Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rick Warren and the Compassion of God Towards the Poor

 Rick has re-iterated these words many times.  They have appeared in articles, interviews and periodical, including Christianity Today Magazine.

"I found those 2,000 verses on the poor. How did I miss that? I went to Bible college, two seminaries, and I got a doctorate. How did I miss God's compassion for the poor? I was not seeing all the purposes of God. "

IS it humility that admits such as thing as this?  
Yes, we too are wondering 
Rick, "How did you, 
in all of your growing up as a pastors son, 
in all of your schooling
and time pastoral training, 
at seminary
, in all of your reading of book upon book,
even years as a pastor,
teaching and preaching God's Word, 
miss God's passion for the poor? 
Until this...
"The church is the body of Christ. The hands and feet have been amputated and we're just a big mouth, known more for what we're against." 

The church 
has actually been far more 
than just a big mouth, 
(preaching the good news of JEsus Christ.) 
The church has always long been  known,
even had a reputation
for their having compassion 
on the poor... 
and the sick.

And, what does the church stand against?
EVIL and wickedness!

Warren says that he found himself praying, 
"God, would you use me to reattach the hands and the feet to the body of Christ, so that the whole church cares about the whole gospel in a whole new way?---through the local church?"
 ~ Rick Warren

Purpose Driven in Rwanda
Rick Warren's sweeping plan to defeat poverty.  by Timothy C. Morgan

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