Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tools that Transform

1 Kings 6:7 reads:
"The house, 
while it was being built, 
was built of stone prepared at the quarry, 
and there was neither hammer 
nor axe 
nor any iron tool heard in the house 
while it was being built."  NASB


 Jesus said, he would build his church upon a rock.  He would build it.. then he called Simon, "Peter" which means, "little stone."  

Stone upon stone, this passage in Kings tell us that the temple of God was being built and no tool was being used while it was being built.  All the craftsmanship was done at the quarry where the rocks originated from... right there.  They were brought in ready for service and it was built.t. 

You have to ask then, why Rick is so intent on "using tools" within the church, to build (and grow) the church? 

Someone is building something and they are using "tools" to do it.


Rick Warren often talks about pastors using various "tools of the trade," in fact his special website for pastors to access is his  "Ministry Toolbox."  

 But wait, there's more....

A recent ad at advertises preaching tools.... It reads, "Revolutionize your sermon preparation by using the library of tools that Rick Warren uses"

A Christianity Today article is titled, "Three Tools Saddleback Uses to Help People Grow."

 More "tools".... here.

One gets the impression Rick is a tool salesman.  He even sells Christmas tools.

Here a tool, there a tool, everywhere a tool, tool.  (BE sure to edit search out the word "tool" on these pages!)

There must be a lot of busy  people running around...

What tool do YOU use???

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