Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Purpose Driven Church Book Endorsements

What does Ed YoungJack Hayford, Robert Schueller, Jerry Farwell, Leonard Sweet and Bill Bright all have in common? These men are "important" names in regards to the realm of Christianity, famous for their outlook on life and their ministries, doing well financially via the selling of their many books, but one other thing they have in common is that they all, along with 35 others, endorse Rick's 1995 book, the Purpose Driven Church!

 It's the bandwagon approach to book sales..... Don't you want to be numbered with their ilk?
Do You Ever Feel Out-Numbered?

It's just more of Rick Warren's exponential thinking.... you know the bigger the number of people who endorse his book, the more important your book will seem.  Not only that, look what they say about this book!

"Every pastor must read this book! "
Every pastor must?
"Study this book carefully! Rick Warren knows how the Lord builds the church."
Pastors are already reading the bible.... they need Rick's book more?
How does Rick's book know more than the Bible about the way the Lord builds?
"If I could, I’d make it required reading for every seminary student!"

'Rick Warren is the architect for the church of the 21st century, and this is the blueprint!'
Rick... the great "architect?"

"This book is choc-o-bloc with ideas that are so practical and down-to-earth that any pastor who fails to correct his perspective on the church should probably leave the ministry"

If you are not on board with Rick, you should "leave the ministry."

"Rick Warren is the one all of us should listen to and learn from."
Did he really just say that?
(Move over Jesus, here comes Rick!)

"The Purpose-Driven Church philosophy changed my life and the life of our church"
What was it before and what was it after?
Usually people say these words about Jesus Christ.  Christian talk about being 
moved out of darkness into light when they come to Christ... so in what way was this "changed?".

"If only I had been taught these principles when I was in seminary"

Hear Rick talk about his book here.

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