Monday, November 16, 2015

Giants in David's Life, Before Golaith

David, according to Rick Warren, faced four giants before he faced the menacing giant named Goliath. According to Warren, these four "giants" were amazingly powerful ones too.   Who were these giants,? (You might ask.) They were the "naysayers," says Pastor Rick, in the life of David, who as you know, is one of the people in the Bible.  

And these "naysayers," (which the scripture never mentions as "giants" of any kind,) are apparently pretty powerful.  Rick says,

"Nay-sayers can actually stop the will of God."  ~Rick Warren

Wow!  That powerful!  Those menacing naysayers must certainly be more powerful than that giant Goliath.  After all, everyone was fearful of the murderous and relentless adversary named Goliath, even the mighty warriors of his day.  David, however, was able to do Goliath in with one swoop of his shepherds sling.

It's amazing really.  Right before your very ears, as words come forth from the mouth of Warren, the story of David and Goliath changes.  It's not about David defeating Goliath anymore.  The story as Rick tells it, is  better and bigger than even you could possibly imagine!  Instead of one giant... there's five!  Rick makes the addition of four others, (those menacing "naysayers,") before Goliath even arrives upon the scene. And the story is not just about David anymore, but it's bigger than that.  It's about David and YOU.

Yes, you get to take center stage as the story miraculously becomes a story about YOU.  Rick becomes the mouthpiece from God interpreting the scriptures to help you deal with all the menacing giants in your own life... if you want to be as successful in your life as he is.  He tells his people too, that they must listen to and learn from him, if they want what he offers them.  Yes, just like the scripture says in 1 Timothy chapter 3, verse 9, this is pure folly.    

Job declared that God was all powerful, for Job 42:2, says just the opposite of Rick.  The reality of who God is makes stopping his plan and purpose impossible!  Acts 5:39, xample makes it clear that God is sovereign.  There are many verses to this point, including Isaiah 14:27, which reitterates that nothing can stop the will of Almighty God.  Meanwhile, back at Saddleback Ranch, there's a completely different story as Rick Warren shamelessly teaches that, "Nay-sayers  can actually stop the will of God."

Listen to him yourself:  Learn How to Ignore the Naysayers in Life with Rick Warren  November 2, 2015 

Rick Warren says determination and desire are not enough to be successful in life.  No.  You need tools and skills to succeed in life... and  of course, he has the tools you need.  He even trains "pastors" to teach, just like he does.  

In this "sermon" Rick leads his listeners into the book of 1 Samuel Chapter 17, where, by looking at the life of David in the bible, they learn that Goliath of biblical history was not the only giant in David's life.   There were, according to the pastor, "four other giants."  Pastor Rick identifies them for us and teaches us that these were the "naysayers," people in David's life who didn't appreciate Davids God-given greatness and held him back from fulfilling his dream. Akin to Goliath,  these giants were enormous problems for him because they were actually stopping the will of God in his life. 

Are you like David?  Are there giants in your life who hold you back?  Never fear, Rick is here!  

Pastor Rick  says you can probably relate to David and the naysayers in his life.  You can probably feel the same emotions David did... Can't you?  In love for you, Rick offers to be the one to help you overcome them, just like David did.  Speaking from his own experience, he knows everything about overcoming such giants.... (who really are just people you'd like to label as "negative" in your own life.  Rick is positive.  He loves you... but the "giants" in your life do not have your best interest in mind, as Rick does.  

The manipulation that takes place is rather mind-boggling.

Pastor Rick, he tells us, has had the misfortune of dealing with a lot of naysayers in his own life. After making sure we understand how he has been successful in his own life and ministry, telling us about his best-selling book and gigantic Saddleback campus as well, Rick paints himself as a picture perfect example for us to look at and therefore, learn from.  If anyone knows how to overcome all these giants.... it's Rick!  Having learned from his own experience, he can give you and I the skills and tools that we will need to fend off these giants, (not mentioned as such in the story of David) and their "negativity."  Like your negative, naysaying, parents. Did you know that, just like in David's life, your parents are likely your biggest enemy? 

 Rick teaches that David's dad "held him back" from experiencing his God ordained greatness.  As the first giant in David's young life, his dad delayed him from realizing his "dream."

"The first negative... or naysayer, that David had to face was actually his own Dad; and so, write this down: "His dad held him back." (minute 11:14-17 on the sermon video)

Rick directs the audience to write the sentence down, and goes on to read verses 12-17.   He then directs then to then circle the words, "held back."  (Go to minute 11:33-11:53 in the sermon video.)

"That's the first naysayer, and often times a parent will be somebody who holds you back and keeps you from becoming all God wants you to be." ~Rick Warren

"Often times"???
"Often times"  a parent will be somebody who 
holds you back and keeps you from 
being all God wants you to be?

What is this STRANGE wisdom?  Did he really just say that?

Contrary to Rick Warren, back in the pages of the bible, God's instruction to people is to honor their father and mother; to, like young David, "obey" parents, not think of them as people who keep you back from "being all God wants" you to be.  Not only that, but there is a natural affection between parents and their offspring. They are not naturally adversaries.... like murdering, Goliath type of "giants." But Rick teaches differently than this, that "often times", parents are the enemy... "giants" to be, at the very least, ignored.

He reads from 1 Samuel 17 : 12-15 and says, "David was held back (by his own dad.) to care for  the sheep in Bethlehem," insinuating that David's dad was a" bad" guy and out to thwart the will of God.  After all, anyone destined for greatness, like David was, would never be given the demeaning job of tending a flock of sheep, and David's dad, in doing this, was holding David back. 

Is that what the scripture says?

Compare some versions of 1 Samuel 17:12-15 here, here. and here... or use your own Bible.  Rick reads this passage of scripture and paints David's dad in a negative light.   It is amazing that this strange teaching then gets repeated . over and over and over, by his students... many of them in the capacity of church leaders, "pastors." who learn from Rick.. "How to grow"and change, into the appropriate role of "rancher" and lead,( rather than minister to) a congregations.  This theme of David being held back from his dream by his own dad is recurrent, even written into "devotionals" by Rick. 

