Thursday, April 22, 2010

On the Subject of Hell

Rather than the biblical definition of "hell," Rick makes up a definition for his readers of what his definition of hell, "would be." Note: His idea of hell is something YOU, his reader, should be afraid of too.  And what is hell?

 "Let me tell you what my definition of hell would be. Hell would be if God were to show me all the blessings in life that I’ve missed because I was selfish or afraid. To me that would be hell. I missed that just because I was afraid, just because I was insecure.” ~ Rick Warren
Making a difference with Your life
40 Days of Peace Sermon,  Sept 17-18 2005

To Rick, "hell" is the result of being insecure....
  missing blessings of God because you 
were "insecure" and "afraid."  

When listening to Rick, you can bet he will tell you
that some things  are simply more important than other things....
like money, for example. 
He says, God uses money to test you 
and that how you manage your money 
affects how much God can bless your life.  
He would have you think that money
is really important to God...
more important than hell.  

For example, he says, 
Jesus "talked more about money than heaven or hell."


"The Bible is very clear: God uses money to test your faithfulness as a servant. That is why Jesus talked more about money than he did about either heaven or hell. He said, "If you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?" How you manage your money affects how much God can bless your life. "

Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Life, Pg. 267


What Rick says is a great exaggeration.  
Actually, Jesus Christ talked a lot about heaven and hell, 
much more than he talked about money.  

Now which do you suppose is a more important message to give men..
from God's perspective, 

Jesus Christ did not die to save us from money, or to give us money. 
Jesus gave his life in order to deliver us from hell and give us new life, 
not to make us richer in this life or teach us how to handle our personal finances.

Do you really believe he talked more about money?  
Can you show that in the scriptures?

Let us not worry about what is talked about more and consider that the "the Bible is very clear" about what hell... it is :

everlasting fire — Matthew18:8, 25:41
everlasting punishment — Matthew 25:46
everlasting chains — Jude 1:6
eternal damnation — Mark 3:29
eternal judgment — Hebrews 6:2
eternal fire — Jude 1:7
unquenchable fire — Matthew 3:12
the fire that never shall be quenched — Mark 9:43, 44, 45, 46, 48
fire unquenchable — Luke 3:17
mist of darkness is reserved for ever — 2 Peter 2:17
the blackness of darkness for ever — Jude 1:13 

But then, here is Rick again, on the topic of hell"
 "Let me tell you what my definition of hell would be. Hell would be if God were to show me all the blessings in life that I’ve missed because I was selfish or afraid. To me that would be hell. I missed that just because I was afraid, just because I was insecure.” ~ Rick Warren
Making a difference with Your life
40 Days of Peace Sermon,  Sept 17-18 2005

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Meet Rick...

Rick sure has gotten a lot of publicity, and people are reading his words, getting to know him and thinking about what he has to say.  He has a message for the church and for the world.  , as According to Rick, this message is greater than any message he has ever taught in 23 years of being a pastor.  Why is this the greatest message ever?  Because, he believes, God has given this message to him. 

Rick says that his message is a message that the whole world is waking up to, and he calls it a message of reformation, of new beginnings, of PEACE and purpose.

But for Christians, Rick main target of speaking, it is important to remember that the Bible says:

“Dear friends, 
do not believe every spirit,
but test the spirits…”
                                              1 John 4:1

It is essential, therefore, to determine, if such an "important" message of reformation and "new beginnings" this "spiritual awakening" is something to believe.  Is this message of peace and purpose from the true source of peace and purpose? (.... God?)

Meet Rick:

“This weekend, I will begin teaching the most important series of messages we've ever taught in 23 years…We believe it is part of the beginning of a Spiritual Awakening, a Global Movement, a New Reformation.”
Rick Warren, Nov. 2003  Peace Plan Letter to Saddleback Church

“A couple weeks ago I did 6 TV interviews including Fox News Live, ABC, NBC, and CBN, so this spiritual awakening is starting to get the attention of the media.”
Rick Warren, Nov. 2003 Peace Plan Letter to Saddleback Church

“You may have already heard about the PEACE Plan we're developing...It is a local church-based paradigm for missions in the 21st century, and we believe God will use it to bring worldwide revival.”
The task before us is enormous, but God is equipping us by Rick Warren

Apparently, Rick, who believes that
 a major worldwide and Earth encompassing move of God,  
(a New Reformation... a Spiritual Awakening)
is coming upon the earth through his endeavor. 

