Friday, July 9, 2010

40 Days

40 Days 
..........of Purpose  by Rick Warren
Contents of the Book 
Introduction – What on Earth am I here for?

Worship – You were planned for God’s pleasure

Fellowship – You were Planned for God’s Family

Discipleship – You were Created to Become Like Christ

Ministry – You were Shaped for Serving God

Evangelism – You were Made for a Mission

But remember, it's not about YOU. 

The program, What is it? 

Churches are required to register with Purpose Driven Life and then to run their program at the same time as other churches around the world. Registration may be required four months in advance.

Each participant has a study package that comes with the book, the Purpose Driven Life, a small group curriculum workbook, and a memory verse key ring. Each small group also has a set of small group curriculum on video or DVD. Seven Weekend service plans include suggested sermons written by Rick Warren to be used in conjunction with the books.

40 Days....
       of Community: 
Better Together: What on Earth are We Here For? by Rick Warren
It is not about you; said Rick in the first book, now we hear who it is really about, "WE" 

Yes, now...after learning what you are here on earth for, you can now learn "what on Earth WE"are  here for?  Communism    er a Community.
And, what are we here for? 
 (It is like a huge service project program....)

Product description:  "40 days of devotional readings and journaling pages. The complete study guide for 40 Days of Community small group video lessons taught by pastor Rick Warren."

The book covers....
1.)We're Compelled to Love God's Family

2.)We're Commissioned to Reach Out Together

3.)We're Chosen to Fellowship Together

4.)We're Connected to Grow Together

5.) We're called to Serve Together and

6.)We're Created to Worship Together. 
See, It's not about you, it's about WE.

The Teaching Video Teaching Video "(DVD) contains six 25-minute videotaped sessions (taught by Rick Warren) Each session, includes a "Helps for Hosts" where the host is given coaching tips for the upcoming session.  This is to be used with the Better Together study guide and Better Together devotional/journal, so small groups will learn what it means to truly "fulfill God's purposes together and in their community."

Sessions are:
1. Why we need each other 

2. Reaching out together 

3. What destroys relationships and what builds them

4. How we help each other grow

5. Serving together

6. How to tell God you love him

7. What we have learned
More "we."  

And you thought he said it wasn't about you, you thought it would be about Jesus, but instead it is about you and you in relation to "WE."

and then there is
40 Days...
          of Peace
Making a Difference with Your Life;  by Rick Warren...  

where we learn that we are just taking up space, using up natural resources and sucking air, unless of course we are doing the Purpose Driven everything with Rick...

He says,

“God designed you to make a difference... He didn’t put you on this planet just to take up space. You’re not here just to use resources, breathe, and die.

God intends for you to make an impact with your life.  

He wants you to leave the world a better place than you found it.

And the only way you do that is........   by serving other people.

No one has ever left the world a better place by being selfish or living for themselves.  Jesus said, ‘You want to be great? Learn to be a servant of all."

(No, you  need to be a we, not a me.)

But wait....
there's more:

40 Days of Love
       by Rick Warren...
Publisher's Notes:

"The practical wisdom found in 40 Days of Love—the newest six-session group DVD study by bestselling author and one of America’s most influential pastors and spiritual leaders, Rick Warren—will help you make authentically loving God and loving others your deepest desire, highest aspiration, and constant focus. Learn to love like Jesus … in 40 days."  


  1. Hi Lisa,
    We are a church group in Ontario Canada that is about to go through a series. WE are not intending to be anyone centred except Christ centred. We would like to join your blog as we go through the video series and examine what Rick is saying about community. Thank you for your blog. This may help facilitate discussion.

  2. I am glad you found this blog documenting some of Rick's quotes and I hope they are helpful in your study. Mostly though, I hope that as you go through Rick's books, you will keep in mind that Rick has changed his own mind about what he believes and that the goal of the various series' that he has written is to help and your church group change your mind too.

    Rick told his congregation:

    “You’ve heard me say many times that the greatest thing you can do with your life is tell somebody about Jesus … if you help somebody secure their eternal destiny, that they spend the rest of their life in Heaven not Hell …your life counts, your life matters because nothing matters more than helping get a person and their eternal destiny settled. They will be forever eternally grateful….And I’ve always said that that was the greatest thing you can do with your life.... I was wrong. ”

    11/2003 Rick Warren announces Global Peace Plan at Saddleback.

    Apparently, at that time, Rick no longer believed that the church's foundation is "faith in Christ." He had a better idea, which he now shares in all his books.

    His new and improved idea is that the church exists because people have faith in humanity's "purpose." He also made a declaration that day that a person does not even need to be a "Christian" in order to be part of that community of faith (in God's FIVE purposes for life on Earth) that Rick redefines as "church."

    As you go through the video series, do keep your eyes on Jesus(Hebrews 12:2) the writer of Hebrews says to us... do not be one of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. (Hebrews 10:39)

    Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household. (Acts 16:31)

  3. I have been to a few conferences at Saddleback and have read a few books from Saddleback. What I have heard has been faithful to the Word of God.
