Monday, November 16, 2015

Giants in David's Life, Before Golaith

David, according to Rick Warren, faced four giants before he faced the menacing giant named Goliath. According to Warren, these four "giants" were amazingly powerful ones too.   Who were these giants,? (You might ask.) They were the "naysayers," says Pastor Rick, in the life of David, who as you know, is one of the people in the Bible.  

And these "naysayers," (which the scripture never mentions as "giants" of any kind,) are apparently pretty powerful.  Rick says,

"Nay-sayers can actually stop the will of God."  ~Rick Warren

Wow!  That powerful!  Those menacing naysayers must certainly be more powerful than that giant Goliath.  After all, everyone was fearful of the murderous and relentless adversary named Goliath, even the mighty warriors of his day.  David, however, was able to do Goliath in with one swoop of his shepherds sling.

It's amazing really.  Right before your very ears, as words come forth from the mouth of Warren, the story of David and Goliath changes.  It's not about David defeating Goliath anymore.  The story as Rick tells it, is  better and bigger than even you could possibly imagine!  Instead of one giant... there's five!  Rick makes the addition of four others, (those menacing "naysayers,") before Goliath even arrives upon the scene. And the story is not just about David anymore, but it's bigger than that.  It's about David and YOU.

Yes, you get to take center stage as the story miraculously becomes a story about YOU.  Rick becomes the mouthpiece from God interpreting the scriptures to help you deal with all the menacing giants in your own life... if you want to be as successful in your life as he is.  He tells his people too, that they must listen to and learn from him, if they want what he offers them.  Yes, just like the scripture says in 1 Timothy chapter 3, verse 9, this is pure folly.    

Job declared that God was all powerful, for Job 42:2, says just the opposite of Rick.  The reality of who God is makes stopping his plan and purpose impossible!  Acts 5:39, xample makes it clear that God is sovereign.  There are many verses to this point, including Isaiah 14:27, which reitterates that nothing can stop the will of Almighty God.  Meanwhile, back at Saddleback Ranch, there's a completely different story as Rick Warren shamelessly teaches that, "Nay-sayers  can actually stop the will of God."

Listen to him yourself:  Learn How to Ignore the Naysayers in Life with Rick Warren  November 2, 2015 

Rick Warren says determination and desire are not enough to be successful in life.  No.  You need tools and skills to succeed in life... and  of course, he has the tools you need.  He even trains "pastors" to teach, just like he does.  

In this "sermon" Rick leads his listeners into the book of 1 Samuel Chapter 17, where, by looking at the life of David in the bible, they learn that Goliath of biblical history was not the only giant in David's life.   There were, according to the pastor, "four other giants."  Pastor Rick identifies them for us and teaches us that these were the "naysayers," people in David's life who didn't appreciate Davids God-given greatness and held him back from fulfilling his dream. Akin to Goliath,  these giants were enormous problems for him because they were actually stopping the will of God in his life. 

Are you like David?  Are there giants in your life who hold you back?  Never fear, Rick is here!  

Pastor Rick  says you can probably relate to David and the naysayers in his life.  You can probably feel the same emotions David did... Can't you?  In love for you, Rick offers to be the one to help you overcome them, just like David did.  Speaking from his own experience, he knows everything about overcoming such giants.... (who really are just people you'd like to label as "negative" in your own life.  Rick is positive.  He loves you... but the "giants" in your life do not have your best interest in mind, as Rick does.  

The manipulation that takes place is rather mind-boggling.

Pastor Rick, he tells us, has had the misfortune of dealing with a lot of naysayers in his own life. After making sure we understand how he has been successful in his own life and ministry, telling us about his best-selling book and gigantic Saddleback campus as well, Rick paints himself as a picture perfect example for us to look at and therefore, learn from.  If anyone knows how to overcome all these giants.... it's Rick!  Having learned from his own experience, he can give you and I the skills and tools that we will need to fend off these giants, (not mentioned as such in the story of David) and their "negativity."  Like your negative, naysaying, parents. Did you know that, just like in David's life, your parents are likely your biggest enemy? 

 Rick teaches that David's dad "held him back" from experiencing his God ordained greatness.  As the first giant in David's young life, his dad delayed him from realizing his "dream."

"The first negative... or naysayer, that David had to face was actually his own Dad; and so, write this down: "His dad held him back." (minute 11:14-17 on the sermon video)

Rick directs the audience to write the sentence down, and goes on to read verses 12-17.   He then directs then to then circle the words, "held back."  (Go to minute 11:33-11:53 in the sermon video.)

"That's the first naysayer, and often times a parent will be somebody who holds you back and keeps you from becoming all God wants you to be." ~Rick Warren

"Often times"???
"Often times"  a parent will be somebody who 
holds you back and keeps you from 
being all God wants you to be?

What is this STRANGE wisdom?  Did he really just say that?

Contrary to Rick Warren, back in the pages of the bible, God's instruction to people is to honor their father and mother; to, like young David, "obey" parents, not think of them as people who keep you back from "being all God wants" you to be.  Not only that, but there is a natural affection between parents and their offspring. They are not naturally adversaries.... like murdering, Goliath type of "giants." But Rick teaches differently than this, that "often times", parents are the enemy... "giants" to be, at the very least, ignored.

He reads from 1 Samuel 17 : 12-15 and says, "David was held back (by his own dad.) to care for  the sheep in Bethlehem," insinuating that David's dad was a" bad" guy and out to thwart the will of God.  After all, anyone destined for greatness, like David was, would never be given the demeaning job of tending a flock of sheep, and David's dad, in doing this, was holding David back. 