"In David’s case, his dad held him back from the dream."
~ Rick Warren, The Giants Between You and Your Dream, Rick Warren, Jan 28, 2015, posted at
Then Rick makes it personal to his hearers.  He suggests that this concept, this notion that people, like your parents, like David's dad... "holding him back" from God's dream for his life, is familiar to you. He works linguistically to makes certain that no one listening to him can rationally disagree:

"Have you ever been held back by anyone?  Of course you have.  This is the first barrier to your dream, when somebody holds you back, a delay."

Prest-o Change-o!

If this has ever happened to YOU..... it's likely that you can relate and now understand exactly how David of the Bible felt when his Dad, (the first one of the four giants in David's life, besides Goliath,) was hindering him from realizing his dream... his "God-given" one at that!

Now that you are struck with a new way of looking at those dream killing "giants" that David of Biblical fame had to deal with, Rick moves in fast. Emotions are engaged and now, that all those authority figures like parents, family, friends, and "experts" are recognized by you and labeled "nay-sayers," just like David's negative Dad.

Are there giants in your own life who need to be reckoned with, just like that nasty Goliath?  Of course there are, and your friendly  pastor, Rick presents the solution.   It begins with listening to Rick who minces no words in asserting himself as dominant teacher of all things Bible...  and it ends with turning a deaf ear to whatever anyone else, but Rick, says.

Then he takes it even further, while dissing parental authority and labeling naysayers as evil "giants," who oppose God's dream for you, personally.  Rick Warren actually dares to assert that he loves you and is concerned for your welfare more than anyone else. Rick sets himself up as the person who loves you.  You need to listen to him, because he will help you find "your purpose," help you know how to fulfill that "dream" that God has for you... despite  among all the naysayers in your life.

Yes, listen to Pastor Rick....  and before you know it, you'll not only be brainwashed, but jumping through all sorts of "purpose driven" hoops.  You will be taking one Warren-designated "step"  after "step," after step, totally occupied with learning and keeping all the "biblical" laws,
stages of growth and requirements needed in order to be happy or  healthy, or get a blessing from God.  Rick will teach you.

He will teach you how to ignore those naysayers and soon have you taking his classes, buying his books, going through his campaigns with everyone in your congregation and if your are only five years old, you can bet, you too will be  taking notes at his sermons.   Rick' teaching and wisdom is THAT important.

                                                                        Rick tells people exactly what to write and what to circle
and what to remember from his sermon on 1 Samuel 17.
But what he tells the to write is a misquote of the scripture.

The false teachings fall like a torrential rain that would, if it could, remove the truth in order to make way for the new thing Rick is teaching.  Let's note how Rick says nothing about how the story of David, points us to Jesus.  He fails to properly mention how all those years tending the sheep taught David many important qualities and gave him skills that he used in his lifetime, things that helped him not only defeat Goliath and save the nation but helped him in understanding the heart of God as he served the entire nation of Israel with mercy and compassion as he served them as king. He delivers instead, dose upon dose of self-centered philosophy,  as well as his own ideas, such as there were other "giants" before Goliath,  to go with the bible's text.

The bad philosophy here in this sermon is one that says it is okay to ignore your "giant" naysaying parents, and subsequently in this sermon, he add, family, friends, and "experts,"  (even those who might actually know what they are talking about) if they are perceived by you as hindering your "dream.".  The only justification he gives for ignoring them, is the person listening to Rick has perceived  some "negativity."  

This is a problem.  
 Rick Warren not only 
misquotes scripture, but tells people what to write down 
 and remember.

 It's cult-like to set-up people to dismiss authority figures
 in their lives while flattering them
and telling them that unlike these "negative people," 
(in his first example, parents,)
who are hindering spiritual growth and personal
 happiness, but that Rick, 
on the other hand, (and he tells them this in this video, )
he "loves" them., cares for them and 
want's God's "dream" for their lives.  

(Again, listen to the message, particularly
 minutes 3:09 thru 3:20 in the sermon)
In teaching 1 Samuel 17, Warren does not teach how great it was that this giant was slayed.  No. His rendering is about you slaying the giants that Rick verbally inserted into this text.  People are not learning about how David was a good shepherd and how he often he willingly risked his own life to care for his father's flock.  There is no mention of how David slew that giant that no one else could because God gave him victory, or how h did it, with a rock.  We do not hear about David's faith in God., or how it was that with a sword David removed Goliath's entire head making sure that he would never be a pest again.  Instead we learn the enormous qualifications of Rick Warren and how we should learn, from him, how to identify and ignore "giants" in our own lives, jut like David did.

David has a dream... and he told his dream to his brothers.  And as Rick says, if we learn like David, to ignore and kill giants..... once all the delays and hindrances are gone, we will see our "dream" come true.  David did.

And Rick... he dares you..."dream big!"

It kinda reminds a believing bible reader of Jeremiah 23...and having big dreams and the benefit of telling your dreams to everyone:

Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.  Jeremiah 23:27

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Rick on the Topic of the Bible and Science

"God sets up the laws of science; he made sure that his Word doesn’t contradict those laws."   Rick Warren
The Bible Is Always Ahead of Science (Devotional) by Rick Warren, Sept 21, 2014

It sure sounds 'biblical' to say such a thing... It sure would seem to refute refute all those "science" minded unbelievers who would otherwise think the bible was antithetical to (so-called) "science" that has answers for us about many  many things.  By saying such a thing, believers would have their faith boosted too... as they would likely agree with Pastor Rick, that the bible and the laws of science do not contradict and God set up those laws.  

Talk like this might make it look like Rick is defending the Christian faith.  It might also make him look like an authority on the Bible and science, but there's a problem here.  First of all, Rick is sloppy.  He does not give the author's name so one can validate the existence of the "very famous book" that he cites as being published in 1861,and attempted to disprove the Bible as true, titled,  Fifty-one Incontrovertible Proofs that the Bible is Scientifically Inaccurate.  Secondly, there are actually things in God's Word that do contradict the "laws of science."  These contradictions are commonly known as miracles and miracles are very much a part of biblical faith.

 (Rick has a few ideas of what constitutes a miracle, and what you must do if you want to get one and how they come from "unexpected sources" too. (Odd, isn't it?  One would think that the source of miracles would always be: God!) You can read some about Rick's teachings regarding miracles here and here.)

