Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Magazines tout him as "America's Pastor," but Rick doesn't speak very highly of any church not marked by Purpose Driven (TM) He likes those that are listening to him, doing things his way.   He tells his own congregation he loves them, and he would have you believe he loves "the church," but he sure talks bad about church pastors and Christians a lot of the time.

An overseer of God's flock, (see 1 Peter 5:2-4 ) should love the people of God and be an example to the flock, which would require mingling with them, but to do that, one must actually be involved with the people in their congregation.  Rick quit being a shepherd long ago.  In fact, Rick created his own idea of leadership in church.  Instead of a Shepherd, he's decidedly a "Rancher."
"As the church grows you must change roles from Shepherd to Rancher. The Rancher helps oversee the under-Shepherds. Practically everybody on my staff does more weddings and counseling than I do (in fact, I do very few now because I don’t want to show favoritism among our 17,000 members)."
Eight Steps to Grow Your church -by Rick Warren, posted by: T&W Church Solutions 
And while driving all those "unders-Shepherds (and subsequently their sheep) he's made a distinction as to which churches and pastors in the world are to be deened "healthy" and "unhealthy."  The "healthy" ones are those who subject themselves to his leadership as "Rancher."  the rest are "inhealthy."

(You do not want to be sick, do you?) 
"Every church is driven by something: tradition, programs, finances, events, seekers, and even buildings. But to be healthy, it must become purpose driven.”                       Rick Warren,  Becoming a Purpose Driven Church, Part One  Rick Warren
(If you want to be"healthy" what must you do?)

And you know, to do what Rick suggests.... for YOU to take it upon yourself and grow your church bigger than it is, you first have to want to be bigger and need to change.  Listen to Rick tell you what it takes to grow your church:
"It takes an incredible unselfishness.  They must be willing to die to some traditions, to some feelings, to some relationships in order for the kingdom of God to be advanced.  That takes a lot of maturity. "
Rick Warren, Eight Steps to Grow Your Church, T & W Church
You have to be unselfish, (unlike all those other churches who are "small" and insignificant.) You have to let those ancient church traditions "die." (In other words, disregard Proverbs 22:28;  Job 12:12; Jeremiah 18:15; and  2 Thessalonians 2:15) You have to have a lot of "maturity," (unlike all those other child-like, simple,  churches who are "small," (Rick says they are content with the "status quo,") and presumably the opposite of mature, which would be, "immature."

If you look at Rick and think, "Wow, I wish I were successful in ministry like he is," or if those dollars signs of having a larger, tithing congregation wave before your eyes, as he speak,  then you will probably want to learn from him, learn just how he does it.  Right?   Never mind that  he has just labeled everyone who does want to listen to him as selfish and immature   Is it possible that in your own desire to be great, like Rick, you might not have even noticed?

Rick, you see, inserts all sorts of innuendos when he talks that really is quite telling about his affections.  Without his direct influence over it, the church is all wrong, unhealthy and  just  plain, "baaa-a-a-ad."  If your church is one where the pastor just preaches and preaches.... warning people of hell, sin, and the judgement to come.... telling people about Jesus, persuading them to believe on him and be saved.... teaching Bible stories, holding bible studies and discussing doctrine in order to bring sheep ion and to keep sheep safe from harm and help them grow in the faith.... Rick just might take issue.  Besides, according to Rick, "most churches" are nothing but a "big mouth:"
"The Bible calls the Church the Body of Christ, yet most churches today have their hands and their feet amputated. Most of our churches are just one big mouth!   People know what we’re against, but they don’t know what we’re for. And we’re for helping the poor. When we do that, we’re investing in eternity."   
Rick Warren, A Purpose Driven Giving Plan by Rick Warren  10/15/2006
This really is quite rude.  It's a poor view of the church and of what God himself has established and loves.  People who hold the same negative view of church and it's work in the world are quick to agree.

Rick also often speaks against the "American" way of life.  According to him, the church... specifically the "American church"  is "self centered."  He's not though and superstar pastor that he is.... he is going to be the one to rescue it.
"My goal is to move the American church [away] from self-centered consumerism."                                                   Rick Warren, Interview with Charlie Rose 
Strangely, Rick sells books, sermons, CD's, DVDs, workbooks, study  guides, journals, bookmarks... all kinds of "consumer" materials and he targets the church with it.  In other words, he encourages people to be "consumers."  Apparently, to Rick " consumerism is fine, just not the "self-centered" kind that he claims is happening in the (bad behaving)  "American" church.

