Friday, October 8, 2010

Part One: Message From God. THINKing about the 2010 Desiring God National Conference and Rick Warren --

On October 1-3, 2010, the Desiring God National Conference took place in Minneapolis Minnesota.  Under the invitation of John Piper, Rick Warren was one of the special guests speakers.  Yes.... It's true...this was a conference of Christians that just happened to feature, none other than the man of the hour at this blogspot, Rick Warren; and so I have added quotes from Rick spoken at this conference to this blog. 

Some Quotes to Note

"As I've said, I have seen the face of mental illness; I have seen when people can't get the right thoughts.  Now, there are many  different suggestions that come into our minds- --certainly the world puts suggestions into our minds that are false and we're bombarded with those false ideas of the time, and of course, Satan makes suggestions all the time, but your problem's deeper than that... The problem of your members is deeper than that... and.. I don't want to shock you, but, everybody has a mental illness.  we're all mentally ill.  
What'd I mean by that?...The mental illness is called, "sin."~ Rick Warren


"You can learn from anybody
.. if you just learn to draw it out.."  
~ Rick Warren

"Knowledge is far more important than money... you can always get more money; but knowledge is something you gain.  If you store up knowledge in yourself, you're taking yourself to heaven, you're leaving all the wealth behind."
~ Rick Warren

Is Rick teaching that mental illness is equivalent to sin?
("The mental illness is called, "sin.")
Why does he say this?  What are the implications of it all?
He is talking to Christians at a Christian conference, 
to Christian pastors, 
telling them that the  problem they have 
and with their members is that they are all "mentally ill".
Friends, Rick, if he believes this, is wrong, just plain wrong!
2 Timothy 1 7 tells us this:
"For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;
but of power,
and of love,
and of a sound mind."
The picture scripture portrays of 
Christians and what they think and believe 
is not a picture of "mental illness."

And is it true that knowledge will get you to heaven?
Seems the Bible teaches something else will get you there..
something called FAITH, 
faith in Jesus Christ.
And... is it true that you can always get more money? 
Really?  Always? 
Ruminate on that.
Also, where, exactly did Jesus talk about "storing things" up?  
Where did he ever mention storing things up in yourself?

Treasure in heaven, is what Jesus said.
 Rick sure says a lot of really strange things... but back to the conference....

Sadly, even though a conference is usually a place where people meet face to face, Rick didn't show up in person like everyone else.  No....Rick began telling the crowd who was watching him on the big screen, that Satan was attacking him, trying to keep him from being there.   Because of this Satanic attck on him personally, people attending the conference only saw Warren via video. There was no interaction with Rick on a one to one personal level,  There was no time for a question and answer session, and if one person there, didn't believe everything Rick said, it would be a travesty to Christianity, because , as Rick announced to the crowd, God had given Rick a message to deliver and Satan was at work, trying to keep this message from those who were at the conference.  But never fear, technology came to the rescue... and he made it, via video.

This is noted, not with the intent of belittling Rick Warren's  family emergencies....they were no doubt serious afflictions and issues, but Rick did say with confidence, expecting his audience to show empathy and see him as a hero for persevering and participating in the conference via video, because it was a message that "God" had given him and that satanic attack on him was trying to keep him from delivering the message he was about to give to conference attendees.  The point he is making is that we can rest assured that he, our new "Christian" hero, leader, pastor, preacher, best selling author and guru, Rick Warren, will do anything he can, to get the important message "from God" out to the church at large, including make a video.  It must be an important message.

So, how important is this message from Rick that we are about to hear graced from his lips???  Well, consider that as such, Rick Warren began by asking his listening audience to listen to him "as if their lives depended on it."  (That would be pretty important, don;t you think?) 

Then, because he thought the crowd was all pastors, (quite possibly because Christian pastors  are  "who" he likes to address,) he also told the crowd that "the lives of their members" were also at stake.
This means it is important!  Now, do you believe this to be true or is he just using figures of speech for emphasis here?  