In the Bible, we are told that God simple speaks and creates all things from nothing.  This is, no doubt, often considered to be a rather "unscientific" way of looking at the origin of life, and of the origin of planet Earth as well.  The laws of nature, as we observe them, would tell you that it's pretty much impossible for something to come from nothing, which may account for the discussion about what came "first"... the chicken or the egg.

 Besides the parting of the sea, there is also the miracle of a burning bush.  Moses sees the bush burning, and it's on fire; but quite contrary to the laws of science, (in which something that is on fire burns up into smoke and becomes a heap of ash,) this bush is not consumed by the flames.  This is another miracle!

Also in the Bible, we read stories of dead people being raised from death to life.  There are various other feats of medical marvel too.  A man blind from birth is given his sight by a man named Jesus who simply makes some mud with his saliva and puts in the the blind man's eyes.   A young girl who dies at the age of twelve is raised again to life by Jesus too.  A man sick with palsy, is not only forgiven of sin,by Jesus, but cured of his palsy and able to pick up his mat and return to his home. Then too, there is the story of Jesus...  who suffered and died under Pontius Pilot.  Jesus, crucified upon a cross, was buried for three days and miraculously was then seen risen from the dead.  People raised to life after days of being dead, is not something you can exactly explain scientifically.

Then there is the matter of this so-called "famous" book Rick mentions. (Fifty-one Incontrovertible Proofs that the Bible is Scientifically Inaccurate,)  It would be easy to assume that Rick is right about the book.... but research shows that the book is really not so famous after all.  There  doesn't seem to be one copy of it around.  Unless you discover this famous book, you may never know for certain what "proofs" were discussed upon it's pages, or if all of them were even dispelled by discoveries of  humanity's "scientific laws."   One thing for certain, the bible, is full of wisdom and truth and perhaps the  most famous book of all.

Miracles do in fact contradict the laws of nature.  They are extraordinary, scientifically unexplainable and beautiful things that happen via the will and discretion of none other than Almighty God.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Rick Warren Disses the "American Dream"

"When you commit yourself to a great dream, it draws something out of you and helps you become larger than you would become any other way." ~ Rick Warren

The "American Dream;" What is it?  

The American Dream is a rather ethereal thing; it is at the very least, an\ shared  ideology of people 
who are free and who support the idea of freedom.  It's an idea very much rooted in the Declaration of Independence, It is an ideology that stems from a concept of freedom and everything that  "freedom" entails: like freedom from tyranny, freedom to worship God without fear of persecution,, freedom to pursue your own happiness in life.  The amazing thing about "the American Dream"  is a shared dream of liberty is to be secured for everyone who calls this land, the United States of America, their home and at it's core is the notion that all men, rich or poor, have the same inherent value, for they are all created equal.  

(And, let's not forget that while the American Dream is often attributed to the USA, "America" would technically include the continents of both North America, and South.) 

There is a certain beauty to this American dream concept that is not simply about thinking too highly of one's self for within this concept, there is the ideal that every person is to be respected and has value.  Individuals are each to be given the equal opportunity to learn to read and write and to make their own way in the world, safe from harm, free to think, free to  speak their minds and to live and work where they want to as their pursue goals and work hard, striving to doing a good job at what they do and to live in accord with other people. The American dream allows people to own personal property, do business in the marketplace and raise a family without interference of others, endeavors which are perceived to come about by the noble  character traits of  determination, integrity, dedication and hard work.

According to "Wise Geek" :"The idealistic vision of the American dream often disregards discrimination based on a person's race, religion, gender and national origin, which might inhibit his or her ability to achieve specific goals. Critics also point out that many versions of the dream equate prosperity with happiness, and that happiness is possible without wealth or even in poverty. To some people, the American dream might be more about personal fulfillment than about economic success or owning property."

In regards to the "ideal" American dream, they write:

"Capitalism and consumerism have been wholly embraced by the country at large, and the socialist agenda cannot be reconciled with the rich and famous American dream. Most Americans link socialism with communism and associate the doctrine with the Soviet Union and Cold War fears."

 This "American dream" concept is really not such a bad thing, but Rick Warren and  friends like Derwin Grey (See the video: When the American Dream Disappoints) would have their audiences believing that the " American dream" is a nightmare, or at the very least, something derogatory.  and, "Why not?" They have something better to offer... something to replace that old "American Dream" if you let them....
"You have to decide not to settle for the American dream."  ~Rick Warren,  God's Dream for Your Life, Part 1 
Instead of the American dream, and instead of the gosprl, the idea is to get you to embrace this unusual concept of   "God's Dream." 

First, realize how special you are..... and you need to learn from Rick.
"Most people miss God’s dream because they’re not looking at God; they’re watching what everybody else does. If you’re trying to imitate somebody else, you’re going to be a carbon copy instead of who God made you to be. You need to be more concerned with God’s dream for your life than the American dream...  
And then you "dis" the American dream of being a free individual, working to procure a life for yourself and your family.  In fact, the American dream is a burden, but never fear... Rick has a solution and he's here to help you sort things out.
....The American dream and God’s dream are two very different issues. The American dream used to be pretty affordable and pretty simple. Today, the American dream is all-consuming."
                                        ~Rick Warren, How Do You Get God's Dream For Your Life,
Weird, isn't it?  Why is he dissing the American Dream?  
The American dream used to be good, you know, "affordable" and "simple"... but today, it has become not only "all-consumming" but worse than that, it has become the antithesis of  "God's Dream."
" If you want to get serious about discovering God’s dream for your life, you have to decide not to settle for the American dream."                                                                                  ~Rick Warren, How Do You Get God's Dream For Your Life, 
The really weird thing here, that the idea is to put your focus on what Rick Calls, God's Dream.  Whatever happened to putting one's focus on the author and finisher of our faith?

Not only that, but in order for the individual to attain to the God dream in Rick's new ideology, they must get serious about making it happen for themselves. Getting God's dream, is not something this generic unnamed God who is apparently sleeping and dreaming big dreams for you gives freely,in response to faith;no, apparently, the person seeking something better than the American dream must work hard and  earn the reward for themselves. It sounds difficult, but  Rick herre offers to  teach "how to believe in and be faithful to God's dream for your life."

Sadly, and contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, neither the Christian nor the non- Christian listening to Rick Warren in his series is directed to focus on God, nor  the one individual whom God, (the true and living God of the bible) sent into the world as the Lamb of God to free sinful mankind from the penalty of sin.  The focus is God's dream... whatever that is.