Speaking of churches, according to Rick, Saddleback is superior to most other churches.  In fact, most Christians in all those other "American" churches, could never measure up to Saddleback... in fact they are so deficit that they would not be allowed to join!  The membership requirements for Saddleback are too rigorous for most people...
"The membership requirements at Saddleback are so high most American church members could not join us, "    
                                                                    Rick Warren, Modern Reformation Magazine Interview, 2004 
This is intended, of course, to make you want to be one of the few, to prove you are better than "most," if Saddleback lets you in.  Christian, what is the requirement of God to be in His church?
Is it so high that most American church members could not join?

Another problem Rick sees in America's church is too much teaching.  Apparently, all that Bible teaching is keeping people from helping and caring about other people.
"Listen to this... The problem at a lot of churches today is that they are teaching people too much.  There's a wide gap between knowing and doing in American Christianity, and it's caused by too much teaching.  Before people actually apply what it is, they actually go on to the next thing and they can't handle it, they can't change that much."                                       
                                                                                          Rick Warren, Desiring God Conferences, 2010

And as for those "Christians?"  Rick hardly knows any good ones.
Very few Christians I know live a truly God-centered life on a daily basis.”
Rick Warren, A Purpose Driven Phenomena An Interview With Rick Warren

Modern Reformation  Magazine

“Most Christians do not behave the way they claim to believe…The typical believer never shares his faith, never helps the poor, never visits those in prison, and never does many of the other things Jesus commanded us to do”         
Rick Warren, A Purpose Driven Phenomena An Interview With Rick Warren,;Modern Reformation  Magazine
But the church bashing doesn't stop there.  Pastors, well "most" of them, are all beneath the wisdom level of Rick.  Most pastors.... they just do not know as much as he does.
“I find most pastors do not understand the power of preaching. But even more important than that is they don't understand the purpose of preaching.”
Rick Warren, Purpose-Driven Preaching: Interview by Duduis  
So Pastor, if you know more than most pastor do... like Rick does.... you'll understand, and agree with Rick, that those other pastors just don't get it.  Right?   Or maybe by hearing him say such a thing,  you'll be intimidated into wanting to understand, and learn from all-knowing and highly successful Pastor Rick.  This way that Rick talks is degrading to other pastors and very manipulating.

Rick has no use for the church as it is.  He dislikes the "American" church.  He even thinks himself better than "most" other pastors.  Rick wants to re-form, re-incarnate, re-invent, re-imagine  and/or re-define anything and everything about "church."  His goal is to make the church something that the world can finally respect!   He wants the church to change.  In fact he even has a cleverly invented acronym for church:


C- Care
H- Handle
U- Unleash
R- Remove
C- Champion
H- Help

Wow.  Who knew?

 It was in a July 3, 2011, in a  CNN article, where Rick spelled out C.H.U.R.C.H. and gave us his idea of what the church was to be about.  The first letter, "C," according to Rick,  is "Care"  He says, "Care for and support the sick," and added, " Caring requires no money, just a willingness to offer compassion and kindness." Rick Warren

The assumption, of course, is that we 
need Rick's  redefinition, "acronymizatiom"  of the word
to understand  and to "care."

"H" is for "Handle"  (Note, it is not for HIV testing even though it does stand for "Handle HIV Testing." ) Rick says, "At the least, churches can encourage members to get tested, with the pastor leading the way. Everyone should know their HIV status." Rick Warren

And note, pastors" should be" leading the way" in making 
sure everyone gets tested for AIDS 
and knows their "HIV status."

Why is he not suggesting the doctors do this?
Why "pastors?"

 "U" is for "Unleash"....
–"Unleash volunteers. There will never be enough professionals to fix all that is wrong in our world. The Christian church claims 2.3 billion followers worldwide. If only half could be mobilized to care for those with HIV and AIDS, the fight would look very different."
Rick Warren  
Not so sure what it is that Rick is desiring to "unleash" upon the world, but  he insists that it is volunteers.