It sounds like more than a mere figure of speech... if it is from God... and if he is enduring Satanic attack, over it don't you think?

What follows here are Rick's words that REALLY got my attention.  For example, he says,

"Your greatest asset is your mind."

Is "the mind" a person's "greatest" asset?

How do you know what "your greatest asset" is or isn't anyhow? And, what about the heart?  What about the soul? Are these important too, or is the mind the greatest asset a person has?  (And remember, Rick states we are all " mentally ill"?

Rick would have you THINK that your greatest asset is your mind, but Christian, didn't Jesus say, What benefit will it be to you if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?  (Mark 8:36) Perhaps, as Jesus stated here, the greatest assent is not the mind, but rather the soul?  And metal illness... is a sickness of mind, not quite and not only to be equated with this thing hmanity suffers with called "sin."

Rick also tried to enlighten "the church" saying, 
"The reason we have so many ineffective Christians today...."

Hmmm, and who is it that has decided that "WE" have "so many ineffective Christians today?

Who decides effectiveness or ineffectiveness? How is that measured?

What is God's view of someone who is Christian?  How does God measure what you as a Christian do?  Do you like Rick believe there are ineffective Christians and if you do, do you want to think yourself as "one of them?" Most naturally no, and so, because you believe Rick, you will now listen to him, since he in your mind knows what he is talking about.... when in reality, Christians are very effective... when they are Christians.

Beware or you may believe that Christian are ineffective and be ready to ride off into the sunset with Rick believing that YOU... because you are doing all things that Rick tells you to do and are being oh-so -much-more effective than other Christians today who are not just like you.

 IF you do not think this possible, THINK ... THINK of Mary and Martha.  Can you just hear the remark about how little Mary was doing, how ineffective she was, while Martha was so busy being effective?   If you want to THINK here, think of the words that JEsus said to her when she thought Mary was ineffective too.

People sometimes have a different idea of what effectiveness is.     

And THINK too, dear Christian reader who is listening to Rick teach that Christians are so "ineffective, " (whatever THAT means;)  THINK: Do you suppose, for one minute... just one minute... that He, (God) who began a good work in all those Christians will be faithful to complete what he is doing?  Do you think it possible, that somehow, God is slacking... (as SOME count slackness? )  The Lord is not slack as some count slackness.... is he?  Ask yourself, "Are there REALLY "so many" ineffectual Christians today?" And know this,  Rick wants YOU to believe him.  He would also like you to believe that he can make you effectual, IF you listen to him.  After all, he is "Rcik Warren" and certainly not "ineffective," like the rest of "THEM."

Just look at his influence.. and now, he has a message from God too! .(one your life and the lives of those whom you love and care for depends on;)  so, you are expected to believe him. Perhaps you trust that Rick does not want you to be mentally ill?  (Or to be in "sin.")You can pparently trust Rick more because...

"As I've said, I have seen the face of mental illness; I have seen when people can't get the right thoughts.  Now, there are many  different suggestions that come into our minds- --certainly the world puts suggestions into our minds that are false and we're bombarded with those false ideas of the time, and of course, Satan makes suggestions all the time, but your problem's deeper than that... The problem of your members is deeper than that... and.. I don't want to shock you, but, everybody has a mental illness.  we're all mentally ill.  
What'd I mean by that?...The mental illness is called, "sin."

It's shocking, isn't it? Here he is preaching to "pastors" and "Christians"...presumably long time Christians.... and he THINKS that he is shocking them by telling them all have "Maybe they are just shocked that Rick used such a word.... "sin."  Unfortunately he is trying to change a definition.

Now, you may believe that Rick is a prophet speaking a message from God, or at the least an expert, on the bible, on God, on missions, on Africa, on purpose and in being a leader....a great philanthropist and holy man among men.... or maybe just someone that YOU need to learn from.  But if you didn't you might now because Rick has seen the face of mental illness, he knows what it looks like and what it is....

