Thursday, March 10, 2011

Radical Talk About Radicalis Part 2

Whatever it takes?

"Come ready to join the Radicalis 
generation that will change the world!"  
statement from

"Repentance is just changing the way we think 
about something by accepting the way God thinks about it. That’s all repentance is. 
The new words for repentance are “paradigm shift.”
Pastors, we are in the paradigm-shifting business. 
We are in the repentance business. 
We are about changing peoples’ minds 
at the deepest level—the level of belief and values." 
9 Preaching Tips That Will Change Lives  by Rick Warren, Radicalis Conference Feb. 2011



Like Rick Warren Saul Alinsky was interested in changing the world.  He created a book called Rules for RAdicals."  In the prologue to his books Alinsky writes,

"What follows is for those who want to change the world from what it is to what they believe it should be."

Wikipedia gives us a synopsis of Alinsky's book and the root of his ideas.  Alinsky's book opens like this:

"Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer." ~Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals 

Outlining the "strategy" for a "Radical's" action, Alinsky advises his avid readers to "work inside the system." Curiously, Rick works inside the system of the church.   A self-proclaimed "change agent" he is busy, making "radical changes in the church", changes to worship songs.... membership requirements,.... books Christians study..... definitions of commonly understood words.... even beliefs,  all while working the system from within.

Alinsky is quoted, 
"Another reason for working inside the system" is that "revolutionary change must be preceded by a passive, affirmative, non-challenging attitude toward change among the mass of our people. They must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, so futureless in the prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and change the future."

 "Small churches tend to base their identity on the past
They’re not necessarily thinking about the future.  Many of them
tend to be late adapters, maintaining the status quo.  
Often they’re the very last to accept change in a community."
~Rick Warren
Breaking Through the Attendance Barrier, Issue #109, 7-2- 2003

"The time of status quo is over. We need radical Christians. 
We need one more for Jesus. It's time to come out of the closet for Jesus."
~Rick Warren
Saddleback's Rick Warren:""We Need Radical Christians By Erika Ritchie Orange County REgister 2009

“There are two reasons that nonbelievers don’t know Jesus Christ.
One is, they’ve never met a Christian. The other is, they have.” ~Rick Warren
Radicalis Conference 2011

Do you believe the church is a failure?
Are you ready to help it change?
If so, Rick Warren  would have you listen 
to him so he can help you CHANGE...from the root!
(what a radical idea!)

Elaborating more on Alinky's ideology, Wikipedia reads further, 
"This acceptance is the reformation essential to any revolution. To bring on this reformation requires that the organizer work inside the system, among not only the middle class but the 40 per cent of American families..... "

(Now, where else 
would you find 
at least 40 perccent 
of America Families, 
but in the church?

"The first Reformation was about belief; this one's going to be about behavior," said Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church in Southern California and author of the best-selling The Purpose-Driven Life. "The first one was about creeds; this one's going to be about our deeds. The first one divided the church; this time it will unify the church.""
"Second Reformation' Will Unify Church"Warren tTlls Dallas GDOP  By Ken Camp Toolbox  Issue #207 5-18-2005

“This weekend, I will begin teaching the most important 
series of messages we've ever taught in 23 years…
We believe it is part of the beginning of a Spiritual Awakening,
a Global Movement, a New Reformation.
Rick Warren, Nov. 2003  Peace Plan Letter to Saddleback Church

 Wikipedia says, 
"For Alinsky, organizing is the process of highlighting whatever he believed to be wrong and convincing people they can actually do something about it."

Rick says:
It's your choice. You can believe what others say about you, 
or you can believe in yourself as does God, who says
you are truly acceptable, lovable, valuable and capable.”
Learn To Love Yourself! By Rick Warren, Ladies Home Journal, March 2005

" Ruts can plague a person in any area of life. 
 Ministry is no different. I've got great news for you! 
God doesn't want you in that ministry rut, 
and He even has a plan to help you escape."
Four ways to break out of that tiresome rut  by Rick Warren
, Ministry Toolbox,  Issue #143       2/25/2004 

The plan of God, of course, (if you listen to Rick,) is being given to you from Rick .  He implements programs so easy to use, anyone could do it,  In fact, Saddleback Church, our fine example,  will provide everything you need to make it easy for you to do.

"We’ve found that equipping group hosts 
with video teaching sessions overcomes hesitation 
and will raise up new leaders you didn’t even know you had! 
Led by Rick Warren, each video lesson also includes
weekly preparation suggestions and encouragement 
called, “Helps for Hosts.”
40 Days of Purpose Campaign Group Study guide.