Is that what the scripture says?

Compare some versions of 1 Samuel 17:12-15 here, here. and here... or use your own Bible.  Rick reads this passage of scripture and paints David's dad in a negative light.   It is amazing that this strange teaching then gets repeated . over and over and over, by his students... many of them in the capacity of church leaders, "pastors." who learn from Rick.. "How to grow"and change, into the appropriate role of "rancher" and lead,( rather than minister to) a congregations.  This theme of David being held back from his dream by his own dad is recurrent, even written into "devotionals" by Rick. 

"In David’s case, his dad held him back from the dream."
~ Rick Warren, The Giants Between You and Your Dream, Rick Warren, Jan 28, 2015, posted at
Then Rick makes it personal to his hearers.  He suggests that this concept, this notion that people, like your parents, like David's dad... "holding him back" from God's dream for his life, is familiar to you. He works linguistically to makes certain that no one listening to him can rationally disagree:

"Have you ever been held back by anyone?  Of course you have.  This is the first barrier to your dream, when somebody holds you back, a delay."

Prest-o Change-o!

If this has ever happened to YOU..... it's likely that you can relate and now understand exactly how David of the Bible felt when his Dad, (the first one of the four giants in David's life, besides Goliath,) was hindering him from realizing his dream... his "God-given" one at that!

Now that you are struck with a new way of looking at those dream killing "giants" that David of Biblical fame had to deal with, Rick moves in fast. Emotions are engaged and now, that all those authority figures like parents, family, friends, and "experts" are recognized by you and labeled "nay-sayers," just like David's negative Dad.

Are there giants in your own life who need to be reckoned with, just like that nasty Goliath?  Of course there are, and your friendly  pastor, Rick presents the solution.   It begins with listening to Rick who minces no words in asserting himself as dominant teacher of all things Bible...  and it ends with turning a deaf ear to whatever anyone else, but Rick, says.

Then he takes it even further, while dissing parental authority and labeling naysayers as evil "giants," who oppose God's dream for you, personally.  Rick Warren actually dares to assert that he loves you and is concerned for your welfare more than anyone else. Rick sets himself up as the person who loves you.  You need to listen to him, because he will help you find "your purpose," help you know how to fulfill that "dream" that God has for you... despite  among all the naysayers in your life.

Yes, listen to Pastor Rick....  and before you know it, you'll not only be brainwashed, but jumping through all sorts of "purpose driven" hoops.  You will be taking one Warren-designated "step"  after "step," after step, totally occupied with learning and keeping all the "biblical" laws,
stages of growth and requirements needed in order to be happy or  healthy, or get a blessing from God.  Rick will teach you.

He will teach you how to ignore those naysayers and soon have you taking his classes, buying his books, going through his campaigns with everyone in your congregation and if your are only five years old, you can bet, you too will be  taking notes at his sermons.   Rick' teaching and wisdom is THAT important.

                                                                        Rick tells people exactly what to write and what to circle
and what to remember from his sermon on 1 Samuel 17.
But what he tells the to write is a misquote of the scripture.

The false teachings fall like a torrential rain that would, if it could, remove the truth in order to make way for the new thing Rick is teaching.  Let's note how Rick says nothing about how the story of David, points us to Jesus.  He fails to properly mention how all those years tending the sheep taught David many important qualities and gave him skills that he used in his lifetime, things that helped him not only defeat Goliath and save the nation but helped him in understanding the heart of God as he served the entire nation of Israel with mercy and compassion as he served them as king. He delivers instead, dose upon dose of self-centered philosophy,  as well as his own ideas, such as there were other "giants" before Goliath,  to go with the bible's text.

The bad philosophy here in this sermon is one that says it is okay to ignore your "giant" naysaying parents, and subsequently in this sermon, he add, family, friends, and "experts,"  (even those who might actually know what they are talking about) if they are perceived by you as hindering your "dream.".  The only justification he gives for ignoring them, is the person listening to Rick has perceived  some "negativity."  

This is a problem.  
 Rick Warren not only 
misquotes scripture, but tells people what to write down 
 and remember.

 It's cult-like to set-up people to dismiss authority figures
 in their lives while flattering them
and telling them that unlike these "negative people," 
(in his first example, parents,)
who are hindering spiritual growth and personal
 happiness, but that Rick, 
on the other hand, (and he tells them this in this video, )
he "loves" them., cares for them and 
want's God's "dream" for their lives.  

(Again, listen to the message, particularly
 minutes 3:09 thru 3:20 in the sermon)
In teaching 1 Samuel 17, Warren does not teach how great it was that this giant was slayed.  No. His rendering is about you slaying the giants that Rick verbally inserted into this text.  People are not learning about how David was a good shepherd and how he often he willingly risked his own life to care for his father's flock.  There is no mention of how David slew that giant that no one else could because God gave him victory, or how h did it, with a rock.  We do not hear about David's faith in God., or how it was that with a sword David removed Goliath's entire head making sure that he would never be a pest again.  Instead we learn the enormous qualifications of Rick Warren and how we should learn, from him, how to identify and ignore "giants" in our own lives, jut like David did.

David has a dream... and he told his dream to his brothers.  And as Rick says, if we learn like David, to ignore and kill giants..... once all the delays and hindrances are gone, we will see our "dream" come true.  David did.

And Rick... he dares you..."dream big!"

It kinda reminds a believing bible reader of Jeremiah 23...and having big dreams and the benefit of telling your dreams to everyone:

Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.  Jeremiah 23:27

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