Monday, July 19, 2010

Rick Speaks... On Important Issues Like Homosexuality

“I oppose the criminalization of homosexuality. The freedom to make moral choices is endowed by God. Since God gives us that freedom, we must protect it for all, even when we disagree with their choices.”

"Now let me say this really clearly: we support Proposition 8 -- and if you believe what the Bible says about marriage, you need to support Proposition 8. I never support a candidate, but on moral issues I come out very clear."

The issues of homosexuality, and homosexual practices are much greater than simply that of a redefinition of "marriage."  And when if comes to marriage, the concern is more than simply allowing practicing homosexuals to live together and get tax benefits as a couple.  It makes a perception in culture that their sexual behavior is not aberrant, or unnatural... but "normal" and works gives homosexuals grounds to, "like a family " raise not just their own children,(since they cannot procreate together in a natural way,  but  to parent adopted children.  To this end, they will work to force acceptance of homosexual matrimony in the  "church."  but above all of that, homosexuality is a health issue for everyone.  It is a fact.... homosexual behavior is a major contributor to the spread of AIDS.

This may come as a surprise to some people,  but it is as a result of the practices of homosexuality that there are many nations being ravaged by a disease known we know know of as AIDS, a disease that is known to spread most effectively and positively through homosexual contact between people. This terrible and deadly disease has taken a great tole on humanity, particularly in Africa, and as a result, in an effort to reclaim their culture from the disease, they are trying to stop the spread of homosexual practices.  Some African nations,  like Rwanda, the first "purpose Driven Nation"  are taking a hard stand by making laws outlawing the advocacy of homosexuality.

"Rwandan Parliament is scheduled to take up consideration of a change to Rwanda’s penal code which would criminalize homosexuality with a punishment of five to ten years. It would also ban counseling and advocacy that could be interpreted as “encouraging or sensitizing” people to enter into same-sex relationships. " (Box Turtle News)

The San Fransisco Sentinel reported, that such legislation being proposed "would for the first time make homosexuality a crime, punishable by five to 10 years in prison. "

To this Rick Warren responded: “I oppose the criminalization of homosexuality. The freedom to make moral choices is endowed by God. Since God gives us that freedom, we must protect it for all, even when we disagree with their choices.”

But then of course we all heard Rick when it came to making a law redefining the meaning of marriage.  He spoke to his congregation one Sunday about PROPOSITION 8:

"Now here's an interesting thing. There are about two percent of Americans [who] are homosexual or gay/lesbian people. We should not let two percent of the population determine to change a definition of marriage that has been supported by every single culture and every single religion for 5,000 years."

"This is not even just a Christian issue -- it's a humanitarian and human issue that God created marriage for the purpose of family, love, and procreation.   So I urge you to support Proposition 8, and pass that word on. I'm going to be sending out a note to pastors on what I believe about this. But everybody knows what I believe about it. They heard me at the Civil Forum when I asked both Obama and McCain on their views."

"Now let me say this really clearly: we support Proposition 8 -- and if you believe what the Bible says about marriage, you need to support Proposition 8. I never support a candidate, but on moral issues I come out very clear."

IS homosexuality a moral issue?  
Does Rick support political candidates?  How?
Is he really very clear about this issue?  What does Rick really think and believe?

It's hard to know.  He is full of double speak.

CNN's Larry King Live, Pastor Rick Warren apologized for his support of Prop. 8, California's voter-approved marriage protection amendment, saying he has "never been and never will be" an "anti-gay or anti-gay marriage activist."  Apparently he also privately apologized to gay friends for speaking to his congregation in support of Prop 8.  He told CNN's Larry King, "There were a number of things that were put out. I wrote to all my gay friends -- the leaders that I knew -- and actually apologized to them. That never got out,"

So, Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church, apologized to his gay friends in high places?  For what?  

Does Warren support, or does he not.. Proposition 8?

1 comment:

  1. See also:
