Friday, July 15, 2011

About that Brighter Future

How to have a brighter future:

 "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, 
and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him  
from the dead, 
thou shalt be saved."   Romans 10:9

Once again, it is interesting how Rick Warren offers his hearers a completely different kind of future, one he says is" brighter" and he fails to offer people the forgiveness for their sin through Jesus too.  Hos idea of a brighter future has nothing to do with the gospel and is based upon the rudiments of this world. 

Rick Warren concluded his recent, Belief Blog editorial for CNN, (July 3, 2011, ) a piece he titled, "Church is world's most powerful weapon against AIDS,"  by saying, "But if the church and other faith communities will step up to the table, and as governments and other health organizations welcome their assistance, the future can be brighter."  With no mention of the gospel in the article, one has to assume that a brighter future will be had "IF" the people of earth (the church and other faith communities,) would just "step up to the table."  What table he is talking about is anybody;s guess, but He presumes they don't and he wants to lead the church in an effort to help people with AIDS. 

AIDS is a terrible disease and as a disease, it is now become one of Warren's pet projects,. Taking on the issue of AIDS is not only politically correct in certain circles of influence, but is also demonstrates his concern for the welfare of humanity.  Not only that, fighting the terrible "giant" of disease is part of his "P.E.A.C.E. Plan," his plan for saving the world.  But what is AIDS?  What hope is there currently for people who are infected with AIDS?  Is a "brighter" future- the kind of future where the church and other faith communities come together to cure diseases like AIDS, all they really need?

AIDS, the acronym given to a disease known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.  As the name suggests is not a disease you are born with, but it's a slow attacking virus called HIV that is acquired, transmitted from person to person, through the exchange of bodily fluids, like blood.  The infected person who is infected with the virus, develops AIDS and then suffers the progressive failure of the body's immune system making them susceptible to all kinds of disease, including cancers, for which they have no defense.

If you remember the early 1980's, you might remember that AIDS, appeared on the health scene as a very serious health matter.  At first it seemed to be affecting homosexual males only, and as more and more people were dying, the concern about public health grew, especially when the disease appeared to transfer not only in sexual contact, but in the blood supply as several hemophiliacs were diagnosed. 

The now rapidly spreading disease rightly had the attention of the Center for Disease Control who began talking about how everyone, not just homosexuals, was at risk.  Our national supply of blood used in hospitals to aid in emergency situations and surgical procedures was being tainted with the HIV virus that caused AIDS.  It was not just the homosexual, the sexually promiscuous or needle drug users who were in danger, it was everyone and anyone who came into direct contact with bodily fluids, especially blood.  Scientists were working hard to find the disease's specific mechanism of spreading, hoping for a cure.  

Needless to say, fear spread far and wide about the possibilities for contracting the disease and people became vocal... and as such, you can guess that a lot of things were said, (as rick Points out in this article,) but with research, screenings to identify infected individuals and the ability to specifically identify tainted blood, as well as a better understanding of the progression of the disease a lot of  unrealistic fears have been quelled, but contrary to what some people think, AIDS remains a killer disease.  There is no cure.  AIDS leaves in it's wake sick people, broken lives, death, torn apart families and the real fear of contracting such a terrible, deadly disease unsuspectingly.

Click here to read a History of AIDS

Click here to read 30 years of AIDS moments 
 (Something recommended by Rick in this CNN article.)

As AIDS reaps it's devastation, it is kind of Rick to encourage people of all faith communities to lend those who are suffering, a compassionate, helping hand.  It's the right thing to do.  However, those who are dying, those who are facing death, who hunger and thirst for life need more than a helpful human hand that calls them to remind them to take their needed meds, as Rick, in the CNN article suggested as a practical way for the church to help the AIDS epidemic.  No, what they need is to  know God and the love of God in Jesus Christ.  They need to warned of where they are headed, told about Jesus, and be saved from the peril of death and doom, that awaits every sinner that is on their way through death's open door.

Unfortunately, right here, on CNN, writing to the world and the church, (Pastor) Rick fails once again to mention the gospel that leads to eternal life and a hope beyond the grave.   Instead he has apparently written to enlist the Christian church, (which he even called the world's most powerful weapon)  in helping governments and health organization, build for the world a brighter future.  But he wants to give hope to AIDS patients and the people he inisters to, so he titles the article, Church is world's most powerful weapon against AIDS." 

It should be noted that the church is powerful but the church is not the world's weapon.  There is power behind the church, making it powerful, but that power is not the church itself.  It is not in the numbers of Christians that there currently are in the world or in the large and measurable size of a churches congregation or building either, (contrary to what this man, (Rick,) so interested in numbers, might say or think.   The powerfulness of church is actually the power and glory of God, the Holy Spirit,  working in his people, doing and leading others into the will and work of God, which is believing on the one whom he sent.   In fact, the church, while is is not a "weapon," has it's own weapons that are nothing like the weapons of the world.  The church is God's and it originated with God; it was his idea from the beginning.  Since the "church" does not originate with man, but God; God is the owner of it and it is not the world's greatest weapon. 

Now some people, like Rick, might believe that if only the people of earth would all collaborate and work together there will be a brighter future for humanity, but this kind of salvation is only for this life.  It is not the same as the salvation we have in Jesus Christ which lasts forever, and ever.  It's the kind of salvation that is only helpful to you as long as you are alive and well on planet earth, but sooner, or later, one will  come to realize that this immortality is only for a limited time, for like everything else that experiences life on this planet, you...(yes you) ... die. Life underground with a body that is deceased and decayed, is not such a pretty picture and certainly not a "bright" future.

What happens to your being after you die?  Well, that is where faith comes in.  A person can believe many things.  Christians believe that life is sacred and special and meaningful.  They believe in a creator God and in his love for all of creation.  They also believe in God's love and forgiveness displayed in Jesus Christ, and they believe Him for the promise of Eternal life. They believe that because God is God and because God sent Jesus and because Jesus rose from death to life, and they believe upon him, they, like Jesus will live again

It can be quite perplexing when Rick, professing to be a Christian, neglects to tell the watching world what this Gospel is. Right here on CNN, again and in this article, Rick Warren skipped the gospel.
Yet in this article, he also finds fault with the church and complains they just do not do enough.  He then uses the guilt (or self-righteous thoughts people have in response to his accusations against THE CHURCH,) to get people moved into action, wanting to fight his cause. But slick Rick goes even a step further, than adding guilt to insult.  His special finishing touch, the thing wrapping his lack of the gospel up in a bow is flattery to those who would do as he bids.... those who want to be great and do great things like Rick.  He flatters people saying,  "Church" (this means YOU  church,) is the greatest weapon of the world.

But Pastor Rick should know the church is not "of the world,"  (John 18:36) and he should also know that we who are the church are not to be conformed to the pattern of the world,  (Romans 12:12)and yet, we see he thinks the Christian communities are just like all the other faith communities around. 
But let's talk about the "brighter" future that Rick does offer.... that future that "will be brighter. "if the church and other faith faith communities will step up to the table, and as governments and other health organizations welcome their assistance"  

You cannot have a  brighter future without light.  

Jesus said, “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.  But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!" (Matthew 6:22-23) NIV He also said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”(John 8:12) ESV  It's a bit ironic, maybe even a bit "protest-y," that Rick demands pastors and churches be "healthy," like him, and subsequently make use of being able to buy his books and programs by the score. 

So the question is, "How can Rick offer people a true brighter future, without JEsus, the light that comes from God?" The answer:  He can't.  Instead he offers them world government organizations (and Purpose Driven Lives.)

Rick's ideal future is  (see his P.E.A.C.E. Plan) is really no "hope" for anything other than a good life while you are alive and well, here on planet earth. 

"But if the church and other faith communities will step up to the table, and as governments and other health organizations welcome their assistance, the future can be brighter."
Rick Warren CNN Belief Blog editorial, July 3,2011

If in this life only we have hope in Christ, 
we are of all men most miserable.
1 Corinthians 15:19

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.

Colossians 2:8

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