Rick emphasizes that it's time to change the traditional and "unhealthy" church into a "healthy" one, and he will happily, brazenly and ultimately define 3what is "healthy" and unhealthy for you too, hoping you will believe his definition in your mind.  Additionally, he will show you how to CHANGE... how to change,  not only your beliefs, but how to change the church and replace all the wrong thinking with right and “healthy” thinking he shows you.  His goal is to build this new church of the new reformation.... on a new  "foundation,"(not the old one, "faith in Jesus Christ.") The new foundation is "purpose" and it is trademarked "Purpose Driven,") ...of course!

“Healthy churches are built on purpose!
A healthy church balances the Five Purposes by Rick Warren

“Successful ministry is: building the church on the purposes of God”
Secrets to serving your generation in your time by Rick Warren

Every church is driven by something: tradition, programs, finances, events, seekers, and even buildings. But to be healthy, it must become purpose driven.”
Becoming a Purpose Driven Church, Part One  Rick Warren

 “Today, the sharpest guys I know are starting churches,"
Rick Warren quoted in Christianity Today Nov. 18, 2002

“Clearly, God’s five purposes for his church are non-negotiable.  If a church fails to balance the five purposes… then it’s no longer a healthy church”
Evangelizing the 21st Century Culture  by Rick Warren

“I think a healthy pastor nurtures a healthy church by creating an intentional, well planned system.”
”Drawing More Members Into Ministry by Rick Warren”

So, now that you know what Rick says a healthy church is... do you want to be "healthy" or unhealthy?  

According to Rick, what is an unsucessful ministry?  What must a church be "driven" by to be healthy?

The smartest guys do what?  (Start churches, but certainly not unhealthy ones!) 

Rick has created a concept of five purposes for a church to be "healthy."  HE says these are non-negotiable.  What does non negotiable mean?

And how is your church?  Is it "healthy" by Rick's definition? 

How is your pastor? 
Is he balancing the five non negotiable purposes properly?  Is he healthy or unhealthy?  
Is he learning how to be healthy and grow a healthy church, 
from the one who knows what a healthy church is 
and isn't,.

How does your pastor measure up to being "healthy"?

Rick says that “most” pastors are not healthy, (but he is!)  He points out that most of them are incompetent, or rather, unhealthy.  However, they can change.  Rick encourages pastors to listen to him and learn from him and lead their church congregations into "change" Rick makes sure to point out the unhealthy pastors and the reasons that people should listen to him....

Rick says:
“I probably have the largest library of books on preaching in America. I've read over 500 books on preaching. Maybe some seminary might come close to that, but I am sure that no pastor comes close to 500 books on preaching. And as I've read them, the vast majority doesn't really understand that preaching is about transformation, not information.”
Purpose-Driven Preaching: An Interview with Rick Warren

“I find most pastors do not understand the power of preaching. But even more important than that is they don't understand  the purpose of preaching.”
Purpose-Driven Preaching: interview by  Michael Duduit.

Rick Warren is preaching to the church not unbelievers; this is because is on a mission, not to save unbelievers, so much as to change what the "American" church believes.  For example, he church has always believed in repentance, but Rick teaches a new word for repentance... that is, "paradigm shift."

Now most people think of the word of repentance they think of sandwich signs, turn or burn, or they think repentance means stopping all my bad actions. That is not what repentance is…. Repentance, metanoia, simply means changing your mind.  And we are in the mind changing business. Preaching is about mind changing. Society’s word for repentance, by the way, is "paradigm shift "…. And repentance is changing your mind at the deepest level of beliefs and values.
Rick Warren-  Purpose-Driven Preaching: Interview by M. Duduit

How many people will let him change their minds at the deepest level of beliefs and values?

“What is needed today are churches that are driven by purpose instead of by other forces. "
 Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Church, page 80.

“What do Finney, Wesley, Calvin, Spurgeon, Moody, Billy Graham, Jesus, Peter, and Paul all have in common?  None of them were verse-by-verse, through the book teachers. Not one of them.
Rick Warren-  Purpose-Driven Preaching: Interview by M. Duduit
Joshua 8:35; Romans 15:4; Rev. 1:3 Rev. 2:22 ; Acts 26:20; Acts 2:38

“..koinonia (fellowship) as "being as devoted to each other as we are to Jesus Christ."
Matthew 10 34-37; Luke 14:26?

Rick says, statistically, if you are a believer (Christian,) you are probably in an unhealthy “traditional” church with immature, self centered, uncommitted, half-hearted, lazy people… who have been taught wrong (by unhealthy, uneducated, unbalanced pastors. ) They do not know what they are doing... and they are not interested in God.... unless of course,  they are the kind that agree with and listen to Mr. Rick and are, as he labels them, "healthy."