If even for minute this strange philosophy Rick is preaching is to be a matter of faith,  "faith" becomes a very complicated thing,  He teaches that faith is six-phase process, one that will take lectures from Rick, time to implement and to understand.  The  individual must be  dedicated and committed to doing whatever God tells the person to do... or God's dream will never be realized.

It's the kind of thing that should make bible verses like  Matthew 23:15 and Colossians 2:8 come to mind if you have read the Bible before.

Instead of telling people the good news of Jesus Christ, Rick is telling them all the things that they MUST do, all the dedication and commitment that  they must have in order to get something completely different... "God's dream," He  never encourages the reader or listener to put faith in Jesus for the forgiveness of their sins which is an oddity for a Christian pastor.  This is in stark contrast to the Christian teaching that  Jesus Christ is actually the only person to ever be fully dedicated to God and the only person fully committed to doing the will of God.   Read Philippians 2:8.  Jesus, God incarnate, was obedient without fail to all the requirements of the law, even unto  death upon a cross.

Rick is teaching a works-based performance which will enable the individual to pursue "God's dream" instead of teaching about Jesus.  The person who wants "God's dream" as presented by Rick,
must do whatever God tells them to do, but there is a catch.  They must learn how to do it from Rick.
No, you can;t simple learn about it from the Bible,.... it's not there.  You must learn to interpret the scriptures through Rick's private lens... (And that means you will have to buy his many books, workbooks, CDs and other  materials, like sermons and podcasts in order to know what to do. you will not find any teaching about pursuing or living "God's Dream"  in your bible alone.

To begin a person on the journey Rick conveniently offers his sermon series called Everything is Possible with God, and you can obtain them only by purchasing them (or for a donation of at least $28.00.
"In these six eye-opening sessions, Rick takes you through what he calls the “six phases of faith,” exploring subjects like how God builds your faith, how to make wise decisions, and moving from dead-end to deliverance."
While the apostles taught people to put their faith in Jesus Christ and receive God's gift of eternal life, Rick Warren moves people from Dead end to deliverance as they learn to attain God's dream.  As Jesus taught his disciple to have the simple faith of a little child, (Matthew 18:3) and taught us how even faith as small as a mustard can move mountains, Rick teaches us that small or weak faith is of little or not value and teaches that a person must  understand the six phases of faith before they are even able to cooperate with God in the process of faith and character building.  
Advertising on this eye-opening product description reads:
"God says, “You get to choose how much I bless your life. You believe, and I’ll do it. You believe, and I’ll bless.”
Pardon the simple observation here, but the Bible does not record that God ever says such a thing as that. In fact, it might already seem to you that this kind of dialogue is doctrinally sound, in fact, it is what is commonly known as Word of Faith teaching!
Believing this stuff as preached to the world by "Pastor Rick" will only serve to lead one to believe that sin is not the enemy, but the American dream is. Those who find themselves unsatisfied in life, groping about in hopes of finding God, and listening to Rick will be lead astray. Instead of resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ they will be spending a lot of valuable time and money on a plethora of Saddleback activities, classes and materials in hopes of being able to attain what Rick Warren calls, " God's dream."

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Rick Warren on "Where We Learn To Love"

Rick sure does do everything he can to to get people on board his purpose driven propaganda.   He says, "church" is where people "learn to love."  (Read the article, here.) Rick calls the church a "family," (the "family' of God,) and pushes church as being a learning ground for love.  It sure sounds good and right to say such things. but curiously, it sure seems that when you adopt this kind of thinking, that real family goes by the wayside and church  becomes your family and your primary role becomes that of... loving the church.

When you think about this in light of the scriptures, you realize that time and time again, the Bible stresses the importance of loving God.  You remember how Jesus taught about loving others, even your enemies, and certainly not just "the church."   But Rick wants to rive this point home and so he teaches that believers MUST love THE CHURCH, and he lists several reason why:

1. According to Rick Warren, you must love the church because "Only the Church is going to last forever."
Question: Why is he not talking about loving God?
Question:  Why does he speak about you as if you are somehow excluded from this "eternal" being known as "church".

2. According to Rick Warren, you must love the church because it "is the most magnificent idea God or any human being ever thought up."

Pastor Rick has thought himself to be an expert on everything regarding church.  He's the self proclaimed expert on church growth, church management, church health, church mission, but he doesn't stop there.  No.  Rick knows everything.... even every idea that God ever had.  Yes, Rick has God all figured out... and "church" is the "most magnificent idea" that God EVER had... ever!

and man and God must pretty much be equals when it comes to magnificent ideas... for he says "God or man," as if somehow, man was God's equal in wisdom.  Rick, sure of himself, can attest, that the church is the most magnificent idea God ever had, as if he knows every thought God has had... ever.

3.According to Rick Warren, you must love the church because God created it,
Rick says,  " the entire universe was created for God’s family. What’s God’s family called? The Church."

Rick has the inside scoop on everything.   Here he says he knows why God created the entire universe, and just proclaimed this as truth without even using a Bible verse to support what he says.... you just have to take his word on this.  Did God create the entire universe so that there could be something called the church?

4. According to Rick Warren,  "It’s not enough just to love God. You must love the Church."

It is not enough to love God?  "Enough" for what? Is he talking about salvation?  And notice how God and something else  (church) just got lumped together and you MUST love them both.... But what exactly, is meant by "the church?" He doesn't say.  "The Church" could mean any church, really.

Does he mean "the church" headquartered in Rome?  Does he mean the little church down the street with (or without) a true  biblical doctrine about Jesus Christ or the cross?  Does he specifically mean "Purpose Driven Church?"  It's anybody's guess, so just fill in the blank with whatever suits you best. He is vague about it, leaving you to interpret "THE CHURCH" to mean what is familiar to you. - whatever you  like. Church for you, could mean Roman Catholic, or Baptist, or Mormon, or Lutheran, even Purpose Driven.. and you would never really know... would you?  And if you fail at some point in loving "THE church" you are, apparently, doomed, or gonna get in trouble for not doing what you have to do.

 Jesus mentions seven churches in the book of revelation.... not simply one "church." Rick on the other hand only uses the singular aspect of the word,  Jesus made no huge demand, but simply said, "Love one another as I have loved you."