Apparently the church, (with all those millions of people)
 is going the wrong way, doing the wrong things. 
Rick wants to have them, at least half of them fall away.
After all they are teaching too much....
the pastors do not understanding the power of ,
 (or purpose of, ) preaching....
and all those Christians certainly are self centered people 
not having a "god centered"  life on a daily basis....
(things like that.)

 Imagine if only half of them would get on board with Rick's ideas!
Imagine, if instead of doing what they do,
if they would put themselves under his leadership,
 how different and better the world would be!  
Imagine, someone, someone like Rick, 
finally leading all those Christians
 along the right path and finally fixing 
all those terrible things that 
are so wrong in the world. ....
like AIDS.

The "R" for Rick's acronym, CHURCH, stands for "Remove the stigma..."Rick says, " Jesus never asked a sick person, “How did you get sick?” He asked, “How can I help you?”
                                                                                                                           Rick Warren

Remove what stigma?   His meaning is unclear. 

But, to further the unclarity of his murky words, Rick makes Jesus out to be a much like a store clerk who simply takes your order.  He is one who apparently responds appropriately to you, desiring to fulfill your request on demand.  This is a travesty.

Rick then makes the declaration, "it is not sin to be sick," this as  if "the church" (outside of his wise leadership and jurisdiction) believes that it is.  This is not what the church believes. 

Rick, while he speaks of Jesus,
is not pointing people to have faith in Jesus Christ,
but to see him as a vending machine to get what they want.

Is it salvation from sin they want or just more medical care?

Quite curiously, Rick has just made himself, a mere man,
 so much greater, so much more full of "compassion
than the entire (and quite mediocre) Christian "church." 

"The next letter, a second "C" (according to Rick,) is for "Champion"
Encouraging listeners to, "Champion healthy behavior,"  Rick reports, "HIV is almost completely preventable. While new reports suggest that accessing HIV treatment at an earlier stage of the illness is a vital way to prevent transmission, the cost may be an impediment. Behavior change will continue to be the most effective way to cut down on new infections."  Rick Warren

Don't you want to be a "champion" and champion "healthy" behavior?

How will you do that?

Rick here is quite honest as he informs us that AIDS is almost "completely" preventable, and he does mention something about behavior change... but he does not call homosexual behavior a problem or even a sin.  When he talks about it being "almost preventable," what, do you think, is he referring to?  

What that means, exactly, is really anybody's guess.

Behavior change to cut down on new infections in Rick dichotomy
 likely means being willing to educate people on the use of condoms for prevention 
and is likely involves doing HIV screening at the local health departments
 so that treatment for HIV and AIDS
 can happen at an earlier stage.

Then you are labeled a "Champion."

And finally, he tells us,  "H"... is for "Help--- help with antiretroviral drugs for HIV patients. The simplest way to cut down on new infections, to help infected individuals live longer, and to prevent children from becoming orphans, is to create accountability with medication compliance. Church volunteers can make daily visits or phone calls, reminding individuals to take their medication." Rick Warren

Rick says, 
"In America, we’d heard public leaders, including pastors, make pronouncements about AIDS that implied that those infected were enemies, or at least deserved their illness."
                                                                                                                                                                                   Rick Warren

Rick has just suggested that American leaders and pastors have done this.  Have they?  
Answer:  They may have or not. This is more America bashing by Rick.   You can assume rick is telling the truth, but it's just his own words.  You have no proof that what Rick just told you is true... or not and if you believe him without some evidence, then he has just turned YOU against America's "public leaders" and "pastors." You now believe they are rotten and he's the "good guy" amoungst them all.

Truth is... AIDS is a public health concern.  Truth is that many different people have many ideas about it and they have said and thought many different things, both true and untrue, right and wrong. Rick is making accusations, but he offers no proof of this accusation against America's public leaders and pastors.  He has not even provided one quote proving that this is what has been taught by American leaders and ministers of God.  He has done nothing but captured your attention and left you with the impression that they are somehow, all of them, involved in doing this "evil" thing.  He, Rick Warren, on the other hand, is not.

"Pastor" Rick, is here to change you and change your mind and give you a  new and improved kind if church.  In this "new thing" even the "hope of the world" is changed too.  It used to be Jesus, but things are different in light of Rick's teaching.  Rick says the hope of the world is... the church!
Which church does he mean?

 "Truly the church is the hope of the world!!Rick Warren
Rick Warren, The Church the Hope of the World, The Peace Plan,

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