The problem is that many believers want to love God half-heartedly.
HOW SHOULD WE LIVE?  by Rick Warren

"It's unfortunate, but many churches assume that spiritual maturity happens automatically, so they have no real plan for helping their members grow in Christ. That’s why I encourage churches to be purpose driven”
Helping Members Grow To Maturity by Rick Warren

“Very few Christians I know live a truly God-centered life on a daily basis.”
A Purpose Driven Phenomena An Interview With Rick Warren
Modern ReformationMagazine

Most Christians do not behave the way they claim
to believe…The typical believer never shares
his faith, never helps the poor, never visits
those in prison, and never does many of the
other things Jesus commanded us to do”
A Purpose Driven Phenomena Interview Modern Reformation magazine

So, you see, Rick does not like those Christians too much.  He takes a very shallow view of both the church and of Christians.  BUT Rick knows all the secrets to a true Christian life...

If Rick can, he will convince his hearers that listening to him will make them wiser... than those other churches, the "unhealthy" ones, are nothing but "unhealthy," "self-centered" people.  However, if you have itching ears... he will teach you his secrets of being a successful Christian like he is  when you subscribe to his mailings, buy and rad his books, products, embrace his programs and fund his purposeful brand of missionary work to make the world a better better and healthier place where there is no poverty, no disease or no illiteracy.. and most importantly, no "unhealthy pastors" in church.

And healthy pastors... (or those who want to be healthy and have the healthy congregations Rick talks about,)  will  be sure to let Rick teach their own Sunday congregations, be sure to implement Rick's programs in small groups and kids Sunday school programs too.  They will simply quite doing things the "old fashioned" way and do the new things that they are learning from Rick. They may even download Rick's study his notes and preach some or maybe all of Rick's sermons!  Then, before you know it, every church, even across denominational lines will be built all the most important thing in the world... PURPOSE!  

Every Church will be a "healthy," Purpose Driven (TM)  church filled with World Class Christians who really know how to serve, befriend and love the world!!

Rick will teach you and your mega-growing healthy congregation all about the scriptures.  Perhaps he will even teach you about prophecy and the return of Jesus...

 "Well, it says in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, "All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be thoroughly furnished unto every good work." But people misread that verse most of the time. The purpose of the Bible is not for doctrine, not for reproof, correction, and instruction in righteousness… 
~Rick Warren- Purpose-Driven Preaching: Interview by M. Duduit

“the last thing many believers need is to go to another Bible study”
Transform your congregation through service   by Rick Warren

“If you want Jesus to come back sooner focus on fulfilling your mission, not figuring out prophecy”
Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren pg 286

Rick suggests that prophecy is not so important... and reading the bible... well... HE wil be happy to change that too.

 “God has a purpose behind every problem… In fact he depends more on circumstances to make us like Jesus than he depends on our reading the Bible”
Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life pg. 193

Paul used his testimony to share the gospel instead of quoting Scripture.”
Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life pg. 291

And about being friends with God...and worshiping God... Rick says,

There is no "one-size-fits-all" approach to worship and friendship with God."
Purpose Driven Life: Worship that pleases God   by Rick Warren

But in John 14:6 Jesus answered,
"I am the way 
            and the truth 
               and the life. 
                   No one comes to the Father 
                                   except through me. "

Sounds like a one size fits all approach, doesn't it?  

What does the  bible say about prophecy and how does that differ from Rick?

Rev. 1:3
Blessed is he who reads 
and those who hear 
the words of the prophecy, 
and heed the things which are written in it; 
for the time is near.

Rev 22:7
"Behold, I am coming soon! 
Blessed is he who keeps 
the words of the prophecy

2 Peter 1:21
For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, 
but men spoke from God 
as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

1 Cor. 14:1
Follow the way of love
and eagerly desire spiritual gifts,
especially the gift of prophecy. ...

But that is the old idea... Rick wants everyone to be into something NEW now... being "World -Class."

“To be a world-class Christian you must make some mental shifts. Your perspective
and attitudes must change.”
World-class or worldly May-June 2003 by Rick Warren“

IS there really such a thing as a Christian who is in a class with the world?
John 17:16:
  "They are not of the world, 
even as I am not of it."

Healthy churches have undergone the proper transformation and they think in fresh new ways.  They believe in themselves and their abilities to get things done...

 It's your choice. You can believe what others say about you, or you can believe in yourself as does God, who says you are truly acceptable, lovable, valuable and capable.”
Learn To Love Yourself! By Rick Warren, Ladies Home Journal, March 2005

They rightly understand the new meaning of words, like repentance and  meditation....

