Saturday, December 21, 2013

Rick's Special Sauce
 Hamburglar loves the special sauce.

Do you remember the fast food hamburger slogan from the seventies about those," two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce , cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame bun"?  It was that taste-bud-tantalizing "special sauce" that attracted that notorious "hamburglar" every time.   Well now, in 2013, Rick Warren has concocted a diet plan, and he is trying to sell his diet plan by offering some "special sauce"too.  He believes it is this "special sauce" that makes his diet plan better than all the rest and unique among every other diet plan offered in the world.  What is his "special sauce?" It is "FAITH and FRIENDS."

"The last two components — faith and friends — are what
 I call the "special sauce" that makes the Daniel Plan unique."
                                                                 Rick Warren, on TV interviews throughout the month of December, 2013.

Special sauce?

Regarding "faith".... this generic concept of "faith" could mean anything.  What kind of faith?  Who's faith and faith in who... or what?  Faith... put this way, could mean faith in anything..... your dog, yourself, God.... a god.... many gods, yourself.  It sure would be helpful if the "pastor" was at least speaking clearly, but he is not and he does not.  He uses the Christian sounding word "faith"... and says "faith."  People hear the word, "faith." and then that word, faith, means whatever that person wants to think it means.  Like counterfeit money that looks like it the real thing but is not backed by silver or gold, Rick passes off a Christian word that has no anchor in biblical understanding of the word.  As Rick leads you to "health" with his "special sauce" of "faith" this faith is so generic,  it means whatever you want to imagine it to mean.  

 What do you put your faith in?  What faith to you have or what do you believe in?

The other special ingredient is supposedly friends. Evidently Rick Warren never read about Job and his friends and how much help they were in his struggle to find health.  If he had, he might be more descriptive about friends and friendship, but he is not.  And apparently "friends" are more important than any other social aspect of your life.

What kind of help or pressure will you get from your friends? .  Friends love you and care for you... right?  Well, Rick says if you are not in a group...  there is something wrong with you/

"You need to be in a group if you are going to be healthy."

This is an interesting manipulation tactic.. Your health, apparently,  depends upon you being part of a group.

 You want to be healthy don't you?

Are you also aware that people will often do really strange things in order to be accepted by a group?  We call this peer pressure.  If everyone in your group is going along with Rick, and you are part of the group, how likely will you be to choose to do something deemed  "unhealthy"?  If they all say members of the group must wear red... how likely will you be to wear blue? You will probably not wear blue if your group wants you to represent them in red and you do not do what they do.  Peer pressure can be positive or negative, but it is always a powerful force in controlling others, so the fact that he says this should cause you some concern. Who are your friends?  What do they lead you into?  What do they like to do for fun and where do they like to go?\

Rick has a friend... a doctor friend (or three,) that he has teamed up with.  One is Dr, Mehmet Oz.   Dr, Oz could be considered a man of "faith" by the generic definition of faith that Rick Warren uses as he advertises his diet and exercise plan, complete with "special sauce" to the watching world. However, to Oz, faith has a completely different connotation that is does to the average Christian..  Dr. Oz's faith is not in Jesus Christ as Savior, taught in Christianity, but in the teachings of something else.... Islam.  

The interesting thing about Dr; Oz... is that, even though he is not a Christian,  he can teach you correctly and accurately about Jesus.  To help you in your quest for health, he can teach you all about what Jesus ate and didn't eat, just like he did when he brought this information to his audiences....
And what do we know about Jesus' health?  Maybe he was "healthy" because of what he ate and drank?
So suggests the Oz man.  Apparently, high fiber, low intake of meat... lots of walking from city to city, kept Jesus fit trim and healthy  This is what the Daniel Plan is about.... making yourself healthy, like Jesus.

But little does Oz understand.... because he does not put his faith in Jesus.

Got to have that special sauce... 
no mention of Jesus.
 Jesus is God.  He actually healed others... he raised the dead, made the lame to walk, the deaf to hear and the blind to see. Jesus is a friend, a true friend to us.... and he is the only friend you can really ever count on.  He is a friend who sticks closer than even a brother.

 Jesus didn't die on the cross so that YOU could be healthier in the here and now only and have any faith you imagine for yourself as being true.   Jesus does not need you to be the one to save the world.  Jesus didn't even die on the cross so that Pastor Rick could sell you a book about diet and weight loss and connect you into being part of a group.   Jesus died and rose again, to pay for your sins and according to the scriptures, so that YOU, by believing in Him, might have eternal life and know God,  a subject that Rick often skirts around teaching.

Jesus is a King and he talked about a kingdom, but his kingdom is not about what you eat or do not eat.  In fact, it is not what a person eats that defiles him or her, and yet, this concern over eating and drinking, dieting and being healthy, learning from the experts like Oz,  is the message coming out of Pastor Rick.

Rick will tell you that your health problem, most of them caused by you and you are the solution.   he is the one who will help you solve your problem.

"Most of the health problems in the world, in America particularly, are not the result of infection diseases.   They are....we are killing ourselves from not enough sleep, too much stress, too much food, not enough exercise.  And so I thought,  you know what, to be a good steward, we have to take care of this area of our life too. "        Rick Warren to Elizabeth Dias from TIME Magazine

Yes, that "special sauce" of the Rick Warren Daniel Plan diet is amazing.  Without any Jesus in it, void of the gospel, it's not just applicable to the church. Imagine the uses!  You can put it on nearly everything and the false ideas just go down smooth.

And when it comes to imagining how things could be better in the world...the sky is the limit and Rick is a pro.  With enough of the special sauce, liberally applied to everything and anything...( faith....and enough friends to imagine with you,) you could believe yourself to be able to reinvent the world.  

Health is just one of the issues... global issues.... that, we need a partnership between the private sector, the public sector and the faith sector.  And each of them bring something to the table that the other doesn't have. And people ask me all the time, they say, "Are you trying to reinvent healthcare? And I say, "No, I am trying to reinvent health. "   Rick Warren to Elizabeth Dias from TIME Magazine

Some examples of how Rick wants to reinvent things:

Reinvent Your Congregation....When Your Church Doesn't Match the Community, by Rick Warren, Ministry Today Magazine

Reinvent Mission Strategy ...Rick Warren , Saddle /back Church  2003, Preaching about his Peace Plan.
                   "The bottom line is that we intend to reinvent mission strategy in the 21st Century."

Reinvent the Mental Health Care System.  Rick Warren Returns To Pulpit by Erika Ritchie, OCR 8-21-13
" When Matthew died, Kay and I thought of several things we'd like to do, both short-term and long-term, but decided we'd spend a year learning more about mental illness before launching any programs. But we do know this: America's mental health system is irreparably broken and inadequate.........America's mental health system needs far more than repair. It needs to be reinvented and revolutionized." Rick Warren

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