Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Lord's Prayer- A Book For Children

"In praying the Lord's prayer together  it will become a meaningful bedtime ritual a treasured memory and a lasting legacy that bears good fruit for generations to come."
 Rick Warren,  Promo Video for The Lord's Prayer For Children Book, You Tube, 2011

 Rick Warren is reaching out to children worldwide with his newest book sensation, this time his book is "for kids."  It is called "The Lord's Prayer."   Yes, he has published a book the little ones, and you can get a sneak peek of it on Amazon.... just click here.  The book's description tells us readers, "Warren explains the meaning behind the words Jesus taught his disciples with line-by-line commentary, teaching young readers the value of prayer."   

If anyone knows the Lord's Prayer... it should be Rick. It was, if you remember, Rick Warren who lead the American nation, the United States, in the recitation of this prayer at the inauguration of our 44th president, Barak Hussein Obama, back in 2008.  Besides he is the leader of a church, "a pastor" and claims also to be a :christian."  Yes, if anyone SHOULD know the Lord's Prayer, he would be one.  There is however some redefinition of things that goes on as he teaches others about it.

Rick has been working on promoting the Lord's prayer in America. In addition to the kids book, Rick has been working on writing a book for adults based on the Lord's Prayer, called  The Hope You Need.   This book, intended to go public in 2010, has not been published yet, but he has taken the opportunity to still teach about the prayer in sermons at his church, Saddleback Community Church, in CA.   Recently, on  January 23, 2011, it was at his church, in a sermon titled, "The Prayer that Changes You," His listeners got a dose of Rick's "Lord's Prayer" teaching for adults, but more on that in a moment....

The kids book appears to be simply a timeless version of the prayer to present to children, a rendering of the timeless, King James Version, complete with pretty illustrations (and notably, a hearty introduction for parents guardians and teachers by "Pastor" Rick.) As you might guess, Rick highly recommends this book; he even made a video promotion for the book to help further it's use.  (Watch this here. But note:  he has made this book (the Lords Prayer for children).... in King James English, (something he routinely dismisses as "archaic.")  Note too, that this book is not simply a book as presented upon the shelf; his book for kids also comes with a special on-line study guide so that parents and Sunday school teachers can know how to use this book.

Now, you have to wonder.... what parent or school teacher would not know how to open up the book and read it to and with their children?  Are they not capable of enjoying the pretty pictures without some help?  And you have to wonder, after hearing at his recent sermon at Saddleback "The Prayer that Changes You," (where he taught the adults that saying the Lords' Prayer, the way Christians have been taught, was wrong...) why, if he believes that to pray this prayer word for word ... is like praying in heathenish, vain repetition which the Bible warns about, does he so highly regard parents teaching the prayer to their children o that they can say it every day... in King James English, no less!? 

And what does he teach adults?

In his Prayer That Changes You sermon, Pastor Rick had his congregation take a look at the scripture in writing, a look at the words in and around the Lord Jesus teaching his disciples this way to pray, and when they did, he had everyone in his audience circle the word "like" in the passage of Matthew 6:9, , where Jesus says, "pray like this."  

Circle that word will ya, in your mind.  LIKE

Then he made the suggestion that the prayer as Jesus taught, was only to be a model for our own prayer not a repeated prayer.  He said that not to use it as a model for our own prayer, was "vain repetition," something the bible clearly warns against!  Just the same, in (tricky-rick) Rick Warren double speak fashion, he publishes a book, The Lord's Prayer, (for children of the world) and encourages parents to teach their children this prayer.... even suggests they make it a bedtime ritual to do with their kids. 

In the Prayer that Changes You sermon, Rick also made it a point to say that we people, are not supposed to pray that prayer verbatim, (word for word) but instead that we were actually supposed use the prayer as "a model" and pray "like" (reference you previously circled word) that prayer.  Now he put himself in a position of authority, over parents and their kids, tell them to buy his verbatim book on the prayer and pray it, read it, every day ritualistically.  You, if you are like me, might wonder... "Which is it supposed to be, Rick?"  But his Prayer That Changes You sermon, wasn't really only about the Lord's Prayer; he also used the sermon to publicly defend his position regarding what he calls "meditation."  