  Meditation is often misunderstood….…."The Bible tells us to "pray all the time." How is it possible to do this? One way is to use "breath prayers" throughout the day, ….. You choose a brief sentence or a simple phrase that can be repeated to Jesus in one breath: "You are with me." "I receive your grace." "I'm depending on you." "I want to know you." "I belong to you." "Help me trust you." … Pray it as often as possible so it is rooted deep in your heart
The Purpose Driven Life Pg 89 by Rick Warren

And they know how to break with tradition.... and are willing to restate the eternal truths of the Bible...

Here’s a simple tradition to break in the 21st Century: stop thinking of the church as an institution.”…”We need to present the church as a place where you belong, a family where, as they sang on Cheers, everybody knows your name. Now you and I may know that the church is a community, but emerging generations have never seen it that way. They’ve seen a list of rules, not a loving community. This is a prime example of an opportunity to re-state the eternal truths of the Bible
in a fresh, contemporary way”
Evangelizing the 21st Century culture by Rick Warren

and they know how to have peace, inner peace, 
(something that most people never do....)
all you have to do, according to Rick, in order to have inner peace is to tell God what you want...and thank him.

“... the truth is, very few people ever experience inner peace. The Bible is very clear about what brings inner peace. Philippians 4 says, “Don’t worry about anything. Instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. If you do this, you will experience God’s peace.”
The Path To Inner Peace   Rick Warren

and then join Saddleback Church's Purpose Driven movement and get busy serving the world.

“I make no apology for telling people  to join Saddleback church, get involved in a ministry, and serve Christ by serving others.
Drawing More Members Into Ministry by Rick Warren

“There’s a man of peace in every village, in every government, in every business, in every church. ... When you find the man of peace, if he’s open and he’s willing to work with you, you bless him and you start your work there... The man of peace is open and influential. ... The man of peace does not have to be a Christian believer. Could be a Muslim. Could be Jewish”  
Rick Warren, in an Interview with Charlie Rose, Aug. 17, 2006.

But the Bible says peace comes through Jesus Christ, not simply in establishing a temporal peaceable kingdom here on earth with anyone who happens to be nice or more importantly to Rick, "influential" in a community, like a city government or religious congregation.  

Additionally, the  Bible never talks about joining a particular church.  In fact it  tells us that Christians are The Church...  joined to Christ, by faith.  In Christ, we are all members of one body, all under the authority of God. 

Jesus has a PEACE Plan...

John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, 
my peace I give unto you: 
not as the world giveth, give I unto you. 
Let not your heart be troubled, 
neither let it be afraid.

 2 Peter 1:2 
Grace and peace 
be yours in abundance 
through the knowledge of God 
and of Jesus our Lord.

“Know Jesus, know peace.  
   No Jesus, no peace”

On Money and Humility

On Money, Rick says,

"I believe people usually fall into one of two categories: Kingdom Builders and Wealth Builders.  Both are gifted at making a business grow, making deals or sales, and making a profit.Wealth Builders continue to amass wealth for themselves no matter how much they make. Kingdom Builders change the rules of the game. They still try to make as much money as they can but they do it in order to give it away. They use the wealth to fund Gods church and its mission in the world.

At Saddleback church, we have a group of CEOs and business owners who are trying to make as much as they can, so they can give as much as they can to further the kingdom of God. I encourage you to talk with your pastor and begin a Kingdom Builders group in your church."

Ministry: How Real Servants Think  by Pastor Rick Warren, 10/23/03

 Does Rick Warren not read 
in his Bible that a person 
"cannot serve both God and mammon"?
Matthew 6:24

"We all want to be out of debt. But we have to do what it takes to do that. It isn’t easy. It takes discipline. It takes perseverance. But it’s also the right thing to do.... Start paying God and yourself first.  If you want to get out of debt, you’ve got to start tithing 10 percent (paying God) and saving 10 percent (paying yourself). People in debt will balk at this. They don’t understand how tithing and saving will help get them out of debt. But if you wait until you pay off all your bills, you will never save and you will never tithe.  When we’re in debt, we need God’s help. That means we need to do it God’s way. The fact is, whatever area we want God to bless, we have to put him first in. You want God to bless your finances? You better put him first in your finances. Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and all these other things will be added to you.” 
Eight Steps to Getting Out of Debt by Rick Warren, Ministry Toolbox, Issue 373

Pastor Rick really believes that saving 
money for yourself when you 
owe debt is the right  thing to do? 
And, how biblical is it to borrow money
because you need it 
and do not have it 
and THEN not pay it back?
(It is not.) 

How biblical is it 
to use t5he act of giving money to God 
to evade the fulfillinment of 
financial obligation to others?
  Withholding what is due 
and calling it "Corban "
(a gift to God) 
is hardly "God's way"
of handling one's finances.
Besides, one thing the scriptures say about debt.
Let no debt remain outstanding, except the debt to love one another.  
Romans 13:7-9
Rick says,  "It's obvious... your giving through your church family is providing more bang for the buck" so... end your money in today!

