Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just Plain Adulterated and Unbiblical Teaching...

This is what Warren Says about "doctrine" in an article in Preaching Magazine, titled: 
 promoted by and located on

Warren speaking:
“Now, what is the purpose of the Bible? Well, it says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished unto every good work." But people misread that verse most of the time. The purpose of the Bible is not for doctrine, not for reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness. Those are all "for this" in the Greek. ‘For this … for this … for this … in order that.’ The purpose is in order that. So doctrine in itself is not the purpose of the Bible. Reproof in itself is not the purpose – correction or training is not the purpose. The bottom line is to change lives: "That the man of God may be thoroughly furnished unto every good work." So every message must be preaching for life change. "

So, dear reader, do people really believe Warren when he says
that the bible is not for doctrine, not for reproof or correction 
or for instruction in righteousness?  
And seriously... Did he just really say that?

Why would he teach such a thing?   

The man is a magician of words. 
He wants people to change
their minds about the Bible.... 
and realize that the Bible is 
not about doctrine.. but obviously something so much greater... 

(not faith in Jesus, not even repentance...
for as he says elsewhere,
"all preaching" should be for life "change"--)

No wonder Paul told  Timothy to watch his life and doctrine closely!

If doctrine is not taught by the scriptures, 
then where does it come from?  
How about training in righteousness?  
Where will you go for that?  
And as for reproof of false notions and ideas...
who are you going to listen to?  


And.... what people do YOU  know 
who" misread" that verse?  
Who do you know that reads it?
And is this verse really
so hard to UNDERSTAND?
Who do you know that actually thinks 
that this passage of scripture means what it says 
about doctrine being a purpose of the scripture, 
or scripture being the place where one gets training 
in what righteousness is?  
Might those people actually BE Christians?

Who does Warren think rmisreads that verse?

Well, anyone, that is, anyone who doesn’t subscribe t
o Rick’s teaching that is obviously, now
the correct view to have.
Yes, anyone who believes that the Bible is for doctrine 
and reproof and correction 
and instruction in righteousness... 
who know that doctrine, training in righteousness, 
being corrected when your wrong
and good instruction WILL furnish 
a person to actually do 
good works....

Right or wrong about the Greek is not the point,
the point is that he is teaching that Christians
through centuries have simply misread that verse... 
and they were all wrong. 

" In my two-day seminar on preaching, I just keep coming back to, ‘Now let's see how Jesus did it. Now, look how Jesus did it.’ You take the greatest sermon in the world — which is the Sermon on the Mount — and He starts off, ‘Let me tell you eight ways to be happy.’ Happy are you if you do this … You are happy if you do this. Then He talks about anger: don't get angry. He talks about divorce: don't divorce. He talks about worry — let me give you four reasons why not to worry: it’s unreasonable; it’s unnatural. He talks about all of these practical things and then He says, ‘Now, if you put this into practice you are a wise man. If you don't, you are a fool and you’re building a house on a rock. "
Purpose-Driven Preaching: An Interview with Rick Warren 

Does that statement, 
"you are a fool 
and you’re building 
a house on a rock"  
seem like an odd statement 
for a follower of Jesus to make? 
Isn't this just a bit
unbiblical sounding?)

 First of all, He is giving his own interpretation 
to what Jesus said. 

Second of all, aren’t Christians supposed to build upon a rock.. 
(((Jesus Christ?))))  
Why is it that Warren refers to building
"your house on a rock" 
as a negative thing when actually,
it is a positive thing in the scripture?  
After all, if you know the things that Jesus said, 
you will remember. he said,  
the wind and torrents cannot knock down a house that is built upon a rock. 

Warren’s is cunning and crafty.
Warren says, :

“..koinonia (the Greek word for fellowship) is "being as devoted to each other as we are to Jesus Christ."
Church membership covenant: Expect what the Bible expects By Rick Warren  10/25/02)

Sounds nice.  But is this true?

Are we really to be as devoted to one-another as we are to Jesus Christ?

We do have fellowship as Christians...
and we do love one another....
it is our calling... for God is  LOVE...
and the command is love-
but as for being as devoted to other people...
even our church... as we are to to Jesus Christ...

Luke 14:26 reads: 
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple."

how devoted 
are we to be to Jesus 
compared to other people? 

"But more than that I believe you need to hear God's word from more than just one personality. I think that is healthy. I think a lot of people, you hear a guy for about six or seven years and he has shot his wad. You’ve heard what he has got to say and you either have to start hearing the same stuff over again or move to a different church.
 Purpose Driven Preaching: An Interview with Rick Warren. 2001

"Shot his, "what? "

MR. Warren, there ARE ladies present!
What exactly does this mean?  
(THIS IS a somewhat rhetorical question....)

More importantly, 
what does a comment like this, 
in this context 
actually infer about 
the Word of God being preached? 


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