That's encouraging rather than domineering.  Jesus is not commanding.... and he is not speaking only about loving the "church."Rick, on the other hand, suggests you have no option.  It's do this or else,  If you don't do what he tells you then  you are obviously not loving God properly.   IF you are not on board with Rick your labeled as something "negative,"(See Isaiah 5:20) this case, "immature."  
 "It’s not enough just to love God."

 The Bible says that Jesus is the only one who ever loved God enough to perfectly obey him and keep the law proclaimed by God as "Law."  The bible teaches that by faith in the one whom God sent, Jesus, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the are saved, completely, totally and without fail, because God is God and nothing you do can take you out of his hand if you are his.

 The Bible says it is enough, to hear the good news of Christ's gospel and love God, because he first loved us.... to put our faith and hope in Him.  God gave us not only His promise made sure, Jesus, but a new life in Him.  When God loves us so that we can love him and others.... it's a bit sacrilegious to say, "It's not enough just to love God."  This is especially true if he neglect to tell us for what our love for God is not enough.

We are told in the scriptures by Jesus himself, to love God.... and love..... (NOT just "the church") but more inclusively,  our neighbors and to do this as we love ourselves (See Leviticus 19:34; Galatians 5:14; Romans 13:9; Luke 10:27,) 

5. According to Rick:
 "Anybody who says, “I love Jesus, but I don’t need the Church” doesn’t get it. That person is an immature believer. A lot of people use the Church but don’t love it."

In a family, in a real family of any size or shape or definition, babies are nurtured  They are fed and changed and bathed,  They are carried about because they are "immature."  Babies are loved  simply because they are part of the family.  Interestingly, Rick, while promoting the church as "God's family" indignantly labels people who "love Jesus" but do not buy into his program for "CHURCH" with a negative connotation.... of  "immature."  Tricky Rick!   Instead of embracing people of faith who might be immature in that faith, Rick is harshly critical of them. 

God's word has a remedy for the immature people of faith, ( 1 Peter 2:1) and it's not mentioned here by Rick.  Rick's solution is his own programs, books and devotionals, not God's word direct.  Immature believers, like babies, need love and assurance and the pure spiritual milk of God's word.  He knows that if you fill in the blank regarding THE in  "THE church" and agree with him about those those other terrible people who are "immature" and simply "use" the church, then  your ego is boosted and you'll get on track with thinking like him. 

Beware of self-righteousness.  After all, YOU might get puffed up if you for one second think that YOU are not so  "immature" as they are... or if you think that you somehow  unlike them,  actually  love "the church" (of your own definition)... at least as much as you "love God." (without even considering his death on your behalf! and his love for you and others too.)  Far be it from the self righteous person to be something as awful as  "immature".... like  people who dare think loving God is actually "enough"...(See: Luke 14:26)

And for a Grand Finale'...Here is something else you must learn to do...( with Rick's help and expertise on the matter...) more  thing you MUST do in, (apparently in your lifetime) and that is .....
"You must learn to love every believer in the Body of Christ."
Now, that is a pretty tall order. It's good to know that while you could never meet everyone who calls themselves a believer in the Lord Jesus, let alone learn to love them all perfectly, God can... and he also certainly does!

(See: Acts 15:28; Matthew 23:4 and Luke 11:46)

Monday, July 13, 2015

On Interpreting Scripture...

"You need faith and the Holy Spirit to interpret Scripture. The Bible doesn’t make sense to non-believers. It is God’s love letter to believers. When an unbeliever reads the Word, he is reading someone else’s mail. The Bible is a spiritual book that must be understood by spiritual people."                                                                         -Rick Warren
 Biblical Interpretation: God Doesn't Leave You in the Dark by Rick Warren,, October 4, 2014

Pardon me, but comparing the reading of the Bible by an unbeliever to the idea of reading other people's mail, is like saying, 'this book and what it contains is not for you, keep out."

While there are things hard to understand in the scriptures and indeed the natural man cannot understand the spiritual things therein without the help of the Holy Spirit, it is inaccurate to say that "the "bible doesn't make sense" to non believers.  Let's not forget that people have given their lives so that the contents of the Bible could be brought to an unbelieving world. And let's not trivialize the fact that the bible is a great work of literature too.

The bible contains the very laws that many civilizations past and present are based upon.  IT contains historical facts and figures too.  It's easy to read and learn from, and the words contained in this book of books are full of wisdom too.  While it would be wrong to read someone else mail... the bible, full of the testimony of God and the promises he has for mankind through faith in Jesus Christ...(See Acts 2:39) is for anyone with an ear to hear what the spirit of God is saying... but (spiritually wise, "pastor") Rick says that it is only for you... if you, (like him) are "spiritual."

"You need faith and the Holy Spirit to interpret scripture."

He does tell his readers they need "faith," in order to understand this spiritual book, but just "faith."  (And while we might assume he means faith in Jesus, he does not say, making it quite possible that religious "faith" in anything that can be dubbed "spiritual" just might do the trick.  

Rick, once again, is not clear on the issues.  He speaks quite vaguely... elusively even, but if you would like more clarity on the matter of biblical interpretation,  see this article offered on the web by Ron Rhodes and Richard Anthony that actually does clearly point to faith in Jesus Christ and sheds light from the true light of Jesus on the role of the Holy Spirit regarding the interpretation of scripture.  

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Sometimes God Has a Better Idea." (Sometimes???)

"Sometimes God Has A Better Idea" Rick Warren
Sometimes God Has a Better Idea by Rick Warren, May 21, 2014,

Sometimes? Only sometimes?  Really??  Is he serious?  Think about that one. Doesn't Pastor Rick know that God's ways are above our ways?  Ideas, thoughts, plans,... "whatever" the issue at hand, God is always "better".  God is holy, perfect and righteous, and true.

Isaiah 55:8- 9 reads, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts."

Perhaps you like that title.  After all, Rick is certainly getting people's attention with a comment that affirms people and gives them the idea that they are filled with good ideas most of the time.  They read this and can digest it so much easier than any notion of needing to repent.... because they like hearing that they are almost, but not quite, as smart and wise as God.  "Sometimes, God has a better idea," then they do.