 "THIS IS AN URGENT LETTER unlike any I've written in 30 years. .... 
On the last weekend of 2009, our total offerings were less than half of what we normally receive - leaving us $900,000 in the red for the year, unless you help make up the difference today and tomorrow... It's obvious that your giving through your church family is providing more bang for the buck than anything else you could supportIt's no wonder that our ministry was named the top religious newsmaker of 2009 as reported by Associated Press."
 Urgent Letter to Saddleback Church Members, Wednesday, December 30, 2009

On Humility... 

"Servants don't need to cover their walls with plaques and awards to validate their work. They don't insist on being addressed by titles and they don't wrap themselves in robes of superiority. Servants find status symbols unnecessary and they never measure their worth by their achievements. Paul said, You may brag about yourself, but the only approval that counts is the Lord's approval. 

If anyone had the chance of a lifetime to flaunt his connections and "name-drop," it was James, the half-brother of Jesus. He had the credentials of growing up with Jesus as his brother. Yet in introducing his letter, he simply referred to himself as "a servant of God and the Lord Jesus." The closer you get to Jesus, the less you need to promote yourself."
Ministry: How Real Servants Think  by Pastor Rick Warren, 10/23/03

"Of course, the greatest instructions on how to be happy are the first twelve verses of the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus began his most famous message with "Eight Ways To Be Happy." He is concerned with your happiness, not just your holiness.

Of all Jesus' eight steps to happiness, I believe the first step is the most important. Matthew 5:3 says, "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." What does He mean by "the poor in spirit?" He's not talking about low self-esteem, or about putting yourself down all the time. Jesus did not die for junk. The Cross shows your value to God. Jesus was talking about humility. True humility. "
What Does It Take To Be Happy in Ministry by Rick Warren, 2001  

“The worst sin is not adultery. The worst sin is not murder.. The Bible says the worst sin is pride,” ~ Rick Warren
Christian Post article: Rick Warren Reveals 'The Kind of Leaders America Needs'; Top 3 Qualities Christians Should Look For in a Leader by Kenneth Chan  2008

Where in the Bible are we told that the worse sin is pride? 
 (Hint:  It does not say that the "worse sin is pride.")
There are actually several things 
the Lord takes a disliking to.
 Proverbs 6, 16-20, 
for example, gives us a list. 
                                  It reads:

"These six things doth the Lord hate, yea, 
seven are an abomination unto him, 
 a proud look, a lying tongue,  
and hands that shed innocent blood, 
heart that deviseth wicked imaginations,
eet that be swift in running to mischief
a false witness that speaketh lies, 
and he that soweth discord amoung brethern.

Still, these are all forgivable sins, in Christ. 
What is the worse sin?
According to JEsus Christ, 
THere is only one unpardonable sin. 
Learn more about this at:

Read Matthew Chapter twelve and note this verse:

Verse 18: Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin  
and blasphemyshall be forgiven unto men:
but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost 
shall not be forgiven unto men. 

A person can repent of pride, and God will forgive such a sin.

"You know, the three biggest surprises of 2004 were first, as you mentioned, 'The Passion of the Christ,' which was roundly panned by every media, and yet went on to become the third best grossing movie in history. That was the first bit surprise. The second was my book, where for the second year in row, 2003 and 2004, it was the best selling book in the world. And what in the world is a book by a pastor doing at the top of the best-seller's list for two years?"

Rick Warren, speaking on "Larry King Live," CNN, March 22, 2005)

" I now believe that I know why God is blessing this book in such an unusual way. It is more than just a message that God wants to get out to everyone (which is huge).  I now also see that God is using this phenomena to expand the platform for us to mobilize thousands of local churches for global world missions through the PEACE plan.
Right now thousands of churches are doing the 40 Day of Purpose campaign, and now the program has been adopted by corporations (like Coke and Walmart) sports teams (like the Oakland Raiders and Green Bay Packers, NASCAR drivers, and the LPGA) schools, civic clubs, and even prisons. Last year, Paul Harvey told everyone to go buy a copy of PDL on his ABC radio broadcast.   He said "This is one of the most insightful books I've ever read and I will read it again...and again...and again."  In 2004 we expect over 15,000 more churches to participate.  