And how does Rick Warren define meditation?
“But meditation is simply focused thinking—
a skill anyone can learn and use anywhere.”
pg. 90, Purpose Driven Life,( PDL)

Rick was defensive.  Regarding the matter of meditation and the definition of the word, because apparently there are some people, (Rick called them, "confused Christians," ) who actually have the audacity to promote the idea that Rick is teaching what they call,  transcendental, New Age, forms of "meditation," and Rick doesn't appreciate that,  Rick wanted to clear the air.  He,no doubt, wanted to ensure that everyone in his audiences knew that meditation was biblical, especially when these "confused people" make the claim that Rick promotes something that is not, something they consider as eastern religion types of meditation being promoted, by Rick, within what should be the Christian Church.  Rick insisted at this sermon,  just as he has written in his Purpose Driven Life book,(See the quote above,) that "meditation is biblical" and it just means "focusing on God. "

 "The bible tells us to "pray all the time".
How is it possible to do this? One way is to use 
"breath prayers" throughout the day, 
as many Christians have done for centuries. 
You choose a brief sentence or 
a simple phrase that can be repeated
to Jesus in one breath:"
-Rick Warren PDL pg 89

His teaching on the Lord's prayer that day, began with him reiting a portion of the scriptures and then telling he people what it "really" was and how then, knowing this, and using it as a model, they REALLY should be praying.  HE recited:

"Our Father.. who art in heaven, 
hallowed be thy name."  
Then Rick said this is where you think about ,"how much God loves you." 

Apparently, Rick reads that prayer a little differently than Christians through the ages have.  I would like to ask Rick, if he thinnks they too, were ALL confused, and he finally has the word revealed on the meaning of this passage.  You see, I say this because Christians throughout the centuries have not been confused when they have actually believed that this part of the prayer is where we address God for who he is in relation to us....  how great and holy God is and how he resides so far above man and his ways.This section of the scripture is not about God's love for me or for you.  It is about his place... our place  and God's Holiness.
Rick then said, very specifically, "not" to think about your sins, worries or problems.... just think of God and how "God is Love."
Rick is correct, God is love...
but is that what this part 
of the Lord's prayer says? 
Rick, that trusty change-agent that hs is,
is simply changing 
right before your eyes., 
and mine, 
what it means.

Rick goes on to say in his sermon, about this particular part of the Lord's Prayer... that there are a lot of names for God in the Bible... 

Which is also true....
God has revealed  
himself time and time again.
There are many names by which God is known...
Provider, healer...deliverer, 
our very present help in time of need,
to name ja few. 
But one could ask,
"What does he mean exactly?"
Rick explains that there are "so many names for God" that there is a name of God that is the antidote and answer for every negative human hang-up, hurt or.. emotion you can have-- things like  worry, fear, impatience...

It is true...Elohim, El Sahddai, Jehovah, Jehova-M'Kaddesh, Jehovah Jirah, Jehovah Rophe, Jehovah Nissi, Jehovah Shalom, Adonai, Abir, Branch, Stone, El Roi, Theotes.... there are many "names" for God, but Rick never mentioned any of them.  HE simply made a statement about it leaving one to wonder the whole point of saying this at all, if not to point to God who is all those things and then to him come in the flesh.  there is after all a name above all other names, we are told.

It makes you wonder if  
he is here making 
the inference that
some other religions are 
just worshiping the "same God" 
by another name.
Also, since we are talking eastern thought 
specifically on "meditation",  here, it is the kind of thing 
that makes you wonder if God according to Rick, is 
like the god of Buddhism where you 
simply call on whatever God you need
by name, for whatever problem you have... 

Rick Warren made comments to the crowd about how we,  (And remember, he is speaking to "Christians" here... in his church,) we,  "just do not know God enough."  In fact, he says, "if we knew God" more, we would be more connected to God our Father.  

Rick should be teaching that there is only one way to connect to God the father.... John 14:6. Instead, his message is that Christians just do not know God enough.

This is the kind of statement that makes you wonder how Christians connect to God at all.  They will be more connected to God.... than they are now....of course.... only if they listen to Rick.