 Wikipedia tells the reader:, 
"According to Alinsky, the organizer ..... must first overcome suspicion and establish credibility. Next the organizer must begin the task of agitating: rubbing resentments, fanning hostilities, and searching out controversy. "

Name Dropping for credibility?--;"My friend Gary Thomas noticed 
that many Christians seem 
Agitation, things that are "wrong"---  stuck in a worship rut, an unsatisfying routine,
instead of having a vibrant friendship with God."

Name Dropping for credibility?--"Ken Blanchard (One Minute Manger) and 
Saddleback Church pastor Rick Warren 
Name Dropping and credibility?---appeared on Larry King Live last night 
to talk about the Southern California fires. 
Blanchard will be speaking at Saddleback tonight."
Rick Warren and Ken Blanchard on the CA. Fires,  
by Ted Olsen, Christianity Today Magazine, Oct 2007
According to Alinsky,
".... An organizer has to attack apathy and disturb the prevailing patterns of complacent community life where people have simply come to accept a situation."

Attack on contentment---"fear-driven people 
often miss great opportunities because 
percieved "apathy--they're afraid to venture out. 
percieved "apathy---;Instead they play it safe, avoiding risks 
Attack on contentment---;and trying to maintain the status quo.
What Drives Your People by Rick Warren
 Ministry Toolbox Issue # 155, 5-19-2004

Attack on old ways of doing thingst---"Whenever you find yourself resisting
a new way of doing something,
defending the status quo, or opposing a change
that God has told you to make, watch out – 
Agitation, --you’re about to lose your place of leadership. "

Ministry Toolbox, Issue# 344 1-23-20082008

 Wikipedia says that, "Alinsky would say,  
"The first step in community organization
is community disorganization"

"If you're a regular ToolBox reader, 
then you've probably read about 
the elements of 40 Days of Purpose, 
but I want to take time on the eve of 2004 
Disrupt normal church activity--to encourage you to take your congregation 
through 40 Days, if you haven't already.
Can God Really Change You Church in 40 Days? by Rick Warren
Ministry Toolbox Issue #135 12-31-2003

Agitation, -"This is what happens in literally thousands 
and thousands of churches.  
Disrupt normal church activity--You must have this structural renewal 
Agitation, -because there is no lasting change 
without changing the organization. 
Does Your Church Need to CHange It's Organizational Structure? by Rick Warren
Ministry Toolbox, Issue # 112 7-23-2003

"I have talked with literally thousands 
and thousands of pastors and church leaders, 
Agitation, -and without a doubt, the number one heartache
pastors have is fighting
Agitation, -a structure that won't let them do 
what they know God has called them to do."
Does Your Church Need to Change It's Organizational Structure? by Rick Warren
Ministry Toolbox, Issue # 112 7-23-2003


"I believe that one of the greatest weaknesses of preaching today
is that there are a lot of folks who are afraid to stand on the word of God 
and humbly, but forcefully challenge
the will of the people." ~Rick Warren,
Preaching tips that will change lives by Rick Warren, Ministry Toolbox #246, 2-15-2006

"For example: Your belief patterns are in your mind." 
Every time you think about a belief, it creates an electrical impulse across your brain. 
 Every time you have that thoght again, it creates a deeper rut.
If you want to see change in your church, you must help people get out of their ruts and change their autopilot."~Rick Warren, 
Preaching tips that will change lives by Rick Warren, Ministry Toolbox #246, 2-15-2006
 "So now, I have a personal challenge for you – life application. Are you going to use the Bible the way it was intended or not? Will you repent of preaching in ways 
that were not focused on application
that could change people’s character and conduct?~Rick Warren,
Preaching tips that will change lives by Rick Warren, Ministry Toolbox #246, 2-15-2006


".....repent is the Greek word, metanoia (ph), which means literally 
"to change your mind." And it means that when I repent, I change my mind. 
First, I change my mind about God, 
I change my mind about myself, 
I change my mind about others, 
I change my mind about life.
And a lot of people look at repentance as a negative thing, 
like I'm going to have to give up this, this, and this, and this, 
and like it's something terrible. 
You know, when I repented, Larry, years ago, 
I basically turned from hopelessness to hope,
from darkness to light,
from guilt to forgiveness, 
from loneliness to a family of God,
from purposelessness to purpose, 
from having no meaning in my life to having meaning.
It was the most positive change in my life. "
(Rick Warren, "Larry King Live," CNN, March 22, 2005)

Radicalis Promotional Video Link: 
(or check with the Saddleback Church, they have a lot of information on the Radicalis Conference) 

Additional articles to follow up your personal reading on this very important topic might include:
Rules for Radicals; A Blurred Vision by Joe O'Neil, Canada Free Press, 2009 April 17, 20005 Video here

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