The influence of the book keeps amazing me everyday as I get requests for autographed copies. I have signed books for 1) All the Supreme Court Justices  2) One for Fidel Castro (!)  3) One for the President of Peru (these last 2 were spanish editions), and I even got a note saying that everyone on Air Force One was reading the book recently. But all this is not about us. God's intention is much bigger than the book.  It's all about the global glory of God!  We intend to leverage the attention that the Purpose Driven Life has garnered to bring about a whole new way of thinking and acting in the church about our responsibility in the world. This is a stewardship we must be faithful to fulfill- with humility, generosity, and integrity."
Te PEace Plan Letter, by Rick Warren, 2003

"Most pastors do not understand the power of preaching. But even more important than that is they don't understand the purpose of preaching. I probably have the largest library of books on preaching in America. I've read over 500 books on preaching. Maybe some seminary might come close to that, but I am sure that no pastor comes close to 500 books on preaching. And as I've read them, the vast majority do not really understand...." 
Rick Warren,  Purpose-Driven Preaching: an interview with Rick Warren, ;

I find most pastors do not understand the power of preaching. But even more important than that is they don't understand  the purpose of preaching.”
Purpose-Driven Preaching: interview by  Duduis 

"As Christian leaders, we need to be above reproach..."  
"...That’s why I established these Saddleback staff standards for maintaining moral integrity:

-         Thou shalt not go to lunch alone with the opposite sex.*
-         Thou shalt not have the opposite sex pick you up or drive you places when it is just the two of you.*
-         Thou shalt not kiss any attender of the opposite sex or show affection that could be questioned.*
-         Thou shalt not visit the opposite sex alone at home.
-         Thou shalt not counsel the opposite sex alone at the office, and thou shalt not counsel the opposite sex more than once without that person’s mate. Refer them.
-         Thou shalt not discuss detailed sexual problems with the opposite sex in counseling. Refer them.
-         Thou shalt not discuss your marriage problems with an attender of the opposite sex.
-         Thou shalt be careful in answering emails, instant messages, chatrooms, cards, or letters from the opposite sex.
-         Thou shalt make your secretary your protective ally.
-         Thou shalt pray for the integrity of other staff members." 
 The Saddleback Staff Standards of Moral Integrity by Rick Warren, 2003

"The membership requirements at Saddleback are so high most American church members could not jioin us." `Rick Warren
 Mosren Reformation Magazine Interview, 2004

There is something called pride.... arrogance, boasting and selfpromotion....
                             ... and then, there is humility.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

"Purpose Driven"..and "Purpose Driven Nations"

 Warren wants to make Uganda "the first Purpose Driven Nation."  The second is Uganda.

“A recent visit to the country convinced Warren that Rwanda had the right qualities for what he called "the first model of national cooperation" between churches and a country's leaders. “P.E.A.C.E. Plan: A Worldwide Revolution, Warren Tells Angel Stadium Crowd
April 20, 2005 - by Mark Kelly

“The best-selling megapastor wants to turn the genocide site into the first "purpose-driven nation"  Warren of Rwanda by David Van Biema Time Magazine August 22, 2005

Rick Warren wants to make Purpose Driven Nations.
His message to these nations however, is not Jesus... 
His message is "purpose."

"My message to individuals is to build your life on purpose, instead of prestige, possessions or pleasure; my challenge to churches is to cooperate, not compete; and my challenge to business and government leaders is to use their influence for the glory of God and partner with local churches in solving community problems,”` Rick Warren 

And the word from Africa is...

'Kagame said, "we have lived in our history without a purpose and we can not afford that anymore, we have chosen to be a country with a purpose."'
NEWS      30 March 2008

P. E. A. C. E.

“The Peace Plan’s not new or different than traditional missions. The difference is not so much in what is done, but rather both how it is done and who does it.” 
 What makes the Peace plan so different?; 2005 

“You may have already heard about the PEACE Plan we're developing...It is a local church-based paradigm for missions in the 21st century, and we believe God will use it to bring worldwide revival.”
The task before us is enormous, but God is equipping us by Rick Warren

At the unveiling of the Peace Plan, 
Rick made a humble confession 
to his congregation....
about something he was wrong about... 
wrong for the last twenty-five 
years about.  Solemnly he told them that he  
used to believe  "the greatest thing a person could
do was lead another person to faith in Christ" 
....but he  "was wrong."
He apparently had a "change of mind"... 
(metanioa you know.. by Rick Warren's own definition)
After confessing that he was wrong, or rather, 
"repenting in front of the congregation 
that he had been wrong, for so long, he told them, 
that he now believes, 
that " the greatest thing a person
can do is build a church."  
He also announce the "five giants" 
he intended to conquere with this P.E.A.C.E. 
plan "from God."
Interestingly enough one of the giants
was "ungoldy leaders."  Now he was not 
talking about unbelievers... He was not talking 
about the tyranical dictators 
who rule without 
justice and liberty 
He was talking 
about men of God.
And suddenly...
poverty and disease,
not murder, greed and envy, 
were of the five the greatest
evils in the world.

