In order to be a successful author in today's market of ideas, you need clout and your manuscript needs to be endorsed by someone else, preferably someone who is viewed by the village as important or successful, someone that others will think is worth listening to so that their audience will want to listen to you too. Getting someone to endorse your work is like having the opportunity to stand upon on the shoulder of a giant. It make you more visible that if you were out there on your own, and for the publisher it means the possibility of greater sales. Sometimes, for the endorser, it means an opportunity to put their name on a good book. that they would like to be associated with too.
To give an endorsement, the endorser reads the manuscript and issues a statement of approval. Like a handshake on a promise, an endorsement signifies acceptance, quality work and they are saying in essence that they are willing to stake their name and reputation on the material and information contained within the pages of the book. contents of the book..
So.... who's work does Rick Warren lend his name, reputation and approval to? Who and what does Rick Warren endorse? Let's take a look...
This book, Catholics Come Home by Tom Peterson, has ten endorsements. One of which is Rick Warren, who says,
“The mission of Tom Peterson and Catholics Come Home to bring souls home to Jesus and the church is critically important during this challenging time in our history. I fully support this new evangelization project.”
—Rick Warren, endorsing Catholics Come Home
(Note: this is not capitalized in his quote but it is a proper noun.)
Bringing those lost "souls home to Jesus and the church?"
What church?
(Does Rick refer to the one on the cover of the book?)
See photo: Catholics Come Home
Rick says that he fully supports this project. To earn more about what this New Evangelization project is, click here. Read about it too in the National Catholic Reporter News, click here.
Mark Hyman's book, The Blood Sugar Solution has a a lot of people endorsing, and Rick would be helpful in getting you on board too. Why not? It's intended to help with a terrible problem, diabetes. Surely it sounds like a good idea, especially since Hyman says the book is intended to start a "national conversation"..." a revolution" to take back our health together.
(From where are you taking your health back? Who are you doing this "together" with?)
As you likely know, Hyman's book is heartily endorsed by Rick Warren through the Daniel Plan, but it also boasts endorsements from other big names like Mehmet Oz, President Bill Clinton, Deepak Chopra, Arianna Huffington, Jack Canfield, Christianne Northrop, and James S. Gordon. Now there's a crew..... all promoting for Mark Hyman, his program. What do they all have in common? Why do they endorse this book?
“Don’t Wait Till Tomorrow! Start Today!”
“Dr. Mark Hyman makes managing your health simpler than you ever thought possible. There's no time like the present to get started. Don't wait till tomorrow! Start today!” —Rick Warren, endorsing Mark Hyman's book.
Start what today Rick? Listening to Dr, Hyman?
Start managing our "health" the ways Hyman recommends?
What if Dr. Hyman teaches Christians that they have a "monkey mind?"
What if he teaches new believers to listen to the wisdom of the Buddha
or embrace Buddhism (as he claims to have done in his own life?)
What if Hyman teaches readers to "do nothing," and practice yoga meditation
in order to "empty their minds?"
Will people really "empty their minds" as he recommend when they
embrace your hearty recommendation of this book?
Will they still think thoughts of God with an empty mind?
(Go to Hyman's blog: Why doing nothing is the key to happiness)
Another book, by Matt Chandler and Eric Wilson, "The Explicit Gospel." is endorsed by Rick Warren. He says,
“If you only read one book this year, make it this one. It’s that important.” —Rick Warren, talking about a book by Matt Chandler.
Wow. He thinks that this book is "that important."
It's funny... in a sick sort of way, that Rick Warren's "one-book-to-read" recommendation is not the Bible. Weird huh?
Strange indeed. But Rick Warren is not the only endorser of Matt's book. Nope. There are at least eight, including several other "pastors". Besides Rick, there is Pastor Dave Platt, Pastor Mark Dever, Pastor James MacDonald and Pastor Mark Driscoll. Driscoll suggests this book is so amazingly good that you should buy extra copies to give away to your friends.
(Hmmm. That is interesting. Why not buy your friends a bible?)
Brad Lomenick, of Catalyst, puts Matt Chandler; on a pedestal and gives this book authority and certainly .priority. It seems as if yoru life depends upon every word that comes out of Matt. Lomerick states: "When he speaks, I listen, and when he writes, I read." The implication is that all those young people at "catalyst" who look up to Mr. Lomrnick, will be reading and holding on to every word spoken and written by Matt Chandler too.Apparently Matt's book has an important message... So, what is it?
Well, you can read a good biblical review of Matt's book, here. (The author of this blog recommends that if you do read this book, read it with caution and a bible in your hands, as he also suggest, you should read everything.) In a nutshell, Matt teaches his readers about the gospel on the air and the gospel on the ground, (two concepts uniquely Matt Chandler's,) and then he will give you the corrective "3-D lenses in which to properly combine the two.
Another book that Rick Warren endorses is Sleeping Giant, No movement of God without Men of God, by Kenny Luck and Tom Crick. I counted seventeen "endorsements.