Rick is twisting and changing the scriptures. He is not telling us that  God's ideas are always higher, and always better.  He is not telling people that they must repent of evil an turn to God.  Instead he uses the scriptures in order to tell you what he thinks you want to hear, but his agenda is not to give you salvation from your sin or to help you hear and know God, instead the point of it all is to get you listening to and thinking like,  Rick Warren.

To do that, (according to Rick)  "have the proper attitude:"

"James 4 tells us the proper attitude to have: "Now listen you who say 'Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business, and make money.' Why, you don't even know what will happen tomorrow. ... Instead, you ought to say, 'If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that.'"
 Sometimes God Has a Better Idea by Rick Warren, May 21, 2014,

Rick is reading from the book of James, and he is rightly reading from a translation, not a paraphrase like he often does.  Rick then takes the opportunity to interpret that passage of scripture, for us.  He says,

"James is saying it's OK to make plans, but just realize that ultimately God has the final word..."

Is James here saying, "It's okay to make plans?"  (Or did Rick just paraphrase that?)  Did James write anything about God having "the final word?"

Rick, believe it or not, was giving you a "switcher-roo."  Rick is not being honest with the text.

He mentioned nothing about a change in you thinking... nothing about you desiring to be in the will of God, about changing your way of thinking from doing what you want and think is best, to looking to God's direction, leading and even unto him giving you the ability to do what you do.  Nope.  Rick tells you that "James" says, "it's okay to make plans,: (go ahead, made your own plans,) just be sure to realize that "ultimately, God has the final word." And note who God is made out to be.... for Rick makes it sound like God, with his "final Word" will be a bit heavy-handed with you in the end.

 Rick can help you with this though.... He will tell you the "right attitude" to have:

"The right attitude is to always keep your plans submitted to God. Make your plans but say, "God, if this is what You want, this is the direction I'm going to go. I'm doing this with flexible faith."

(Unfortunately it's a wrong attitude.  Rick explains God as some kind of a taskmaster who demands you submission, meanwhile he has you :telling" God what you will and will not do.)

Do you suppose that God is bound to be impressed with you when you "tell" him how you will be doing what you think he wants you to do,  with "flexible faith."

Is this concept of a faith that is flexible, even in the Bible?  "Faith is to be unwavering,  (Hebrews 10:23)  (not  variable depending upon a circumstance.)One can Have "great Faith" (Matthew 8:10) In fact, no matter how big or small a faith your faith may be as anytime, faith is faith and even a little can do great things. (Luke 17:6) You either have faith in God, or you don't. (Mark 4:40)    "Flexible faith might be a great sounding concept to you, but it is only a fine sounding concept that Rick simply made up.

Believing that you need to have "flexible faith" is the kind of thing that will allow your once immovable, unshakable faith in God to be reshaped.  Neither yes or no, neither hot nor cold, you r faith will be "flexible" and you will develop that uncanny ability, like Rick, to shape shift your faith and your words, in every crowd.  

This comes about by realizing how great you are.. how great your ideas, and dreams "really"
 are... while of course being willling to recognize  that "Sometimes: God has a better idea." But if you keep going down this path of thinking, then before long, you will think yourself quite complete... rich, increased with goods, in need of nothing, (knowing not that you are 
wretched and miserable, poor, blind and naked... completely in need of God. )

Jesus has some words for all of us on this matter:

I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

PRESTO CHANGE-O! (Or, What On Earth Happened to the Gospel?)

Watch Rick give this sermon Here.
"God only uses you, if you're usable...." or so says Rick Warren.  However, Rick is notorious for just making things up... pulling scripture out of context in an instant.... so that it works in his favor.  He uses it to manipulate people....  one minute they are hearing the word of God... then....

 PRESTO CHANGE-O!.... what they hear simply gets changed.

There is an old adage, a quote of Abraham Lincoln, actually,  that says, "you can't fool all the people, all the time."  It's true, but apparently you can fool some.  Slight of hand is what magicians practice, but " change agents" use slight of tongue.  Rick Warren, a self proclaimed change agent has the techniques down quite well.  Watch and listen as he changes Christianity... right before your ears

"... because in the Bible, anytime God wanted to use somebody, he had them get ready first....he had them prepare first."
-Rick Warren, preaching a sermon at Saddleback Church, Getting Ready To be Used By God with Rick Warren, You-Tube, June 10th, 2015

It sounds reasonable to think that one must make preparations.  
In fact there are likely some good examples in the bible, but is it true that 
God always does this?  Rick indicates that God does
 this "anytime"  he wants to use somebody?

Rick suggests that  God never deviates from this methodology. Rick has God figured out... completrly.  He knows exscly how god does it all.... never mind that his introducing the concept like this is really so that he can then  give us the five-step, no fail,  preparation technique of God, which will now not only be introduced, but implemented by, yours truly.. Pastor Rick.  

Rick's use of such a superlative as "anytime" is suspicious.   
That is because, God, (being a living, personable, omniscient and 
omnipotent God, doesn't need to conform to the use of some "formula" 
in order to work in the lives of mankind. 
 Being God... he can use anything and anyone, even a donkey. 
 More importantly, God is known for being the one to do the preparations...
 It's his plan...not our own.  Even our good works are prepared for us by God.
 And when it comes to his own people, the church,
 (presumably this is who, Rick is addressing, )
God doesn't simply "use" people.  Rather he makes them his own family.  They become his permanent possession. not just something he "uses."
God makes resides in and works in and through those who belong to him.

In talking this way about being "used" by God, Rick sure is being tricky!  
Those who have the desire to be "used"  will stand out from those who don't,  and visa versa.  (And keep in mind... not participating in  Rick's program is like saying you don't love God.. after all you are not even willing to be "used" by him. Only a special few will love God enough to let him "use" them. (.. and therefore listen to Rick. )

Rick continues:
"This theme of being prepared so God can use you, so God can bless you,  is all through the Bible.  Jesus tells a number of stories about it. One of them is in Luke Chapter 12, where he talks about the importance of being "ready" for when he comes back."
-Rick Warren, preaching a sermon at Saddleback Church, Getting Ready To be Used By God with Rick Warren, You-Tube, June 10th, 2015

Then after reading Jesus' very words from this gospel of Luke, in the Bible, Rick asks the audience... 

"How do I do that? How do I get ready for the blessing of God in my life? "

 This theme suddenly changed from being "used" by
God into me getting  something  from God....
which is now called getting a blessing.