He went on to described 
those "ungogly leaders".....  
as "leaders of the church who have never been to seminary."
 Realizing his mistake 
perhaps too
revealing of his purpose,

he changed his verbiage.
Nowcalls this particular 
"a lack of servant leaders.."
in the church, 
--and of course,
he will be the
one to eqipt these
"sevant leaders" 
in the "church"
teach them 
to be "heathy" pastors...
(by his own definition of health.)

His sermon on that day
it was pretty clear... 
the evil giant to be conquered 
was not REALLY 
"ungodly" leaders;
 not about redemption of the lost,
rather this was
to be an endogenous 
move to 
the church.

He said, "Not only have these leaders not gone to seminary or Bible school, they haven’t even gone to high school or primary school. They have no training whatsoever -- and yet they lead the church. This must be remedied."

Apparently Rick Warren simply hates "unschooled and ordinary men" 
who dare to carry out the will and preach the word of God.   

UNhealthy (not purpose driven) churches and their leaders 
are pegged by Rick to his "evil giants" to be conquered... 
in order to bring peace to the world.  
These "ungodly leaders"  (not Hitler or Stalin or Mao of Communist China, 
lumped along with "poverty",  "disease",  "illitteracy" (now called ignorance)  
and "spiritual lostness" (now called "spiritual darkness") 
are the evils in the world?  
Dear Christian friends... "what "spirit"?
Who IS this man? 

Acts 4:13-14  
When they saw the courage of Peter and John 
and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men
they were astonished 
and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. 
 But since they could see the man who had been healed 
standing there with them, there was nothing they could say.
1 Corinthians 1:26-29 
 Brothers, think of what you were when you were called.
Not many of you were wise by human standards; 
not many were influential
not many were of noble birth
But God chose the foolish things of the world
to shame the wise; 
God chose the weak things of the world
to shame the strong.
He chose the lowly things of this world
and the despised things — 
and the things that are not
to nullify the things that are, 
so that no one may boast before him.

 Who is this man?

“You’ve heard me say many times that the greatest thing you can do with your life is tell somebody about Jesus … if you help somebody secure their eternal destiny, that they spend the rest of their life in Heaven not Hell …your life counts, your life matters because nothing matters more than helping get a person and their eternal destiny settled. They will be forever eternally grateful….And I’ve always said that that was the greatest thing you can do with your life.... I was wrong. ”
 Sunday Sermon at Saddleback Church, 11/2003  Rick Warren announces Global Peace Plan

from   (4/14/10)

Promote Reconciliation
Equip Servant Leaders
Assist The Poor
Care For The Sick
Educate The Next Generation 

The vision behind the PEACE Plan is to mobilize
Christians everywhere to address the world's 
1) Spiritual Emptiness; 
 2) Corrupt  Leadership; 
3) Extreme Poverty; 
4) Pandemic Disease;
5) Rampant Illiteracy. 
Each letter of PEACE is distinct
and works with the others as a "wholistic" unit. 

As benevolent as this sounds... think again.
Listen to his original sermon.
Examine what, exactly IS "ungodly" 

Rick says,

“The second giant we want to tackle is the lack of servant leaders around the world." (originally spoken to Saddleback as “ungodly” leaders) "Around the world, there are plenty of people in leadership who abuse their power. Many refuse to use their power for the good of their people -- instead they choose to use it for themselves. This has created chaos in the world. Leaders must have moral basis. They must have wisdom. Proverbs 11:14 (NLT) says, “Without wise leadership, a nation falls.” Proverbs 16:12b (Msg) says, “Sound leadership has a moral foundation.” And Zechariah 10:2 (TEV) says, “People wander around like lost sheep. They are in trouble because they have no leader. In the developing world there are 2.1 million pastors and church leaders. Of those, 1.9 million have never had any training at all. Not only have these leaders not gone to seminary or Bible school, they haven’t even gone to high school or primary school. They have no training whatsoever -- and yet they lead the church. This must be remedied.”

