Friday, January 25, 2013

The "ABRACADABRA" of Changing Your Thinking

Pastor Rick's spiritual newsflash for America on the Oprah Winfrey show is that your thinking is wrong and needs to change.  Throw out that old thinking and in with the new!  If you are wise, you will listen to Rick's wisdom and, just like magic, you will encounter ...."CHANGE!"

"We are all intentionally flawed to make us unique. You need to re-frame everything you think is a flaw in life as a mark of uniqueness."                                                        
                                                                                                                                        Rick Warren on Oprah Winfrey's Life Class January 2013

Who intentionally flawed you in order to make you unique?  

Mother Nature? 
Your parents?
Who, exactly, is responsible for the "flaws" in humans like me and you?

You just paint that anyway you like.... because Rick doesn't exactly say.

And... What defines a flaw?
A big nose?
Shortness?  Tallness?
Is our propensity to commit sin, lie, steal, etc,... a "flaw?" 

Paint that too... anyway you like.

 Whatever a "flaw" is, (to you)  Rick Warren says if you think it's a flaw, you need to re-frame your thinking.... you need to reframe your thinking about every flaw in "LIFE."  And remember, your flaws..... make you special.

".....You need to re-frame everything you think is a flaw in life as a mark of uniqueness."                                                        
                                                                                                                                        Rick Warren on Oprah Winfrey's Life Class January 2013

In other words, Rick is telling us not to think of ourselves as having any flaws or defects.  If you think you have a "flaw," the answer is simple: You must re-frame your thinking.

It's all up to you.

You are the one choosing what you think... you choose for yourself what you think about you.... in fact, the wild card you are dealt in life is "choice" and YOU hold the cards, so you always have the power to choose.  All you have to do is change..."re-frame" your thinking.....

The problem here, from a gospel perspective is that he makes a broad sweep with his words and this notion of "flaws"   Apparently, you can interpret his words anyway you like,  Your flaw could be a skin condition.  Your flaw could be a disease.  Your flaw could be anything..... even sin.

Truth is we all do have flaws and some of them are not so easily remedied and must be lived with or dealt with in some fashion.  Truth is there are some flaws in us that only God can heal or change.   Another truth is that we each need the righteousness of Jesus to save us from the flaw of  sin, but "superstar'pastor" Rick, omits telling people this.  His dispensing of feel good, do good, self-esteem is not the helpful gospel of truth that people really need.

Rather than help people come to realized their imperfections and subsequently recognize and deal appropriately with their need to receive forgiveness for sin and gift of eternal life with God, rather than help them to know more about Jesus Christ, or to understand the Bible they can read, Rick simply gives them the gift of believing in themselves, and their power to "choose".... flaws and all.

"ABRACADABRA"...and "POOF!" ....Metanoia, (a change of mind) happens! (Ricky's  style of course.)

Like magic, "Everything you think of in life as a flaw," disappears. In an instant, you see a whole new, remarkable and perfect.... albeit unique, you.   (And what incredible wizardry!)  Amazing! And, Rick didn't even need Jesus Christ to do it.


And those "flaws".... that wart on your nose, making you cross-eyed... those splotches on your skin that you find embarrassing  that flaw in your spine that has been crippling your style... and your body.... "poof"  Not a flaw any longer.  Nope.  There's been a change of mind about all of that. 

And about those "flaws" in your character, those things that might be a flaw in you.  God,  (or whoever is responsible for making you,) just made you this way.... intentionally. It is what makes you uniquely you.  Got it?   Now, with the right frame of mind about flaws, (everything in life that you think is a flaw,) the next thing you have to do is learn to play your cards right.  In the game of life, you have been dealt a hand, now you just have to make the "right" choices.

Sadly, this is not the gospel. What you see here is nothing but "law." What happens if you make a wrong choice?

The positive thinking Rick offers might be helpful for a little while, but it is only serving as a small bandage for what can be in many instances, a large gaping and deadly wound.  In the long run, it is only a temporary fix.  In fact, calling negative things (flaws) positive, is not being truthful.  A flaw is a defect, and telling people they really have no problem is dishonest.  So is telling them that they just need to learn to deal with life.  Even telling people that they need to learn how to play the hand that they have been dealt, is nothing they do not already by nature know.   We have a problem, flaws... defects and sin and we need a doctor, a heal us....  a shepherd, to tend our condition, to lead and to guide.

That would be Jesus.

Scripture teaches that we are flawed.  We miss the mark of perfection.  (Romans 5:12)  The Bible tells us that God sees and knows this all and loves us anyway.  He loves us even with our flaws and  in our sin, (Psalm 139) but he hates sin.  It tells us too, that in order for our sin to be forgiven by this God who loves us, in order for us each to individually  be saved from the punishment for our sin, he sent Jesus Christ, (1 Timothy 1:15, and John 3:16.) and we are to repent of sin and believe on Jesus in order to be saved.  

Pastor Warren says, "a wise player can even play what seems to be a weak hand and win the game."  Rick Warren will rather teach you that you have the power to overcome challenges...  if you are wise enough that tell you to find the salvation from your flawed being in the person and work of Jesus Christ.  He says instead, "Only you have the power to change the direction of your life."

Yes, instead of openly revealing to the public the gospel of Jesus and the power of believing upon Jesus for salvation from sin, Rick suggested that those watching, (particularly those who "are prisoners of their past,") go get a Bible and read through the entire book of John. He called it, homework"

Rick then suggested that people pray to God. asking God to reveal himself to them, which is invariably some good, pastorly advice; but why didn't Rick reflect the good news of the Bible, and openly reveal God to them?  Instead he taught that it is up to us....we need to learn how to deal with the cards we are dealt in life, and we need to make the right choices.  Yes, Rick suggested that people pray and ask God,( ....not to save them or forgive them) but to help them.... "change."

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