"Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord." verse 4
There's a good word from the Lord!
Rick Warren teaches about bones too:
"The bigger the animal, the bigger the bones need to be. This is what is meant about changing structure. The structure, or organization, is the bones that hold the body of Christ together. When we were children our bones were very small. As an adult we’d look quite funny if we had the same bones. Did you know that you get new bones every seven years? Your body is continually eliminating old cells from your bones and creating new bone from your marrow. Similarly this must happen in our churches as they grow."
~Rick Warren
Apparently, big churches need a big structure. and mega pastor Rick knows all about big. There are little bone structures for little churches and big bone structures for big churches, according to Rick. Apparently, your body of bones is "creating new cells every seven years" (you know....eliminating those old cells) and so is your church. You can now understand, (thanks to Rick's wisdom about "bones") how to grow your churches "bone" structure. You can also better manage change, when you implement it, under Ricks directives and example), in your own church because certainly, if anyone knows structure, organization and God's purposes of church, its Rick. After all, "to many, he is Pastor Rick, but to his church, he is Papa Rick—a voice of wisdom, hope, encouragement, and vision."1
"The Purpose Driven Church, is all about purpose, renewal and how to structure and organize around God’s purposes for his church. ~Rick Warren
Churches That Change to Be Healthier Experience 5 Renewals (Part 2) by Rick Warren, http://pastors.com/5renewals-2/
"Nothing precedes purpose." ~ Rick Warren The Purpose Driven Church, pg. 81
(So much for John 1:1)
And how does one church structure and organize around God's 5 purposes? By keeping up with the balancing act of course! And dream big. The bigger the better. In fact, Rick suggests you unleash your imagination! And while you are at it, think big. (This is an idea often promoted by Warren. and friends.) Humility, modesty, simplicity, meekness, they're out.
Also, you want to eliminate those old cells:
"Your body is continually eliminating old cells from your bones and creating new bone from your marrow. Similarly this must happen in our churches as they grow." ~Rick Warren
Is this supposed to make people rationalize eliminating or exchanging anything "old" for everything "new."
When Your church Doesn't Match the Community by Rick Warren
"Reinvent your Congregation. This is your last and most difficult possibility. It’s where you intentionally change the makeup of your church in order to match a new target by replacing the old programs, structures and worship styles with new ones."
Spiritual Maturity is for Ministry by Rick Warren
"The last thing many believers need is to go to another Bible study. They already know far more than they are putting into practice. They need to exercise their spiritual muscles by serving others."
Take Off The Old, Put On The New by Rick Warren
" In the renewal of your mind, you’ve got to put off before you can put on."
Foot Note
1. "To many, he is Pastor Rick, but to his church, he is Papa Rick—a voice of wisdom, hope, encouragement, and vision." http://saddleback.com/visit/about/pastors/our-pastor
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