Rick Warren on KBMI Radio, Moody Bible Broadcasting Network OPEN LINE PROGRAM,  October 7, 2005 with Host Wayne Shepherd: 
“ I -I looked at this guy and said, “How do you get my sermons?  You don’t even have water, or electricity here, how do you get my sermons?” And he said”, “No, but he said, they are putting the Internet in every post office…..  “Once a week I walk an hour and a half to the nearest post office and I download your free sermon and I go back and I preach and he said, “that is the only education and the only training I ever received..  When I heard that Wayne, something broke in my heart.  I mean, and  I couldn’t be the same, and I said, I would give the rest of my life, for guys like that. So, I went out and I just sat down under the African sky at night, and I said, “God, I know that leadership training, is one of the big problems in the world…”

We've been testing PEACE kits and created a "clinic in a box" with $5,000 worth of medications that we can get for $350 wholesale. We also have others like "school in a box," "business in a box," even "church in a box."  
Article: Pastor lays out a global vision 'The Purpose-Driven Life' author sees role for his church in solving world's problems. By ANN PEPPER The Orange County Register 4-17-05 

“There’s only one thing that lasts forever and keeps standing in a community, and that’s the Church.” 
This could be the Church’s finest hour By Rick Warren   

“Heaven and earth shall pass away, 
but my words will not pass away.”  Jesus 
(Matthew 24:25)

 “The influence of the book keeps amazing me everyday as I get requests for autographed copies. In today's stack: I signed books for 1) All the Supreme Court Justices 2) One for Fidel Castro (!) 3) One for the President of Peru (these last 2 were Spanish editions), and I recently got a note saying that everyone on Air Force One was reading the book recently. But all this is not about us. God's intention is much bigger than the book.”
Peace Plan Letter;  Rick Warren. Nov. 2003 

 Last week, Paul Harvey told everyone to go buy a copy of PDL on his ABC radio broadcast. He said "This is one of the most insightful books I've ever read and I will read it again...and again...and again." In 2004 we expect over 15,000 more churches to participate.”
(Peace Plan Letter ; Rick Warren,  Nov. 2003)

Rick speaking at the Sadldleback Anniversary Party ..Anaheim Stadium CA, 2005 said,

"For the past 18 months we have been on a stealth, secret mission - project - around the world. We've been sending members out, actually over 4500 members somewhere overseas, over the period of the the last few years, going out to do what we're gonna call the PEACE plan......Friends, this is going to be a revolution. You see, over the years as we've been training these 400,000 churches around the world, we've built a network, and there are literally tens of thousands of other churches waiting to do what Saddleback has been testing the last few years.

What is the vision for the next twenty-five years? I'll tell you what it is. It is the global expansion of the Kingdom of God. It is the total mobilization of this church and the third part is the radical devotion of every believer. Now I choose that word radical intentionally. Because only radicals change the world. Everything great done in this world is done by passionate people. Moderate people get moderately nothing done.

In 1939, in a stadium much like this, in Munich Germany, they packed it out with young men and women in brown shirts, for a fanatical man standing behind a podium named Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil.  And in that stadium, those in brown shirts formed with their bodies a sign that said, in the whole stadium,

"Hitler, we are yours." And they nearly took the world.

Lenin once said, "give me 100 committed, totally committed men and I'll change the world." And, he nearly did. A few years ago, they took the sayings of Chairman Mao, in China, put them in a little red book, and a group of young people committed them to memory and put it in their minds and they took that nation, the largest nation in the world by storm because they committed to memory the sayings of the Chairman Mao. 

When I hear those kinds of stories, I think 'what would happen if American Christians, if world Christians, if just the Christians in this stadium, followers of Christ, would say 'Jesus, we are yours' ?

What kind of spiritual awakening would we have ?

"Jesus said, 'I want you to do this publicly.' So what I want you to do is take the card, and in just a minute, and if you say 'Rick, I am willing to serve God's purposes in my generation.'

I want you to open up to the sign that says 'Whatever it takes.'Whatever it takes.
And I want you to just say, 'This is my commitment, before God and in front of everybody else. I'm in.' "And I would invite you to just stand quietly and hold up 'Whatever it takes'. . .
I'm looking at a stadium full of people who are saying 'whatever it takes'.

Whatever it takes, God.  Time, talent, energy, money, effort, vision... God, whatever it takes.  Whatever it takes, that's what I'm going to do.
And I believe that today we are making history. We're making history that's going to start a movement that will bring a new Reformation in the church of God and a new spiritual awakening in our world. And, our world needs it. And today, as you say 'whatever it takes,' you're saying publicly,

"I'm in, God. I'm in...
...I'm in.' "
 Rick Warren, 25th anniversary of Saddleback Church, April 17,2005, Anaheim Stadium

Rick is certain this is something BIG., maybe even something greater than Hitler, Stalin and Mao... 
He calls it  a "reformation" of the church.  The "American Christians" (the one's he speaks badly about ofte) will all now stand before God and tell him, they are in to this PEACE Plan of Rick's and like the people of Germany in 1939, like the people of Russia and Communist China, they will all do, "Whatever it takes" to eradicate the world of it's evils..... as defined by Rick and and bring a "new spiritual awakening" to our world..

Some people will do "whatever it takes"  to eradicate their idea of "evil" in the world.
Hitler... did just that.