Lo and behold, Rick is right again....
IF the people who called by God's
name "knew God"that  more...
they would know this man, 
Rick Warren, 
was teaching nonsense that saves no one.  
They would recognize that this
is not the voice of their shepherd... 
not the voice of someone 
who loves sinners in need of a savior
like God does.  They might even notice that
Rick was simply drawing disciples 
after himself.
If people knew Jesus...
if they knew his voice at all,
they would know he was the exact
representation of the Father....
through which anyone could be 
 quite connected to God the father, 
safe and secure where nothing can be
snatched from his hand.
These would be God's Children
and these would pray,
"Our Father, who art in heaven..." 
not something made up to pray in it's place.
They would know his name is holy,
and that it is he who has
given us one name
under heaven by which men
might be saved....
"Jesus Christ."

But along comes Rick....  
teaching that Jesus taught his disciples 
the Lord’s Prayer, 
but that Christians are doing
it wrong.

But then, didn't Warren make a display of himself as  Christian, 
the day he prayed the Lord's Prayer with the nation, 
that most memorable day aon the White House Lawn?  
Didn;t he also write the Lord's Prayer book for children....
and encourage parents to read it 
and teach it,
in KJV,
to their kids---
complete with his "expert" pastorial 
commentary on it.. 
of course!
Rick further taught the congregation, "meditation is biblical."
He said that the bible "commands" meditation.

He said too, that when he talks about meditation, he means nothing more than "quiet time" in prayer with God. 

"....Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven
give us this day our daily bread"

But despite how simple "mediation" was just described by him to be, Rick seems to have this idea that prayer is really hard to do.  He then went on teaching how prayer must have the four components  (which he the proceeded to teach on) and how there are actually six steps to prayer, (things you NEED TO DO in your quiet time with God.)  No, according to Rick, prayer is just not simple.  It's a work, one that you must be expert at and do just as he instructs... because Rick knows, and teaches what he knnows... that praying to God is not as simple as the model Jesus taught his disciples to pray. You have to use it as a model for your own prayer... and then pray like Rick Tell you and learn all his steps and and components too.

After  laying all these heavy burdens on people about praying to God in the right way, and teaching that we bring God's kingdom down to earth by prayer, he got to the next part and recited,

"and forgive us our debts as we forgive 
our debtors, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil...."

According to Rick, the "main" thing, is to learn to forgive yourself. 

Funny...  the Lord's Prayer...  here... is about asking God for forgiveness and forgiving others, but there is nothing about forgiving one's self mentioned in there. 

But back to the book for kids...
The book description tells us readers how in this book,  "Warren explains the meaning behind the words Jesus taught his disciples with line-by-line commentary, teaching young readers the value of prayer."  He explains the meaning to kids, with an  online curriculum for the Lord's Prayer for Children by Rick Warren.  What does Rick teach in it?.

"In the Lord's Prayer, we are asking God
to make the earth as amazing as heaven, 
 the place where he rules and he is always present."  
page 11

Is this what the Lords Prayer is about?  
Are we asking God to make this earth 
as amazing as heaven? 


We are asking for his will, not our own to 
be done.

"Wouldn't it be great if all the treasures in heaven 
were on earth? The lord's prayer says that we can
pray for God's rule, authority, and presence to come to earth. "
   Page 13

"(Jesus) said that if we knew how 
valuable heaven was, we would want to
give up everything for it."   
 page 13

"Having just been told about
praying for heaven to come to earth,
now being told how "valuable" heaven is,
you get the idea that heaven on
earth is a possibility IF....
if you are willing to give up everything for it.

Funny how, according to Rick,
we are to want heaven on earth.
Funny too is this idea presented that 
we can have "heaven" on earth if we just 
give up everything for it.
What could this man mean by this? 

But it is not just through the words,,,, but also through the illustrations in the book, that children are supposed to be taught.  What do they learn the various parts of the prayer mean and represent through these pictures?  The curriculum explains:

"Our Father who art in heaven "...the picture represents how  "God provides parents and other adults to help you"
                                                                                                                                                    Nice.  Parents and teachers are helpers,
but is that what this scripture is about?  No.

And, who helped the 

Israelites escape Egypt
and who parted 
the Red Sea? 
Hint: It wasn't teachers and parents... 
and it wasn't Moses either.