 "How do I be all that I was meant to be? "

 This theme of getting a blessing suddenly changes from getting  a  blessing..
to me, being the greatest me I can be,
Who doesn't like the promise of a fulfilled potential?
"Greatness" is just waiting for me!
(But wait... there's more.Rick says:

"How do I get ready to experience the power of God and be used by God in ways I have never imagined before?"

Then, mysteriously, while one tries to remember that 
this is all supposed to be about Jesus coming back... and what
he said as recorded in Luke Chapter 12...

 This theme too suddenly changes...  It has become a promise that I will  experience the power of God.... in ways I never imagined!!

Wow.  Rick's question to his hearers after reading the passage in Luke's gospel about the return of Jesus is not  "How do I get ready for the return of Jesus Christ.?"  No, under Rick's leadership it 
becomes something quite different... more focused on me, the hearer,  than on Jesus' return.  After reading this passage, and getting a couple of   PRESTO CHANGE-O!s, I get to prepare for a blessed life and reaching my full potential but of course it comes with a catch.  It only comes if.....
... if I do everything Rick Warren outlines for me to do.

What happened to the gospel?


Slick Rick does a slick and tricky switcher-roo.  Some notice this,
 others don't.... because, as Abe once said,You cannot fool l
 all of the people all of the time.  Apparently, if you are consistent... and if you are good at telling people what they want to hear... some become putty in your hands.

So... How does one "get ready to experience the power of God and be used by God"in ways they have never imagined before?  It's simple.... 
Rick's  answer:  "You do five things."


Gone is a simple message of faith in the one God sent into the world to save humanity from sin and death.  Gone is the concept of not being saved by works, but by the work done on the cross at Calvary.  Rick is here to give you a list of things you MUST do... if you want to fullfill your purpose and experience the POWER of God.

Without warning, gifts and blessing from God must be earned.
You must... you must..... you must....
you must.... you must.... do these five things...
(especially number five...see number five)..
or you will fail.  Not only that... the gospel that you thought was
right before your very eyes... 
completely disappeared!
Rick begins listing the five things....
"1.  I must purify my heart."

Perhaps based on some scriptures you had  been taught, you were thinking that your meager mustard seed of faith and contrite repentance  was somehow important to God and you even believed for a moment that you were his workmanship... that somehow, because of Jesus' promises God was at work in you. Well.... hold that thought.  Don't let it disappear.  

Instead of asking God to purify your heart...Rick tells his audience that they MUST
purify their hearts themselves.

 Rick lists quite a few things that will enable a person to purify their own heart.  He even  reads from the Bible to prove his point.  Apparently, we should heed the wisdom of Job's friend in Chapter 11, 
Zophar the Namathite.   Zophar's take on the situation was that Job's problems had come to him because of his own unrighteousness.  He believed that an impure heart was to blame for his trials, 
preventing the blessing of God.   Zophar, was completely wrong.

Rick also says we purify our hearts by confession.  He talks about the importance of confessing our sins... the importance of agreeing with God that something "I" have done is wrong.   IT's good Christian lingo but note...  there is no Jesus involved.  There is also no hope for me in my pursuit of salvation.. in my pursuit of all things God unless I heed Rick's advice on such matter, because I believe him that I need a purified heart... but I am doomed to be useless without t his purification because....

"until you get a purified heart, God cannot use you."

People are being told, that God is only using people who's hearts are purified.  This message comes with s list of things that a person MUST DO... or they are doomed to being  useless to God.  There's no hope... until you learn things from Rick.  He is, after all, the one with the list that is supposed to help you and make that all essential connection with God easier.

In teaching you how to purify your heart... meticulously doing so in this sermon... never does Rick mention how it is that the word of God cleanses or how God gives us His righteousness and purifies our sinful heart, as we confess our sin. (As it teaches us in the scriptures. )  Nope. However, Rick does have these five  steps...  but five steps is really not enough because....
PRESTO CHANGE-O! you also need a key.... 

Rick  teaches that  the "key" to being used by God is "not to be perfect..."  but to keep "short accounts"  with God.   

So... one needs a purified heart... but the one with a purified heart must not be perfect? This is confusing.

Rick continues:

"If you are serious about God's blessing on your life, you need to get off by yourself for an hour or so, and be quiet and alone with God, and you sit down and you say, "Okay God, what's between me and you?  And whatever he brings to mind, you write it down, you confess it, you tear up the paper, you burn it...if you want to.  I have done that sometimes.. throw it in the trash, whatever.... put it through your shredder..... but the thing is, you get it off your chest.  You admit it, you get forgiven and you get cleansed. NOTHING is going to happen in your life, until you do that.... purify your heart. "~ Rick Warren

Man it sounds good.   There's Christian words in there too...."God".."sin".."forgiveness."  Apparently, being forgiven by God for your sin is really easy... you just write it down, burn it up... and "whalla."
you are forgiven.. but only until you "sin"  again.... (It's a short-accounts kinda thing...)  Apparently God is keeping tabs on you... short  ones  only please.

 The Bible however teaches about how Jesus made atonement for us.  He shed his blood as the Lamb of God... ask any Christian, they will tell you.  Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin.... and Jesus did just that.  He died in our place so that we could have the free gift of God... but Rick doesn't make any mention of this. Using this method of pen and paper, one could easily forget all about the whole atonement thing.  It's so easy that a person could probably be completely forgiven of all sin in an atheist psychologist's office.  You don't need Jesus or his sacrifice, once and for all, all you need is pencil, paper and a desire to get something "sinful" (or emotionally taxing)  off your chest.  

 Jesus Christ, the One true Lamb of God, is completely missing from Rick's seemingly wise methodology of getting your sins forgiven.  This  "Christian" pastor doesn't even once mention how it is that Jesus died for your sin or that  he offers forgives for you sin... in His Name, all you must do is turn to him in faith.  Confession of sin, is not trivial... but neither is Jesus' taking of our place so that we though him can live.  To omit the Jesus factor is essentially the equivalent of leaving people lost in their trespasses and sins.  He who has the Son, has life... and he who does not have the Son of God, does not have life.  But in Ricks list, sins are not the only issue... you must be physically fit as well.