Rick says,
"Saddleback Church is built on a strong foundation of men—strong, respected, godly men who lead by authentic example, through honest communication and inspirational action in our church. In Sleeping Giant, my men's pastor Kenny Luck gives you a local church blueprint for moving men from being an audience sitting in a seat to becoming an army marching on the field in your congregation. Discover the pathway to engaging the men in your church to be all God intended them to be as they serve as leaders, counselors, shepherds, husbands, and fathers. Sleeping Giant shares the secret to building a healthy leader-making growth and development engine that supports the vision of your church." —Rick Warren, endorsing Sleeping Giant.
“ Kerry and Chris Shook want you to grasp an amazing insight: Embracing your mortality sets you free to live a meaningful and significant life without regret. Like Queen Esther, God put each of us in the world ‘for such a time as this.’ One Month to Live is a great way to discover the purposeful, joyful, abundant life God created you to enjoy.” Rick Warren, endorsing One Month to Live
For another listing of other books forwarded (and endorsed) by Rick Warren, click here.
"Saddleback Church is built on a strong foundation of men—strong, respected, godly men who lead by authentic example, through honest communication and inspirational action in our church. In Sleeping Giant, my men's pastor Kenny Luck gives you a local church blueprint for moving men from being an audience sitting in a seat to becoming an army marching on the field in your congregation. Discover the pathway to engaging the men in your church to be all God intended them to be as they serve as leaders, counselors, shepherds, husbands, and fathers. Sleeping Giant shares the secret to building a healthy leader-making growth and development engine that supports the vision of your church." —Rick Warren, endorsing Sleeping Giant.
Yes, the strong foundation of Saddleback is told to us here. Rick says that it is "men," strong men, godly men who lead by "authentic example."
This book, (note: this book has just replaced your bible).... will be the blueprint for you to use to move men in your audience to becoming an army marching on the field in your congregation, (at least according to Rick.) "Blueprint." Now there is an interesting term. They must be building something on that foundation of men.
Now,in case you do not know, the Bible tells us about the foundation of the church (1 Peter 2) and it does not say that the church is built or is to be built on the foundation of "men," (even "godly" ones.)
Interesting too is that this book,Sleeping Giant, (not the bible), is what you supposedly now need, especially if, (instead of making disciples, as the Lord directed, ) rick, embark on the process of making "leaders." Rick says that in this book you will discover the "secret" to building "healthy" ones. A secret is something hidden, not revealed, and so, to get in on that unrevealed thing, Rick recommends you read this book so you get the secret to building a "healthy leader-making growth and development engine." It's like the ingredient God missed making explicit to you the bible.... it is in THIS book.
You would not want to be without one of those engines now, would you?
God As He Longs for You to See Him by Chip Ingram, is yet another book Rick Warren endorses. It is endorsed by eleven people total. There's J. I. Packer, James MacDonald, Andy Stanely, Joseph Stowell and some others. The publisher's description of this book reads,
"...You'll see God in a whole new light. It will change the way you pray, the way you live, and the way you think about the world around you. God longs for you to know him as he really is. Get ready to meet God again for the first time."
So... this book offers not to teach you to pray, but change the way your pray.
The book promises to help you "meet God again for the first time."
(That sounds "zen," don't you think?)
IThis book will help you to see God in "a whole new light" too.
A whole NEW light?
Wow! What light is that?
Where does this new light come from?
the book offers a new way to live,
and a new way to think about the world around you too....
and it is endorsed, right n the front cover, by Rick Warren:
"The principles of this book will inspire, encourage and empower you." Rick Warren, endorsing God as He Longs For You To See Him.
But you have to read the inside to see that he actually says, "The principles of this book will inspire, encourage and empower you..... to be more like Jesus Christ"
How about this one: One Month to Live, Thirty Days to a No-Regrets Life, by Kerry and Chris Shook
Imagine if you only had thirty days to live. Knowing you were going to die in just thirty days, wouldn't you be motivated to live your life differently? This book intends to teach you how to live life as if you were teach you to appreciate the little things in, " live life to the fullest." This book is endorsed by Joel Olsteen, Craig Groeschel, Ed Young, Mark Batterson, Lee Strobel, Bill Hybels, and ours truly,
Rick Warren in his forward for the book writes::
"Embracing your mortality sets you free?"
"Embracing your mortality sets you free to live a meaningful and significant life... without regret?" Really?
Where does the Bible teach this? It doesn't. The Son sets you free, and if he sets you free you are free indeed! Now why didn't Rick's long winded endorsement tell you that?.
The person without regrets, who lives their life without any at all, might also not be sorry for the wrongs they do and might not ever see their need for forgiveness of sin by God.
ask an author, selling books is tough indeed, it takes a village to sell a book.
Whose book are you endorsing?
For another listing of other books forwarded (and endorsed) by Rick Warren, click here.
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