"Give us this day our daily bread."  .... "God provides a world for children to live and grow in"

Nice thoughts here too.
the verse is  But once again, 
so much more than:
"God provides a world 
for children to live and grow in."

"Thy will be done on earth " ......"God gives us creativity to make the world a better and more beautiful place."
The niceness continues, but 
it is not true to the written word on the page.
  The will of God being done on the earth
is not that people 
would be creative in making 
"the world a better 
and more beautiful place."

Obedience...doing things that are right and good and true....
repenting of doing wrong... even
Faith in the one whom God sent to save us....
all come to mind, but instead we hear something about 
our own human abilities to "make the world a better 
and more beautiful place"

That sounds more like 
someone's fanciful
political agenda.

"As it is in heaven" ..... "God provides animals for food companionship and work."
                                                                                                             Pg 20,21

Regarding, "As it is in haven."
 This is about animals?
Is it really about animals?
Answer: no.

Yes, now thanks to Warren's new book, all those kids under the tutelage of teachers in Sunday school or in their homes with doting parents, wanting to train up their children in the way that they should go, can have Rick Warrens help.  He, and his friends,  can teach them all about the concept of bringing heaven to earth, without Jesus of the Bible being the only way to God, the only name under heaven by which men might be saved and receive not just life for this world, but eternal life.   They can make the world, their world, a better and more beautiful place, by being creative and by being willing to listen to Rick Warren, and be willing to take his advice and give up everything, for it.

Thanks to Rick, and to the children-loving parents and well-intentioned Sunday school teachers he has convinced to listen to him, who buy and use this book, (who have no idea that Rick changes what the Bible does say, and what words actually mean, the way Rick does, ) kids everywhere will be vulnerable, to his false teaching of what the Bible "says."They will have a new and changed perspective on the very prayer that Jesus himself taught his disciples, God's own children, to pray...
the prayer Christians call the Lord's Prayer. 


  1. You are a very bitter person! I'm glad Jesus wasn't like that.

  2. You are right, Jesus was not a bitter person. As for me, I am not perfect, this I know. I do however see Jesus as perfect and I believe his word is not to be changed to suit our own ideas the way Rick Warren does. Thanks for your comment.

    Rick does change things up and people need to know. After all, he claims to be one who "explains the meaning behind the words Jesus taught his disciples with line-by-line commentary, teaching young readers the value of prayer."

    I am not sure it is bitterness to point out how Rick's book teaches that the part of the Lord's prayer that says, "As it is as it is in heaven" means "God provides animals for food, companionship and work." Somehow I do not think animals in heaven are being used for food.

    Also, Rick gives a representation of the Lord's prayer that tells children, "Our Father who art in heaven "is about how "God provides parents and other adults to help you." Now I do not know about you, but it seems to me that God was just erased out of the whole equation. Parents and other adults just replaced God, "Our Father, who art in heaven." It is not my intent to be bitter, just precise. I am sorry if it comes across that way.

    There are many warnings in the bible about both bitterness and false teachers. We should all take personal heed to God's warnings on both of these issues, I believe.

  3. Gosh this is all so confusing. I am trying to understand the words of the Bible and all that Christianity encompasses and thought I had found someone who was Christ led. I do not know where to turn to find the truth; I have tried many churches and my own attempts and yet still do not understand Christianity. I do not want to be misled, so I will continue searching.

  4. Anonymous...
    Ask, Seek, Knock...
    Ask and it shall be given,
    Seek and you will find....
    Knock and the door will be opened.
    God gives generously to all who ask.

    Christianity is not about creating rituals for yourself.*(as is suggest by Rick that you do with his book and your kids. It's a nice sentiment in many ways, but the point of Christianity is knnowing God and living in that knowledge of who he is. It is about the revelation of what he has done. Look to Jesus, not any man.

    Also, when we pray, say, for example, this "Lord's prayer," saying, "Our Father.. who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name." I do believe it means we should be thinking about HIM....not ourselves and how loved WE are. God loves you.... (he does love you very much, (See John 3:16) but to change the focus of those words from consideration of God and his holiness to something other than that is changing what it says and means. The focus of the beginning of that prayer is the holiness of God.

    The words of Jesus himself tell Christians to seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. This is what we should do. If that is what you are doing... AMEN!
