Rick Warren, Tweet, March 28th 2012
Does this mean they are man-centered? You have to wonder. And seriously, for someone who is not into building programs.. whose church is focused on developing people, not programs.., building character into people, not cathedrals," Rick sure has a lot of programs which he and his church staff and his partners not in the church have put together for you to implement. He apparently wants to give you the impression though, that he is not about programs. Apparently "Purpose Driven" churches with his trademark all over them are not about programs either, but they all have implemented some of Rick's.
The programs Rick offers churches are not cheap or free either. His latest "Program," the NEW and "improved" (the "Purpose Driven Life" book, with a new twist,) What on Earth am I Here For, has lots of stuff for you to buy in order to do the "program" at your church.... including:
What on Earth Am I Here For Study Guide...
What on Earth Am I Here For Campaign (Program) Kit...
What on Earth Am I Here For Small Group DVD...
What on Earth Am I Here For Bookmarks
(This price is for a package of 25. It's obviously designed for the church hosting the "Campaign." (program.)
"Campaign" items for your church to purchase are available from http://www.saddlebackresources.com/What-On-Earth-Am-I-Here-For
This is only one of many programs... or are they "campaigns"?
"I-I actually learned the idea of a campaign, from the communists."
But that's another story.
Visit "Campaign Central" here and here too! There is also the "Campaign Store," here, where you will likely learn all the principles of "campaigning" here, just like Rick did!
Other Rick Warren "Campaigns" (otherwise known as "programs") that you could implement at your church (for several fees) include:
Forty Days in the Word (Note the long list of "essential resources" for implementing this program.)
Forty Days of Community (<---click church="church" font="font" from="from" highlighted="highlighted" learn="learn" more="more" on="on" saddleback="saddleback" these="these" titles="titles" to="to">---click>
Forty Days of Love
Forty Days of Purpose
But wait! There are more programs than just these! There is:
Celebrate Recovery
Besides campaign materials for your church to promote the program, you will need to implement the program using an organization manual, a DVD, a folder with eight sermons, a set of four participants using books, songs, a prayer card and a CD. There are also many related articles to order. You are supposed to "Nevermind" that it is merely a repackaged Alcololics Anonymous program. There is nothing original on the part of Rick and friends, all this is is repackaged, (flavored with some scripture references specifically for Christian consumption of the 12 secular steps,) A.A.
See: http://www.ccclife.org/pages/page.asp?page_id=112742See: http://www.thebereancall.org/node/2568
See: http://www.rejoicenow.nl/page/celebrate-recovery-heresy
See: http://www.saddlebackresources.com/Celebrate-Recovery-Support-Tools-C168.aspx
Oh, and you will need to purchase a Celebrate Recovery Bible too, because.... "it is the only Bible that directly corresponds to the Celebrate Recovery curriculum. The Celebrate Recovery Bible has been designed to work with the resources developed and tested in the national and international ministry of Celebrate Recovery."
Life's Healing Choices (An eight week "Celebrate Recovery-look-a-like program for those who likely would not attend your church's Celebrate Recovery (Rick's AA program for churches,) because they have no drug or alcohol addiction... but who still would benefit from the "step by step" instruction through this Christianized version of Alcoholics Anonymous' 12-Steps of recovery and self-discovery process. )
Managing Finances God's Way (a seven week small-group program you can purchase to learn from Rick)
The Daniel Plan - a 52 week "program" for physical health and well-being whereby Rick teams up with three men who will teach participants what it means to be healthy.... doctors Daniel Amen, Mark Hymen and Mehmet Oz
Foundations A program developed not by Rick, but by Tom Holladay and Rick's wife, Kay Warren. It's a "24 session" program you can implement at your church to let them teach the "Essentials of the Christian Faith" to your small group or church congregation.... if you purchase the 6 CD program for $200.00. It is said to be a"complete resource " all you will need to learning doctrines and that it provides the theological basis for living a "purpose driven life." It's a program that they say is "ideal for Sunday Night or midweek series, Weekday bible Studies, Sunday school classes and study groups of any size."
Celebration Station - a program you can implement for your kids!
C.L.A.S.S. 101, 201, 301, 401
STAFF (This is a let-Rick-Train-your-church staff the "ten values that Saddleback was built-on" program. )
There's even a program for you, if you want to be a healthy "leader" (instead of a dreary old undesireable "follower." Don't you want to being out the hidden "leader" in you?)
But remember, just like all those other "healthy" "Purpose Driven"(TM) churches, we do not want just any kind of "leader." At this leadership training,
"Apprentices will be engaged in at least 40-50 hours of weekly hands-on ministry leadership training and 2.5 hours of weekly classroom training centered on learning and developing healthy personal leadership habits, a healthy philosophy of ministry leadership, and healthy methods or ministry leadership. This combination of tacit and explicit learning combines to create a healthy leader, which is at the heart of a healthy church.""
Jesus said the healthy do not need a physician. (Mark 2:17;Matthew 9:12, Luke 5:31) Rick's solution, for the "unhealthy," is a Purpose Driven," Saddleback produced, dare we say, "program."
"Purpose driven churches focus on developing people not programs, on building character not cathedrals."
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