"2.  I must sanctify my body."
Rick tells us that "You can sanctify anything," as he teaches how to sanctify your body.  He says you can sanctify your marriage, your job, your car, your house.  He says that the way to do this sanctification is by "taking care of your body" which also equates to "taking care of your health." 


Proof of sanctification is suddenly good physical well-being and health. One must not overlook the fact the Rick has a solution for that too, the Daniel Plan.  The inference is that  God cannot use you (or bless you) if you  are fat, and of course that Rick is here to  help.  But Rick might as well just throw Romans 14:17  out the window here because he's basically teaching that the kingdom of God is all about what you eat and drink... and how much you exercise too.  

But weight.. there's more!

"3.  I must simplify my schedule."

First, Rick has everyone write down, "I have just enough time to do God's will." Little do they realize it's become a test, to see if people will do what Rick tells them to do.  He says, "Write this down, " and they do.  How easy will it now be to get them to be involved in every other thing he suggests.... classes, seminars, mission trips.... small groups... and anything else he can think of.  Before long, people will only associate with other people involved in "doing the will of God." (Also known as, "being involved in Saddleback church projects.")

In order to simplify your schedule and focus on the things of God, Rick  then teaches that the word  "No" is a "positive term."  That's right... you thought no was negative, but then...


 Rick says that's not how it is.  You have to cut things out, cut people off and have a plan to put God.. (aka Saddleback) first.  He suggests you make a plan, and then be "ruthless" with distractions. But really? Is "ruthlessness" a fruit of the spirit?

But it gets worse.

According to Rick, in the Psalms, where it says "Teach us to number our days" God is telling us that we must budget our time and keeping a rigid schedule in our life so that we can be focused only on those things that matter "most."  

Additionally, this whole "simplify my schedule" thing turns out to be another shameless self-promoting commercial for his upcoming "workshop" and "retreat" which he has planned... on the same topic.  The example of someone who knows all about time management is,  of course, Rick!
  In true, cult-leader form he encourages members of his group to voluntarily remove themselves from all outside influences and be devoted to following.. not Jesus, not reading the bible or being in a Bible study.... but in being committed to Saddleback Church, his workshops and campaigns and being in a small group... and of course, working on being driven by purpose.... furthering Rick's  agenda.   

It's nothing short of weird... and wrong.

To prove this point he talks here about  God giving you an opportunity for the best adventure of your life... but you being too busy (or unwilling to be used) to respond.  Rick  mentions nothing of God giving you eternal life through Jesus Christ.... or of you, as a Christian, possibly being called like Stephen or the other Apostles, to die for faith in Jesus.  There';s not talk of the right standing with God that comes via the righteousness of Christ imparted to the believe via faith in Jesus... no talk of Jesus even dying that your sins might be forgiven... though your purifying your own heart and being fully immersed in the  Purpose Driven paradigm of church life, going through doing all the programs and materials conjured up by Rick (and friends)  will you get healthy and save the world.

"4. I must fortify my faith."
 Here he lists  all the various programs he offers... things you can use in your life to "fortify" your faith.  IT comes with the  ultimatum that you MUST " Get a partner.  If you try to do these four things on your own you will fail."

Again the listener is doomed to failure unless they do what Rick says, and he's always adding more. 

"You need God a group and a guide...."

As what used to be "church" is being transformed into community.
 Father God, His Son with whom we have fellowship, 
 and the Holy Ghost... who leads us into all replaced.

"You need, God, a group, and a guide."

    He's right.  You are more likely to stay attached to the programs if you have friends in the programs.  He know too that a little peer pressure to conform to a group goes a long way... so of course he will tell you... that if you  do not have a partner, it's hopeless.  You won't ever be prepared and if you are not prepared, by doing these FIVE THINGS (without failure)  God will never deem you as usable for anything.  Rick said so, and he's the expert on all of these things you know.

Well, it's contrary to Rick's teaching, but the bible teaches that God often uses us... even in our wekness.  He uses us despite our weakness too.  In  1 Corinthians Chapter 1 we read, \
"It pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom: But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God."

 Christ Jesus  is the one we lean on and who helps us in all our difficulties.  He is dependable and victorious too. Even  when  something  looks like failure to the world at large, the Christian can trust God will have the victory.  This is something Job exampled for us.  God keeps his word... and his promises are sure.

And finally... there's number 5....(on Rick's list)
(Everything hinges on this one!)

"5.  I must intensify my passion for God."

Sounds great.... except we love God because he first love us... 1 John 4:19.  Love for God is a response... not something you can muster up within yourself, as Rick suggests.  He suggests you cry out to God.... but not for knowing God or knowing Jesus Christ, His son. 


This concept of "passion for god" gets changed... into  passion for purpose, as he suggests you cry,

  "God, I have got to know your purpose." 

After all, if you are purpose driven, you don;t need to know God,
 or Jesus Christ... just "purpose"...and mainly your own.

Rick also gives his audience what he calls, "the greatest definition of success. "   Noting, as most pastor do, God's picture of "success" often looks different than "the worlds" picture,  he quotes Jesus.... (in John 17:4) saying "I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do." then,suddenly this verse is  no longer about Jesus and what he did.  It is not Jesus talking about himself at all.  With a waggle of the tongue...
This  verse is now being spoken  as if by you...

 and   PRESTO CHANGE-O!... No longer is the issue  "God's Purpose, but your own! 

The very verse becomes words spoken by you  to God and it's about you, not Jesus,  fulfilling your purpose..."for the glory of God."   Jesus mysteriously disappears and everyone is given a commitment card to commit to Rick.

No joke.  

He asks people to make  a commitment....  to him personally... to purify their hearts by taking thedse steps he has just shared and he asks them for their  email that he  can be in touch with them.

It sounds quite personable... doesn't it? 

There's a song, isn' there... 
"What a friend we have in .... PRESTO CHANGE-O!.... " Rick!"

Ecclesiastes 4... 9-12 is quoted, and put up on the big screen for all to see as people fill out their cards for Rick, but 
 PRESTO CHANGE-O!.... I have searched and cannot find what paraphrase or translation he used in his presentation of it on the screen and unlike other instances where he has shown the acronym for the paraphrase or  translation where the verse is quoted from, in this instance, this is not the case. 

he changed it like everything else ... to fit his personal agenda.

Watch Rick give this sermon Here.