Thursday, September 20, 2018

Keeping Your Tank Filled Instead Of Running On Empty by Rick Warren

Rick Warren once again uses scripture to confuse people rather than teach them.   He talks about Christian concepts like change and prayer.... only to have these Christian concepts harbor his own definition of the subject at hand.  Not only that, but as you presume he is talking with reference to God, after all he is a "pastor" of a "church," Rick will purposely leave out the word "God" and the hearer will fill-in that concept for themselves.  So, while Rick is talking about trust, you believe he is talking about trust in God, but it really could be anything, for in his slick Rick sorta way,  way, he isn't talking about trusting specifically "in God."  He is just talking about something anyone can relate to... "trusting."  The object of that trust is chameleon-like.  

Case in  point:  Take a look at this article,
                   Keeping Your Tank Filled Instead Of Running On Empty by Rick Warren 

Cars and refueling them is no doubt "relevant" to most, if not all of his audience, and we all know Rick believes in being relevant, but audience beware.  Using the same analogy, I'll interject here that we must remember that all fuel for your car is not the same.  It might also be relevant to his audience to consider that there's different kinds of gas to fuel your engine, like premium and unleaded, diesel.  You gotta have the right one.  And wouldn't you know, sometimes there is just BAD gas that will ruin your engine too.  Things like strange additives, bad mixes, contaminating sediments and even water condensation all  have the ability to ruin the engine in your car.  Following your vehicle manufacturer's recommendation in the manual is always best. 

After elaborating on the ten reasons "you run out of gas," Rick gives some tips on, "How to keep your tank filled."  Curiously,  Rick then uses a quote from scripture, Jesus speaking, about how taking his yoke upon us gives us rest.... and this to promote his notion that you gotta keep that tank of yours filled.  Funny, how quickly that rest turned into the burdening work of do stuff.... and not just one thing, but several, in order to keep my tank filled.  And in case you are wondering where you can go to learn how to stay filled instead of resting and laying burdens down,Ill give you a clue, I'ts not from Jesus... at least not directly.  The best place to learn how to do that is from Rick.  One must listen to his messages, watch and re-watch his videos, and answer questions in a small group setting from his study guides.  Keeping your tank filled, kinda make sense, don't ya think, if one is going to be purpose "DRIVEN".... but again, being driven is not the same as entering into rest....

Just saying.

In this article, Rick uses a weird mixture of at least four different "bible" references carefully selected, no doubt, just to prove his points.  This practice is called "Proof texting."  He uses the LB, the TEV, the MSG and the CEV.  Do you dear reader know what each abbreviation stands for?  Do you know if the book used for each reference is a true translation of the Holy Bible or simply a personal retelling of the scriptures?

 All of Ricks choices are not equal..... the rendering of scripture by one man paraphrasing a true translation of the Bible, for example, doth not a translation make.  Both the Living Bible and the Message are paraphrases.  Rick is simply passing along some cheap gas that isn't packed with the octane that a true translation has.  Keep in mind, dear reader, a bad mixture of fuel, like cheap low grade gas, is detrimental to a car's engine.

But the real clencher here comes in Rick's article after he highlights Matthew 11:28-30, (where Jesus tells us how he will give us rest from our burdens by us being yoked with him).   How do we yoke with Jesus and find this needed rest?  Rick doesn't say.  Rick is however going to help his audience  learn how keep their proverbial "tanks" filled doing alll sorts of activities.  He is about to rev them into action with his six-point  "How To,: list complete with plans for "action." 

Point 1:  
"Until you are willing to come to terms that you need to change your life, you won't change your life.  Think through or write down everything you are sick and tired of in your life.  Share your list with someone and ask them to keep you accountable in that area(s)."
No resting for you cause you have to be busy changing your life!
You have to think of everything that YOU need to change and write write write!
Share what you write with someone else too, because they can;t rest eaither.....
 now it's their job to keep you accountable to making these changes in your life..
Funny, Isn't it.... that YOU  have to change yourself.  
(no  God mentioned by Rick  there.) Seems as if God is simply out of the equation,
 God is not mentioned in that paragraph at all.)

Rick tells his audience to think of "EVERYTHING  you are sick and tired of  in your life."
Hmmmmm.  Do people count?  Just wondering.. 
He suggests you write it it all down and shared it all with someone else, 
(Note; someone, besides God;) and ask them to keep you accountable.
No more confessing your sins to God.  Nope, just write down what you need to change and confide in a friend.  He has everyone busy working, meeting with friends, 
you working to change yourself and other people working to manage you.