Maybe he means that it's shocking to THINK that the people in the room he is talking to are all "mentally ill" as he tells them to believe, "Mental illness is called sin." 


Are you shocked yet?
Interestingly enough, Rick Warren sounds a lot like that famous anti-God psychologist, Chester M Pierce, who spoke before American Educators years ago saying, "Every child in America entering school at the age of five is mentally ill because he comes to school with certain allegiances to our Founding Fathers, toward our elected officials, toward his parents, toward a belief in a supernatural being, ..."  

Chester M. Pierce believed children were mentally ill because they believed what their parents believed... in America, that their parents loved them and in God.  Like this man, Piece, Warren would have the church believe it is mentally ill.  Like Pierce,  Rick is making a point that merely serves his own purpose, and it's a point that at the core, is completely untrue.  Sin is much deeper than a state of mind, or a way of thinking,,,, it is not the same as "mental illness." and the cure is not Rick's latest, greatest program, nor,  a new message from God outside of the scripture.  It is faith in God and belief upon the one he sent, Jesus.

Rick, attempting to convince these Christian people listening, that their thinking needed to be changed  said, 
      "... go to any nutritionist, they'll tell you that there are three kinds of physical food for your physical body.  The same is true mentally."

The principal he taught is that what goes into a man, (food) is what poisons or strengthens him.

In the case of the mind,  this equates to what we see, hear and allow into your mind, and these are the things that defile you, make you "sin." or in Rick's dichotomy, "mental ill, unstable and sick."  This is, of course, completely contrary to Jesus saying, 
"It is not what goes into a man that defiles him,"  but what comes out."  (Matthew 15:11)

Warren is, once more, quite contrary to Jesus.

But wait!  there's more!

Warren, teaching his listeners to focus their thoughts... didn't even mention Jesus.  He did say, 

"One of the keys to overcome temptation is, "Don't resist it, replace it."   

On the other hand, we Christians who believe and read our Bible,  often read in James, (4:7)
" Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."

So, dear Christian, ask yourself...."Who is right on this matter of how to overcome temptation? Is it  James (Resist)  or Rick? (Replace)"  Rick is speaking contrary to the scripture!

Hint:  Probably James, identified properly as the brother of the Lord, who lived and walked and talked with Jesus.... and his followers in the first century A.D.
Rick never suggested his readers sit at the feet of Jesus, read their bibles and learn from him.  No.  According to Rick...You can learn from anybody.. if you just learn to draw it out.."  So, apparently, you already have to know in yourself what you need to know, so that you can get someone else to show or teach you.  NOt only that, but now,  you have to learn to learn, and there was not one mention of Jesus as a primary source...who, by the way, said to those who laden with burdens of having to do this and that, and this and that, and this and that....and never we able to measure up and be all do all, know all in and of themselves... that all we had to do was come to him, simply believe...take his yoke upon us, and learn of him,. 

Who do you believe and listen to?  Humble Jesus or All-knowing Rick?
And Rick says, just like many other famous people today, "be a lifelong learner." Rick says, "When you stop learning you stop leading." (And you do not want to stop you?  After all, you know how important Rick and friends think it is that YOU aspire to the greatness of being a leader, (not a follower)....but they do want you to follow them... buy their books and sermons.

Some people are ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.....

But remember, Rick is not interested in money... reverse tither that he is.  No. In fact, he believes Knowledge is more important the money.  He said :
"Knowledge is far more important than money... you can always get more money; but knowledge is something you gain.  If you store up knowledge in yourself, you're taking yourself to heaven, you're leaving all the wealth behind."

There was no mention of Jesus.  No mention of even knowing Jesus, trusting Jesus or believing in Jesus or even of learning about Jesus.... to be saved from sin.  Not one iota of even "focusing any attention  "on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith."

This is a travesty. Rick suggests that if you "store up knowledge in yourself" you will then .....(take yourself to heaven.


Next... part two.

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