Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Rick Warren the Avid Reader

"I read everything Peter Drucker writes.  His book, the Efffective Exectutive is a favorite I reread every year. "  
~Rick Warren, Building on Your  Strengths by Rick Warren, 
CMBC Article, 5/24/2004

 "... I have read through the complete set of Jonathan Edwards – it was about 22 volumes and 800 pages each – he clearly was an influence on me."
Rick Warren in Interview, 
Rick Warren Clarifies Doctrine, Purpose Driven Life with John Piper
 Christian Post article by Michelle A. Vu   May 28, 2011, 

 “I want to stay sharp, and that’s why I read everything Dr. Amen writes, and you should too!”
– Rick Warren, (back cover, Use Your Brain to Change Your Age, May 2012
"I read everything Chuck Colson writes.  He is one of the most brilliant thinkers and cultural analysts of our time...."  Rick Warren
Rick Warren's endorsement of Chuck Colson's book, The Good Life

"So I went out and bought every book I could find on Bible study methods. I think it was about 30 or 40 books at the time, and I read every one of them."
Rick Warren, Preaching Magazine, 40 Days in the Word: An Interview with Rick Warren By Michael Duduit
" I thought, you know, these are men and women that I read all of the time and I respect, and I want to thank you for the columns and the articles that you write..."
"....As a writer, you never know who is reading your stuff and so I just wanted you to know I am reading you. I read a book a day and I read tons of magazines, tons of articles, and I just devour enormous quantities of material, and thank God for the Internet. I get The New York Times and I get The Wall Street Journal, and I get the local papers in L.A., but the rest I have to read online or in the magazines that I subscribe to."
                                 - Rick Warren,(spoken to Pew Forum Journalists, 8/26/2005)
                                      See also: CBS News Article ,The Rick Warren Movement, by Wendy Kaminer

"In January, I'm starting a Christian Leader's Library webcast. For much of my life I've read a book a day." 
- Rick Warren, December 1 2010, Facebook Post 

"I began collecting books at 14. I use to read a book a day. I read a book a day for many years. Today, I probably have 35,000 volumes in my library."
Rick  Warren The World Over, Part 2 Interview with  Raymond Arroryo

It would take a person 96 years to read that many books... if they read a book a day.

Just saying....g.
He's evidently been so busy reading everything but the Bible that he missed 2000 verses!....

"Okay. I mean I went to a Bible university, and I went to two seminaries, earned a Doctorate, how did I miss 2,000 verses in the Bible on the poor....Well, evidently, I just had on cultural blinders. "
~Rick Warren

"It wasn’t like I was doing bad stuff, I mean, we were pastoring Saddleback church and which now has  82,000 names on the roll and, I was very busy, we baptized 15,000 new believers in the last 10 years, )so I wasn’t  just twiddling my thumbs… But God says, but, your not caring about the people I care about most. Your are not caring about the marginalized… the poor, the sick, the uneducated.   And I had to say, “God, I will use the rest of my life whatever affluence and influence you give me to help the church you know, recover this. And as I began to read scripture I found over 2000 verses )on the poor, and I had to say, how did I miss this? I mean , I went to a bible college and two seminaries…. I have got a doctorate.  How did I miss 2000 verses on the poor?? It was the cultural blinders that kept me from seeing who God cared about. "
-Rick Warren, OPEN LINE PROGRAM, Moody Radio,
 October 7, 2005 with  Wayne Shepherd
As a pastor, as a "learned" man, he told the world that he had no idea what the Bible said about caring for the poor.... 


He said several times publicly that he, a bible scholar,  had no idea...  had completely missed those "2000 verses" on the poor. 

How does that work?
He was a pastor, he held a Doctorate, went to "Bible university" and "two seminaries"  (not to mention spent time reading a book a day!  This is a travesty.  It disqualifies him from being thought of as someone who actually knows what the Bible says.
However, he still thinks that he knows everything.  After all, he has read everything under the sun.  He even figured out how to use those two thousand verses he claims to have "discovered" to support his PEACE Plan idea! 
Then, as now, Rick sees only what he wants to see in the scriptures.  He has the audacity to uses the bible to is own advantage.  He has his own ideas about what the Bible says and doesn't say.

Ever-learning, some people are 
never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
2 Timothy 3:7

“The Bible says that as long as your heart is beating God has a plan and purpose for your life … to grow personally, to get to know God, to serve others, and make the world a better place.”  
- Rick Warren,
  Pastor Rick Warren Is Well Prepared For A Purpose Driven Retirement by Robert Laura, Forbes Magazine, 3/21/13
No mention of eternal life  or where in the bible we learn all of that.

"The Bible Says Love Requires Risk"  -Rick Warren

The Bible Says Love Requires Risk, By Rick Warren — May 21, 2014, rickwarren.org, Daily Hope

 Where in the Bible are we told this? 

"The Bible says in Proverbs 28:20, “A faithful man will have many blessings.” (HCSB) I want your life to have many blessings.   But in order for you to have that blessing, you’re going to have to learn faithfulness."
 -Rick Warren  

The Importance of Faith By Rick Warren —v  November 8, 2014 rick warren.org, 

Rick wants your life to have many blessings.....
 but in order for you to have that blessing....you have to learn faithfulness.
Is this what Proverbs 28:20 says?   Where?

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