Work at it, work at it..... work work work,  No rest here, even
 though that the verse he used, sort of, to make his Action Plan point.

Point  2: 
 "Using the list you made in #1, write down a prayer for each item on your list.  Each day ask Jesus for help for each item. "
More writing.
Writing your prayers is nice and fluffy, but why not just pray? (a.k.a. talk to God.)
It seems more and more, the simple act of talking to God is thought passe'
Rick suggests..... "each day," asking Jesus for help for each item.  
Gosh, it seems such a smart way to do things, but if you think about it, 
"each day" can actually be a long time,
 depending on how long you live. It's odd, but it seems as if 
Rick overlooks the possibility that Jesus will hear 
your prayer the first time He hears you pray. 

Nothing wrong with petitioning the Lord...
nothing wrong with repeating prayers and petitions
even after we have already prayed for and about something on our list....... but Rick 
here will have you  so busy managing notes 
you will not have time for much else.

He does not mention God answering your prayers... or even "rest."

Point 3: 
"Give Up Control"
Okay... so, ask yourself,  if you give up control, who do you give control to? 
 (Did Rick suggest you give control to "God "or did you just insert that notion from your own thinking?  Also, who is controlling the 
person who has the "fruit of the spirit" that is mentioned in scripture, called,  "self-control"?
Seems like it would be the person in control of themselves, controlling themselves.
Who, do you think he suggest you give up control to?

Point 4: 
"Learn To Trust"

Notably Rick comments with a verse
  in The Living Bible, a paraphrase,  that would suggest 
that you turn off your thinking
 and reasoning skills altogether.

  "Since the Lord is directing our steps, why try to understand everything that happens along the way"  Proverbs 20:24 (LB)

Yes, "why try" to understand things?

Point 5:
Rewatch the message "Starting Your Day Right." Use it to help you get started on the habit of a Daily Quiet Time with God.

 Rick's teaching sounds like brainwashing.
Be sure to start your day, every day, "RIGHT."  
You' ll surely have no time for personal study and real bible reading
 because you will be so occupied learning everything from Rick,
 as he proof texts various rendering of the Bible that are sure to prove his points. 
 If you want to start your day RIGHT, you have to devlope a habit... (more work for you)  and not just watch, but rewatch  his teaching sna be sure to do what he says... everyday.

Do what?  

 Something he calls "Quiet time with God.*"
*(This is code for meditaion.)

So,,,," give up control,"
 "stop trying to understand" things" 
and develop the habit of "quiet time " with God.  Rick tells his audience (in brief ) how to do this, but it's Jesus whom Rick lets prooftext this concept for him.  Straight from the bible, presumably, come Matthew 6:6:

"Find a quiet, secluded place so you won't be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense his grace."  Matthew 6:6 (Mes)

But wait, there is a problem.... it's from a version called the Mes.  as mentioned previosly, the message by Eugene Peterson, is not a translation.  It's one guy's brainy rendering of what he wants the scriptures to convey.  Aptly abbreviated here for us by Rick, the Message by Eugene Peterson is a "MES,". and the Message leaves one with questions, like:.

"What exactly does it mean... to "be tempted to role-play before God?"
Is he referring to talking to, you know, "praying" to God using words?   What on earth does role playing in this context even mean?

Finding a quiet... secluded.... simple, honest... all sounds sweet, but is this what Jesus said? The  KJV, NASB, NKJV nor the NIV say anything like this.

And about that "temptation" to "role-play" whatever that is... 
Since you do not want to be tempted to do it....  
Does he mean this "roleplay" could lead us into sin?

It doesn't take a yogi from India to figure out that Rick Warren here, in the steps of Eugene Peterson,  is teaching some sort of meditative technique....something that is intended to give the practitioner a mystical sense of something they both call "grace."  

Point 6: 
Join a Small Group

What will you or I in a small group at Saddle back 
study after this sermon?  See the Small Group Study Guide
 for this sermon Here.

Note whether the quote is given in a translation or a paraphrase of the Holy Bible. 
Note that Jesus is said to be our "partner"... (not our savior) and
 "pace setter." (keeping a pace... mind you, has nothing to to with actual REST.)

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