writing "rules" for churches to follow?
You have to wonder....
Church... did you need some NEW RULES to follow?
Man's rules at that?  

And... those 'intellectual barriers"
Why "bypass" them with endorphins created by music
 rather than use human reason engaged by words?
(Isaiah 1:18?)

And regarding Rick's use of Psalm 40:3- why did he leave out part
 of THAT verse that tells what the NEW song
 of David is directed towards?
"even praise unto our God."


"Sadly, in most churches they are still singing the same old songs. "~ Rick Warren 
Some Rules for Selecting Music by Rick Warren Church Leaders Gazette, February 14, 2010

Perhaps they are ("sadly?") still telling
 the "old, old" story too?

"The style of music you choose to use in your services will be one of the most critical (and controversial!) decisions you make in the life of your church. It may be the most influential factor in determining who your church reaches for Christ and whether or not your church grows. You must match your music to the kind of people God wants your church to reach."  ~Rick Warren 
"Match the Music to the People You Want to Reach" by Rick Warren Rick Warren’s Ministry Toolbox # 190, January 19, 2005,

"The music you use “positions” your church in your community. It defines who you are. Once you have decided on the style of music you’re going to use in worship, you have set the direction of your church in far more ways than you realize. It will determine the kind of people you attract, the kind of people you keep, and the kind of people you lose."         ~Rick Warren 

"Match the Music to the People You Want to Reach" by Rick Warren Rick Warren’s Ministry Toolbox # 190, January 19, 2005,

Is this using music as if it were some kind of idol?
Is our preference something we must 
have in order to "worship"
God the way we like best?

If music "defines us," as a church 
or defines our "position" in community, 
then what about Jesus Christ?  
Where is he is this all important concept
of music "defining" who we are?

John 3:30

.... and WHO is being defined?

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